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Asian Carp

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Asian Carp are the lulziest variation of fish in North America. Originally from Asia some dumbasses from Americunt thought it would be good to release them in American waters but it only made shit worse! Asian Carp comes in Grass, Black, Silver, and Bighead flavors. Asian carp are found in the United States, including the Mississippi River Basin, the Illinois Waterway, and Lake Erie. This is one fish to piss off your weird ass fishing uncle! They are fucking lulzy cause they ruin native species and are invasive. They also taste like shit to most cause of the many bones found in their meat.

Cumming to America

In da 1970s Americunts at da United States Fish Commision after many good things to the environment like the Clean Water Act they decided to FUCK IT UP by introducing a invasive species. It was meant to help clean commercial ponds but these big bois spread out to great lakes and rivers causing tom foolery.

Ways to catch em all! (you can't)

Asian Carp are filter feeders and will very rarely go for lures or bait on a hook to be fucking different of course!!!! So try these methods.

  • Bow fishing, good if you have the aim of Cho Seung Hui but most fucking people have the aim of a stormtrooper and end up losing arrows
  • Snagging: Having a giant treble hook with a weight attached and trying to rape them by shanking their fucking back with a big ass hook. Check your local regulations on snagging so you don't snag native species and fuck up!
    • Also be careful with a giant ass heavy hook cuz you could make it fly at someone or yourself and have your ass in court. :(
  • Chinese feeder: lamest method which involves having dough bait make

particles with hooks. Most people have no fucking luck so you gotta try the first two!


White Supremacists of course hate em! But another reason to hate them that's not them being ASUN of Course is they are invasive! They overpopulate like asians, have competition for food which causes native fishes to die, and are just a threat overall cuz they are FROM FUCKIING CHINA not America so why should they be in our waters!!


Here are a couple pictures you can see all da species and how fucking high they jump! Overall deez are FUCKING STUPID FISH THAT DESERVE TO DIE!!! KILL EM ALL REDNECKS!!!

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