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Vordrak reveals to Kiwi Farms mole that he attempted to recruit Tommy Tooter


Vordrak attempts to recruit Luke McKee


I wrote to you recently as below asking you to help deal with Kiwi Farms.

Since them, things have been getting worse and worse for Joshua Moon. Freechan and Endchan have been hosting various forms of harassment of him. In fact Free-Chan now has a lively discussion on its guide to harassing Moon and his entire family.

I was tipped off about this by email. I have forwarded it to the FBI of course because I do not approve of harassment, but I have also decided to share it with you guys to show you that there are many people who share our disgust with Kiwi Farms. I would urge you to have a read of the thread and then, instead of helping them, join my Wiki as set out below.

Please let me know your thoughts.


Kind regards,

Sam Smith


Hi there,

My name is Sam Smith and I am the owner and author of http://www.matthewhopkinsnews.com. I am dropping you an email because like you I have a thread at the Kiwi Farms. That is ok though, because I discovered who runs the Kiwi Farms - Joshua Conner Moon. If you Google, 'Joshua Conner Moon' you will find out that he does not have the best of reputations. Most of the links are articles by myself about him. Josh seems to be having a bit of a difficult time now thanks to my work.

If you find having a thread on Kiwi Farms to be a problem, I would like you to consider helping me out. There are several safe and anonymous ways you can help without risking further aggravation from Kiwi Farms.

First, in one of my articles I identified the local Sheriff for Josh Moon. Have a read here and if you have been harassed then drop an email to Sheriff [email protected]. Police can of course be trusted to keep your identity confidential. You might find inspiration in my article about Josh here. http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=3531

To build on my journalistic scrutiny of Josh I have created a Wiki designed to track members of Kiwi Farms. It is called - KiwiFarmsWiki.com and it would help if you joined. I am trying to create a cooperative community of people who dislike Kiwi Farms and have time to spend on returning the favour. You can edit anonymously under a fake name of your choice. We have several articles that need doing. By working together we can create an ecology of websites that link each other and ensure this information is share widely.

Finally, if nothing else it would help if you tweeted my articles and shared them on forums to increase their internet presence. These are my favourites -


Kind regards,

Sam Smith

writing as

Vordrak engages in extortion and blackmail against Null


Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 6:52 PM
Sam Smith <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Sam Smith <[email protected]> 
To: [email protected]

Dear Mr Moon, 

I Just posted this - http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=4011. There is little point in me adding anything as you clearly
appreciate the salient points I would make. Kiwi Farms, lolcow News, the lolcow wiki and so forth are dead ends that are 
wrecking your life. It will only worsen because Kiwi Farms is always adding new people. To those who disagree with you, your
forum is a convenient one-stop list of people who hate you that is always growing and thanks to the doxing, you have even 
conveniently provided their contact details. 

I share some of your experiences of youthful internet foolishness, albeit not to the same degree. However I am now 37 and I
know that these things can and do pass if you stop. I myself have a significant income and am officially recognised as a pillar 
of my community. In fact as you know badmouthing me in the United Kingdom is a free ticket to bankruptcy, a lifelong
restraining order and Parliamentary condemnation. Nothing on your s1te can officially harm me because Britain's Highest Court
has ruled it is malicious lies. 

Right now, your future is not quite as bleak as you picture and it can change. The trolls you .surround yourself with give you
nothing. They are parasites on your technical skills and perseverance. Does Dynastia give you money? Is Dynastia secretly a
hot chick who sleeps with you? I think not. Kiwi Farms users pretend to be your friends on your forum, but they do not donate
do they? Several email me or badmouth you on 8chan. Ditch them. 

Much, if not all of the material on you that has been placed on the internet can disappear if I choose, alttiough there are a few
things outside my control. I will reiterate the offer I made to Dynastia a month or so ago: if you give up on the doomed
enterprise that is Kiwi Farms, Lolcow.wiki, lolcow.news and 16chan, ensuring that they and their content disappear
permanently and are not reposted by your buddies elsewhere I will cause the material I control about you to be removed from
the internet. Dynastia passed that on right? 'Cos he is your buddy who cares so dearly for you? I also want Dynastia's real 
name and address. 

Failing that, I am afraid that this is just one· oflhe alternative plans - http://www.dailymail.eo.uk/news/article-2847665/Google-
settle-court-case-businessman-victim-extreme-internet-trolling.htrnl. TLDR - having sued 'persons unknown' wealthy
businessman brought a followup lawsuit against the search engines and had the websites delisted globally. I can do that too in
exchange for expense and aggravation. If that fails there are a whole bunch of other options. Police and FBI interest in you is
growing. My fellow travellers and I have detailed plans for Frantech.ca. Frantech talk tough at first, just like the Dutch, but that 
will change. 

Most likely your sites will disappear anyway. The only reason to make this offer is that it benefits a number of vulnerable and
disabled people. It is also the best offer you will get. 

Kind regards, 

Sam Smith 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1 :53 AM
Sam Smith <[email protected]>
To: Null <[email protected]> 

Sorry that was sent via a tracking service, which has an intermediary. Not so much spoofed as re-sent. 

However I confirmed it is real in a comment replying to Margaret's post. 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 2:51 AM Null <[email protected]>
To: Sam Smith <[email protected]> 

What post are you referring to? 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 2:27 AM
Sam Smith <sam_smith@highflier:me.uk>
To: Null <[email protected]> 



Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:00 AM Null <[email protected]>
To: Sam Smith <[email protected]> 

How does this prove you are the author of the MHN blog and the Samuel Collingwood Smith who has been harassing
everyone in my family and in my associate's families? 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:27 AM 
Matthew Hopkins <[email protected]>
To: Null <[email protected]> 

Margaret commented on my post about you feeling the heat. I replied to her comment, on my own site, using my Matthew
Hopkins account confirming I sent you an offer of resolution. The one below. I will even switch to my Matt Hopkins email. 
However there is no point sniping at me. Harassment and terrorism are denied. It is 03:19 am in Pensacola and you have been
up all nigh). Still. you don't need to be up for work in the morning? 

