Allan "Chubbaz" Paul

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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This luser is a lolcow, and should be trolled to death in the usual fashion.
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Thanks, America.
He's got a lot of fans, no need for more!
He's got a lot of fans, no need for more!
Chubbaz in his most natural state, unwashed, greased, naked.

Allan Paul (real name not confirmed; also known online as "Chubbaz" ) was born in a quaint small town in the Islamic Caliphate of Britian called London in 1992 (full birthdate not known). He is a severely autistic, fat, lying, retarded, basement-dwelling, pedophile, racist, tranny-loving faggot virgin living off of NHS section housing in a one bed-room flat in South London. A self proclaimed womanizer, London Pub-Owner, operator-tier athlete who rejected SAS in his youth due to it being too unfair for other applicants, he has dedicated his entire free time to lurking on online discord servers searching for men with tits, or kids with daddy issues to subdue and groom in direct messaging.

A very distinct feature about Allan is his complete ability to live in delusion, often times projecting insecurities over his own physical features on others, admonishing others for being virgins (despite his obvious handicap), refusing and discarding evidence as make belief and internet hear-say despite it being recorded and accounted for in detail, as well as becoming extremely irate and defensive to the point of making toddler noises mid dialogue. A mental midget who pretends to be a master of grand strategy, he has yet to complete a single total war campaign, gets decimated in online paradox matches to the point of ragequitting while visibly screen watching the opponent, and has no verifiable accomplishments in life (despite being 31) besides working as a ticket clerk for a train station in South London wherein he tried to become a train conductor but failed because his lazy eye has totally destroyed his already fucked up vision; more likely than not the retard just couldn't pass the test.


It's my cheat day bruv

An avid Discord user, Allan has claimed himself that he does not leave his house, confirmed by individuals who have known him both online and IRL who have even made attempts to knock on his door to no response. This agoraphobia is recent, as he has been known to stalk underage girls in real life at cat-cafes in recent years. This event in question might be the reason he has totally withdrawn from society, although he still manages to spend 24 hours a day on Discord where his actions include proactively tranny chasing and flailing at his attempts to troll others.

How Allan sees himself

A homosexual in denial, his documented interaction with online femboys and trannies and outright males has proof enough of his debilitating condition. When confronted with these realities, he will withdraw and become extremely aggressive, decrying it all as falsehoods despite the copious screenshots, image evidence, and confessionals from the secondary parties. In these instances he will throw fits of pure rage, often times on camera, deflecting the faggotry unto others as well as completely ignoring the subject if none of his defensive countermeasures work. Further evidence to this end is his obsession with nigger dicks, he will spam "thugs", and other homosexual black men on discord when confronted with any documented reality to defend against accusations of pedophilia and negro obsession.


Although he denounces all claims of pedophilia, several users have come forward with picture evidence that documents his interactions. When confronted with any of these images he will often defer to a coping mechanism where he starts screaming "Dude she said!" as if it immediately erases all picture evidence provided. All these allegations have been compiled by some inane discord faggot under the name "Thug Barney", and with the generous donations of some other likeminded retards they even brought Chris Hansen into Allan's story via cameo.

Great defense
Indepth examination of Chubbaz's pedophile history.


Why admit to this?

After years of rejection by women and numerous failed stalking attempts of underaged female minors online, he has finally quit in the search for biological women and has focused entirely on trannies. He has been documented dating a range of deranged men, from troons who go in and out of psychiatric wards, to asian crossdressers. When confronted with these realities, he will often try to eliminate the faggot factor by referring to the tranny in question by their made up pronoun, as if that shit makes them more of a woman, and will deny and sperg out by pointing the finger back at whoever calls out his wanton faggotry, much to the lulz of those around him.

Alleged sexual partner might explain his descent into homosexuality.


See Also

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