DrMusic2/Chronicles Of A Werejohncandy

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Author's Comments
Come with us on a journey..

There's something I've got to tell everyone out there, i'm not like regular guys - I mean i'm different.

Chumsley and his family aren't the only werejohncandies here and neither is Boris, i'm also a werejohncandy. I've been turned into one more than a few times and I quite like it.

My first transformation into one concidentally happened on the night of the same day that John Candy died of a heart attack.

I've always been a werejohncandy since then.

So when it's a full moon night, make sure to keep an eye out for more than one werejohncandy. Remember, I have a slightly different mane than Chumsley's and my fur is a slightly darker brown than his. I'm also the one with the ripped shirt with the picture of MJ on it with the caption This Is It at the bottom, as well as the dark blue jeans. Sometimes I wear sunglassess when in werejohncandy form, but that's only to look cool.

I can turn from human to werejohncandy at will and whenever I like, but I also transform at full moon and especially during the months of March and October. The reason for March is because John died on the 4th of March 1994 and the reason for October is that he was born on October 31st 1950.

Don't be afraid though, us werejohncandies aren't scary or mean, we're just big, fat, furry and lovable.