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Stefonkee with his "adoptive parents".

Paul "Stefonknee" Wolscht ("Stephanie" in retardese) is a 6-year-old girl from Canadia. Stefonknee was dealt a bad hand in life right from the start, since they were tragically born in the body of a 59 year old man. Not only that, but this 59 year old body was married, and had helped produce 7 children with its wife.

Luckily, Stefonknee was braver than most 6 year old girls, and so she abandoned her fake family to live with her real family, her adoptive mother and father. These adoptive parents were very accepting and supportive, thanks to them being old, senile, and likely even more deluded than dear Stefonknee herself.

Naturally, Stefonkee's heartbreaking story was soon picked up by the media and he was immediately revered as a leading trans-icon by the SJW horde. Now praised as yet another fine example of the seemingly limitless levels of sick fuckery that modern "activists" are willing to defend.

The New Lifestyle

Stefonknee now spends all day larping as a 6-year old girl, "playing" with his adoptive parents children and grandchildren.. He calls this "Play-therapy", and claims that it's better than any medication or therapist. If a man in a dress, screaming he is 6-years old, tells you playing with children is better than scientifically proven solutions to delusions and mental disorders; then who are we to question him? He also changes his age at a whim, going from an 8 year old to a 6 year old whenever they play with their parents grandchildren, so they can pretend to be the youngest sister.

Stefonknee can't escape his past, with his kids still writing letters to him. An awful lot of them are private, but since Stefonknee loves attention and the spotlight, he's read a few out while being interviewed by LGBTQ and Trans magazines and websites.

"Dear Dad, I feel it is very imbarassing to see you walk around like that. But if you rilly want it, it will be OK with me. Love, Peter,"

In letters from his other kids, they all expressed that they were 'grossed out' about seeing him wearing dresses, and that he acted like their mother rather than their father. These kids are now raised by the mother alone. Oh well, it's a small price to pay if it means this pathetic retard can have his playtime... forever.

Gallery of Madness

See Also

External Links

Stefonknee is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Stefonknee is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.