Abbe Drake

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Notice the telltale tattoo, pointed out by a nobel pepe.
The slut star
The song "Skyfall" by Adele reminds me of this. Or *look how this star falls to Earth*
DeMusliM of Evil Geniuses is cucked and outgunned. All the APM in the world can't get you what a nice dick can do.

Abbe Drake, also known as abbegirl is a gamer girl and ex-girlfriend of deMuslim.

It's believed she and a lover posted her sextape online to gain notoriety.

As an aside, this has nothing to do with Abbe, but if you want to get rich, why not convert to Judaism instead of being bitter and hanging out on 4chan? I understand that we blame jews for everything and the Holocaust numbers are grossly exaggerated, but why not give it a rest and give the jews a chance? (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


No one cares cares about modelling shit. It's all a cop out. but here are some screens of ModelMayhem.

Nude leaks?

On the set
On the set

Perhaps a conspiracy by You know who to get money or notoriety, her naked body is on the internet. Scores of Christians were offended en masse.


Allegedly she posted to Reddit about the link Much lulz was to be had:

Proof that it's me?

Bet you can't prove it because it isn't.



You can go fuck yourself. You think you can catch her?

Well you were cucked.

Nice tattoo:


—Reddit beta

Distinctive tattoo, freckle under the left breast and the same face. I'd say that is conclusive proof.



—Reddit beta

Pics (of the "Abbe Drake" impersonator)

There is also a look-alike of Dylan Dreher. In fact the couple in the video looks a whole lot like these white folk, but fuck you #blacklivesmatter.

Dylan Dreher and Abbe Drake
Dylan Dreher and Abbe Drake

Conspiracy Theories

There is a controversy afoot as to the motivation behind the leaks.

Of course, internet detective are working hard to cover this.


She being a model with a struggling career, sex tapes are becoming a quick, cheap way to get attention. This theory is fueled by the obvious connection between dreday099 (simply by search engines) to abbegirl, how long the videos were there.

Porn star career

Dreday099 could possibly have connections with porn produces or may be a porn actor himself. Struggling actresses may, in a pinch, resort to camwhoring as a way to make ends meet, or for the sheer exhibition of it.

Evil Geniuses

The couple's "YouPorn" profile was circulating around /vg/ since February of 2015. There's no word if Evil Geniuses or DeMusliM were in on this.

Cuckold porn for DeMusliM

Cuckold porn typically involves african american males. This is true in both Western and Eastern culture. However, Dylan Dreher was sufficiently better looking than DeMusliM.

Dylan Dreher trying to get notoriety

An mysterious edit from a shill mentioned Dreher doing this for his own publicity. This is unlikely since women are typically the stars of sextapes.

Pictures from Dylan's Pornhub


Video Gallery

External Links

Abbe Drake is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Abbe Drake is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.