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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
You can help by posting their nude pix or spamming their talk page.
File:Ah duh by coolzafara96-dbc25a1.jpg
Do us a favour get off the Internet and get a life! And I mean it!


— Everyone's reaction to her, ironically

This artist who was once believed to be dead after a good belting has been confirmed to be back at her shit. Feel free to say hello :) .

With every passing year, Autism becomes more and more of an epidemic on the internet. Deviantart being the main breeding grounds of

File:Jazz and the hacker x by coolzafara96-dbcvuoq.jpg
Ladyalt version 2.0

such asinine, Self Insert, Adolescent, Lonely faggot cringe of the most unlikely characters.

A user by the name of coolzafara96 fairs no better in the festering gene pool tainted by this ravenous disease.

Yasemin Leyla Paz, is a 21 year old woman with the mindset of a typical 13 year old living in the shit spewing asscrack of Australia. Diagnosed with some severe form of Autism, she spends all her time drawing her fetish fuled self shipping cancer, on par with yaoilover113's hideous works.

The self proclaimed wife of The Hacker from Cyberchase, When she isn't drawing her mutant ocs and fanart that would make any creator fucking kill themselves, She spends her time copy pasting The Hacker with her fucking self insert and their abused Sly Cooper knock off of a spawn they call their "Son" along with many other lesser hellspawns.

File:Ay jazzie theres a thing called abortions u kno.jpg

The biggest fucking question is what compels these autists to desperately crave the cocks of children's cartoon characters, and how being filled with goblin cum would be such a dream come true in this lonely fuck's head.

Her Belt Fetish:

Whenever any form of abuse or discipline is involved in any subject, Jass loves to pull out the belt. No matter if it involves children, animals or her "HATERZZ!!" She will gladly pull the belt from her saggy piss stained pants to smack you around for her disgusting fetish. Parent material amirite?

Parent material amirite?
Parent material amirite?

But wait, there's more. She doesn't just have a belt fetish, her fetishes range from literally eating shit alive, force feeding children, and having a "fang fetish". Oh, but to her she's apparently "changed and doesn't do it anymore. Can anyone say "bullshit"?

Whore In Denial:

Sadly her love interests don't stop at The Hacker. Sloth from NeoPets, Dr. Blakk from SlugTerra, and Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls all fall victim to this sad abortion of a woman. Of course, in typical Tsundere™ fashion, whenever said characters are depicted rubbing up against her snatch she gets on the defensive by acting like a crossed cunt. Because that's appealing I guess...

She obviously can't be interested because she has to be loyal to her fucking goblin husband. Gross.


File:Anti nascar221 by coolzafara96-dam60s0.jpg

If you say "Don't feed the Trolls" you really should practice what you preach. But that would actually be a sensible thing to do, and I'm sure you know that's far from Jazz can do.

File:Jazz s banned hammer by coolzafara96-dagiukw.jpg

Kick em while they're down:

nascar2219 was a prime troll magnet, and a very dead one when Jazz decided to hop in the parked bandwagon. Attempting to troll all while doing EXACTLY what Sean does. Taking her shit oc and flinging it desperately at his character like throwing shit at a wall, hoping it will stick. But just because Sean's a lolcow, her oc is TOOOTALLY not as cringey that's just not possible.

Contradictions fucking everywhere:

The section of "You cant be this fucking stupid" as I like to call it.

Jazz is more than happy to preach terrible wisdom against "DA HATORZ" yet do the same thing these Haters are depicted as. From being a triggered cuntbag when logic is applied to acting like a troll herself. "I'm going to make hate art of you" She mocks as she makes hate art.

Examples of Hypocrisy

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Her Single White Knight in Semen Crusted Armor

Like many other tartlets who had EDs made on them, little 'ol Jazzie decided the best course of action was to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING . In response to her departure and ED page, her oily pug ass of a "friend" bitched and moaned on. Likely due to the fact that her RP fuck buddy left. Her response included bitching to some trolls, taking a SAD SELFIE!!!1, and ideas of being "an hero". All because some people on the interwebs hurt your FEELINGZ!! Suck it up buttercup this is the fucking internet.

File:It me by thehacker4321-dbehxu9.jpg

Jazzie's return to DeviantShart

After being presumably dead after a hearty belting, it has been found that jazzie the fly couldn't resist the shit mound that is Deviantart. Her new account consists of the same shit as before with less belting (it is likely that she developed PTSD from the severe belting she had after her article was made) and more art shaming and poking fun at other tartlets. Ironically, she happens to be friends with two major tartlets who have EDs of their own. She even stated on how the page made her "almost kill herself". Yes, because some assholes online poking fun at you is totally worth killing yourself over. Welcome to the internet honey, either you nut up or shut up.

File:AWWW poor thing its not like you are taking the internet too srsly TnT.jpg

Jazz's art Electric boogaloo About missing Pics
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As said earlier, don't be afraid give her a welcome back belting

Other links


Newest Deviantart:


Her fuckbuddy's Account:




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Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Coolzafara96 is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.