Booju mooju

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booju_mooju is an LJ community dedicated to discuss the merits of breast feeding versus other means. Or so it says. Any debate held eventually degenerates into the hysterics of postpartum mothers. The golden rule of debating there is: No matter what the debate, some fucktarded opinion will emerge and be supported.

The Great Schism of 2006

Noted LJ racist rx_suicide sparked an epic dramafest in July of 2006 when she decided to remind niggers to control their animals. Later, she bitched about the lack of scholarships for white people, in spite of their intellectual superiority. She also offered to ship all of the happy negros in America back to the country from whence they came.

After a while, she got tired of this and started flat-out calling people black persons, which went over about as well as you would expect. Black members of the community called for her head, and, in response, the mods decided to elect a new unbiased moderator: joybeans, who happened to be one of rx_suicide's bestest friends and a known racist herself.

Surprisingly, this move did not fix the problems. Disgruntled members decided to start a new spinoff community, booju_newju, which ended up becoming more active than the original. All the quality crazy has moved over there, and booju_mooju is left with a few dogmatic cloth-diaperers.

Booju mooju is part of a series on


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