It is 9:19 am here and I am at my desk relaxed and alert after a good night's sleep.

The offer I made is sincere and with your help we can shut down Kiwi Farms and most of the drama and allow you to move on. 
Alternatively, be rude to me and if you 'win' you get to carry on living in your mother's basement as worthless internet trolls ruin
your future, hopes and dreams. Until some mad person you and Kiwi Farms stalked shoots you, or you get sent to jail by the 
FBI like Hunter Moore (who also used to say his work was perfectly legal), or we .get your sites blocked. 

Take the deal before it goes away. 

Kind regards. 

Sam Smith 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016' at 4:23 AM
Null <[email protected]>
To: Matthew Hopkins <[email protected]> 

So all you've wanted this entire time is to have your thread taken down, and right now you're offering to delete your own
articles and assist in taking down ED's if I take down my propernes? Why would you not just ask for your thread to be removed 
when it had 4 posts and no activity months ago? That'd probably have been easier. I'vetaken down every thread that was
prompted by a courteous email. This is the first time you've directly contacted me, and it's to ask me to dismantle an renown
web franchise that earns over 300 million hits a month. There's a real, dedicated collection of people here with heart and soul, 
as you would know, considering you used the site for years. 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016' at 4:36 AM
Matthew Hopkins <[email protected]>
To: Null <[email protected]> 

I don't have any power over what ED says about you so that is one thing I cannot offer. They had an article on you long before
I was on the scene. I can only remove my stuff, which consistently includes the top 3 Google results on your name. 

The reason you should remove the rest of the site is that I am increasingly only one of many problems. It is like Hunter Moore's
site - that took a few years to reach critical mass arid then boom! It was non-stop lawsuits. police and then jail. Read his
Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.orgfwiki/Hunter_Moore 

If you were to take down only your threads and wiki f news articles on me, it would earn you a reprieve because I honour deals
I make and I would be out of the group pursuing you. 

However there are all the others organising and the other groups are growing. I hear you bought yourself a handgun to defend
yourself from some random nutjob you triggered. Nothing to do with me but you apparently fear for your life. 

let the forum die and the drama will end. Keep it and, well, you have already told us how it ends. 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 5:40 AM
Null <[email protected]>
To: Matthew Hopki'ns <[email protected]> 

I'm willing to die for freedom of speech, Sam. Even yours. 

Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 5:58 AM
Matthew Hopkins <[email protected]>
To: Null <[email protected]> 

Maybe you are Josh, but instead you are a nail in its coffin. 

I have spoken to several politicians and their staff. Kiwi Farms is a go to argument now for people like Congresswoman
Katherine Clark or Jess Philips. You are one of their best sources of ammunition to limit free speech. "And here is their story
about a rug-rat bring wound-raped to death". 

A site that exists to use free speech to harass the disabled, women, children. A site that does not speak truth to power but
cackles lies to the weak and glories in shouting, "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. 

If you are motivated by the principle of free speech then there too have failed. 

I am trying to be kind because I remember another young man, so many years ago, worried and not enjoying his games. But
that young man admitted his mistakes and let them fall away. 

My pity for you will not stop me doing what needs to be done. 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016' at 1 :49 PM
Null <[email protected]>
To: Matthew Hopkins <[email protected]> 

Your sensitivity if of course appreciated but I'm afraid I must decline your offer. There is no other purpose I wish to serve. Truly
uninhibited speech. not the British concept of free speech. is what we need. I cannot allow people like you to set arbitrary 
limitations on that.

What you don't understand is that I am willing to sacrifice friends, family, money, and personal happiness and development to
enable this. There is nothing you can take from me. If family abandons me, I already have backup plans. I don't need PayPal to
accept donations but private individuals have already offered hundreds of dollars a morith of contributions through private
means (and I have a cool idea in the works, trust me, you'll love it!). 

You can use aloof threats of violence, you can shadow me and harass my entire family for the entire second half of your life,
and you can constantly attack the services I employ, but I will find a way to keep the gears grinding. That post you're so happy
about is the result of acclimation: a growing pain. There is a person I was and a person I will become. That is the half way
point. I hope you enjoy seeing my works grow and thrive on the back of my efforts, because I know you will be watching.

I am sorry that the thread on you has caused you distress, Samuel Collingwood Smith. I am sorry that your drama about Amy
lee, her fans, and the Evanescence fan forums is now front and center to people searching your name. I am sorry that I now 
have to report you to the Law Society of England for extortion. I am sorry that this is what a man of your age has decided to
spend his life doing: 

However, I am notsorry to say that the unwavering defense of others and securing their right to speak freely is and will
continue to be my life. Until my body crumples and my mind is obliterated, I will never, ever capitulate. 


P.S. Do not send any more mail to me or my family. Any further communications and I will report you for criminal harassment. I
have the emails of two LEO in your area because you CC'd them in to chain conversations, and they aren't happy with you. 


Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1 :59 PM Matthew Hopkins <[email protected]>
To: Null <[email protected]> 

Dear Mr Moon, 

Your refusal is noted. I confirm I will send no further communications to yourself or your family, except - should it be necessary,
for legal process - which you may not opt-out of on grounds of harassment. 

You will appreciate that this will not prevent my writing articles about you or communications necessary for a lawsuit. 

Kind regards, 

Sam Smith

Vordrak blackmails Oliver D. Smith to keep him quiet about the Autistic Legion of Doom