Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/November 17, 2023

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Afrocentrism' is a belief held by a misguided under-educated mentally disturbed black man (or woman) that exhibits traits of a child and has trouble understanding the world as it really is around them. These are the Afrocentrists (some people use the word Afrocentrics). A person that holds Afrocentric beliefs finds pleasure in insulting the white race, while simultaneously trying to rewrite history and claim civilizations that don't belong to them or their people. These types exhibit traits of narcissism and sociopathy, as well as various mental and learning disorders. It is thought that the verbal abuse aimed at the white race by these people, and the false claims to civilizations, are used by them and people like them, as a personal form of therapy to help cope with their issues.

Black people usually claim they owned the world before white devils spontaneously came out of nowhere. Here's an example of a Native North African in Morocco arguing with an afrocentric nigger:

Nigger: "u dumb arab, we blacks lived millions of years in North africa, we even reached Europe, Russia, India, Australia, America!!!!!!!!!!! do u have any education at all ?? the Sahara was not always an ocean of sand, in ancient times and prehistory the Sahara was savannah, with giraffes, elephants, Lion and black People, this is fact. U ARE FOREIGNER, GIVE US OUR LAND BACK !!! India+arabia belongs to africa, check geology, stupid arab. god hates arabs thats why u live in deserts, u infidel" (Dumbass doesn't know the human race is roughly 500,000 years old.)

North African Berber: "Yeah you reached Europe, Russia, India, Australia, America in your crack smoking hallucinations. You think anybody believes that made up garbage that was created by your crack smoking Negroes in America? ...hidden black history my cock! you fucking baboons are not even humans you are hybrid monkeys, as the gorillas often rape your mothers in the bushes of africa and this is how you negroes were born, just look at a mirror and see how close to a monkey you look .."

Nigger: " i am human, more then u! We africans have nature, history of millions of years, full of culture, diversity and strong People. we are poor but we Keep fighting. we live in peace with all animals, but u arab/asian u are not black u are not african, u kill our planet. go to spain or France or italy, go to another planet like mars. look all the prehistoric rock-paintings in libya Show black People. india is black, Aborigines in australia are black, chinese are african decendants. before Roman and turkish Invasion, morocco was black as shit. but now u ugly pink pig colonized our land. we kick your ass back to Istanbul-istan. africa is the black man continent!"

North African Berber: "If Africa is the black continent then Asia is the Yellow continent, so how come there are more than 1.5 billion non-Mongolian Indians/Pakis/Persians living in Asia and who have nothing in common genetically with their yellow neighbors? You fucking monkeys live in the savannah and bushes you have never reached north Africa because there is an ocean of sand that is separating us, which is harder to cross than an ocean of water. The only Negroes who ever reached north Africa were brought here by us as slaves and came chains to their feet and neck. We were the first ones to enslave you sub human monkey asses and we are still the last ones to free you, in fact today Negroes are still in chains in many Arab countries and if it was not for the international hypocrisy that's going on I guarantee you you monkey ass will still be in chains working in a cotton field as far as I am concerned ....and by the way AFRICA is the Roman Name of modern Tunisia ...so AFRICA never meant NEGRO, just in your monkey's brains and in those of the international left ..."

(( This Article Is About Blacks That Think They're Better Than Those Of You Drinking Beer On Your Trailor Porch ))

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