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BrainPOP is a shitty propaganda educational website created to educate the mindless souls of the Internet. Nobody cares about this site in the slightest, we shouldn't, but our evil hacks of teachers are brainwashed by their managers to enforce these communist messages. Or maybe it's just because they're too busy to teach you themselves. But what are they exactly busy with?

Comic Sans. Yes, this is the level we're on, people.

The Characters, Plot, And Other Shit

  • Tim: Some stupid fucking loser who's only friend is a robot. He is the perfect metaphor for people like you.
  • Moby: Complete moron who can't actually speak, so he beeps a lot. There are no subtitles to signify what he is actually saying, so we here at ED presume that it goes something like this: "KYS TIM YOU FUKCING PEICEQ OF SHATTTT HEIL HITLER HE IS BAAAEEE XDXD lol RANDOM IS SOOO FUNNY XD FUCK JEWS FUCK DONALD TRUMP AND BALCK PEOpLE LOOLLOLOOLOLLOOLOOLLL!"
  • Annie: A loli girl that was fucked by so many pedos that she had to go for the Kindergarten through 3rd grade audience as refuge.
  • Ben: Some Total Drama knockoff spic character that originated from BrainPOP ESL. Teaches English to all the other drooling delinquents that are unfortunate enough to watch BrainPOP.

The plot of each episode is basically the same. Tim and Moby do some stupid shit that nobody cares about, then they get a letter asking about something relating to the title of the video, then they talk about it, Moby asking way too many questions because he has literally no attention span whatsoever, and in the end, Tim is always forced into some sort of brutal death because everyone hates him.

BrainPOP is part of a series on


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