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The E-Z Sleep Motel, US Rte. 23

[02:32:39] <hipcrime> IT WAs a cold wet night when i met judge judy at the e-z sleep motel in columbus ohio
[02:32:50] <hipcrime> when i arrived i was wet and cold
[02:33:22] <hipcrime> judy first greeted me with a cloroform soaked cloth
[02:33:25] <hipcrime> and a dildo
[02:33:45] <hipcrime> when i woke from my daze i was quite bound to the bedpost of the seedy room
[02:34:06] <hipcrime> the smell of pennies was in the air
[02:34:49] <hipcrime> she emerged from the slimy bathroom wearing a pink neglige with holes for her pendulous nipples
[02:34:55] <hipcrime> in her hand: a hammer
[02:35:26] <hipcrime> from under the bed she pulled a large wooden X with straps where my extremities go
[02:35:45] <hipcrime> she took the hammer and pulled out a box of roofin nails
[02:36:02] <hipcrime> i screamed with pleasure as she affixed me to the cross
[02:36:15] <hipcrime> and cursed me in the name of judas
[02:36:46] <hipcrime> after i was appropriately affixed to the torture device, she pulled out a purple velvet bag
[02:37:01] <hipcrime> from it she withdrew a can of sand and crisco
[02:37:17] <hipcrime> she next pulled out a filty dildo, streaked with brown stains
[02:37:21] <hipcrime> plz hold
[02:38:11] <hipcrime> she flung the rubbery appendage across my face
[02:38:31] <hipcrime> flakes of shit went everywhere as the dildo flexed as the shitflakes stayed crusty and firm
[02:38:49] <hipcrime> realizing the dildo had no more shit on it she said "oh this wont do"
[02:38:55] <hipcrime> and squatted over my hairy chest
[02:39:06] <hipcrime> and shat out the remnants of a seven layer burrito
[02:39:18] <hipcrime> she wiped her finger in the hairy goo
[02:39:24] <hipcrime> and said "suck it"
[02:39:30] <hipcrime> suck the shine from my shit
[02:39:34] <hipcrime> so i did
[02:39:42] <hipcrime> it was hot and chunky
[02:39:54] <hipcrime> i got pieces of her nutty poo in my teeth
[02:40:00] * zz_Beefcake is now known as Beefcake
[02:40:22] <hipcrime> she then took a handful of shit and added it to the crisco / sand mis
[02:40:24] <hipcrime> mix*
[02:40:36] <hipcrime> and greased up the dildo, and jammed it in my ass
[02:40:55] <hipcrime> i moaned in resigned agony mixed with subtle pleasure
[02:41:18] <hipcrime> her hands, covered in the hairy sandy shitty mess, were like gods to me
[02:41:31] <hipcrime> i couldnt resist beggin her to clean her hands with my tongue
[02:41:38] <hipcrime> she said no, quite firmly
[02:42:00] <hipcrime> and proceeded to pull out the dildo, which was now streaked with my own shit and efudex
[02:42:16] <hipcrime> the efudex left white racing stripes in the feces
[02:42:40] <hipcrime> displeased with my own uncleanliness, she said ok we will do this hte hard way
[02:43:03] <hipcrime> she slowly and painfully extracted all the shit (and efudex) from my ass and fed it to me
[02:43:08] <hipcrime> i ate it hungrily
[02:43:20] <hipcrime> sand, hair, crisco, efudex and all
[02:43:43] <hipcrime> after my ass was sufficiently cleaned, she fistfucked my ass
[02:43:56] <hipcrime> she said i wanna see my wedding ring thru your stomach skin
[02:44:34] <hipcrime> it was a huge diamond she forced jerry scheindlin to give her aftert he was caught cheating so it showed up a real treat just over the top of my navel
[02:44:40] <hipcrime> when she was done
[02:44:51] <hipcrime> she had sandy shit under her nails
[02:44:57] <hipcrime> hold plz pm's
[02:45:37] <hipcrime> she said she had just got a french manicure and i would have to rectumfy this shitty fingernails situation
[02:45:54] <hipcrime> i hungrily and patiently cleaned her nails with my tongue
[02:46:02] <hipcrime> my mouth, heavy with the stench of poo
[02:46:12] <hipcrime> slowly moved up ehr arm
[02:46:15] <hipcrime> over her shoulder
[02:46:21] <hipcrime> and down her pendulous breasts
[02:47:01] <hipcrime> i begged her if i could shove my insufficient penis in her majestic snatch
[02:47:08] <hipcrime> she said hell no i dont want the aids
[02:47:08] <hipcrime> so
[02:47:12] <hipcrime> i took a knife
[02:47:17] <hipcrime> and cut off my dickskin
[02:47:25] <hipcrime> and knotted the end
[02:47:41] <hipcrime> and fucked her snatch using blood for lube
[02:47:45] <hipcrime> it was hot
[02:48:14] <hipcrime> i came rather quickly, the stigmata on my hands an ever present reminder of my earlier humiliation
[02:48:21] <hipcrime> she said oh no this will not do
[02:48:28] <hipcrime> and took the bloody knife
[02:48:39] <hipcrime> sliced open my scrotum
[02:48:47] <hipcrime> and found my seminal vessicle
[02:48:58] <hipcrime> from this she managed to milk more spooge
[02:49:05] <hipcrime> she then took my testicle
[02:49:29] <hipcrime> and squashed it. when she did this, it popped and testicular tissue flew everywhere
[02:49:32] <hipcrime> there i was
[02:49:51] <hipcrime> covered in blood, shit, crisco, efudex, and testicular tissue
[02:50:04] <hipcrime> then daniel brandt showed up
[02:50:11] <hipcrime> she had preplanned it all along
[02:50:22] <hipcrime> he came in and took pix of me in my shame
[02:50:50] <hipcrime> then he took a crucifix, and said "so you believe in god do ya" and shoved the crucifix up my ass
[02:50:57] <hipcrime> the pain was sublime
[02:51:14] <hipcrime> when he pulled it out, i had splinters in my venereal warts
[02:51:28] <hipcrime> and the crucifix was covered in blood and efudex
[02:51:34] <hipcrime> he shoved it in my mouth
[02:51:43] <hipcrime> and facefucked me with it
[02:51:48] <hipcrime> eat it he said over and over
[02:51:56] <hipcrime> suck your god if he is your lord
[02:52:12] <hipcrime> i sucked the crucifix, and realized, dayum jesus is hot
[02:52:22] <hipcrime> skinny vegan types have always turned me on
[02:52:47] <hipcrime> and i could not resist saying, in my nirvanic state: fuck me jesus fuck me
[02:52:51] <hipcrime> he said oh ok
[02:53:04] <hipcrime> and shoved the lil brass jesus in my dickhole
[02:53:28] <hipcrime> he took the remaining testicle skin, and made a coin purse for judge judy
[02:53:35] <hipcrime> who said, no thanks, i have pleny
[02:53:40] <hipcrime> plenty*
[02:53:46] <hipcrime> and that was how i met judge judy
[03:00:06] <hipcrime> as they left,
[03:00:16] <hipcrime> i was on the floor in a pile
[03:00:28] <hipcrime> i saw her yellowed nails thru her fuckme pumps
[03:04:15] <hipcrime> i begged her to let me suck the fungus from her nails
[03:04:32] <hipcrime> she said no. suck brandts toes
[03:04:46] <hipcrime> he removed his shoes and had remarkably beautiful toes
[03:04:50] <hipcrime> so i sucked them
[03:05:00] <hipcrime> just as i was reaching my peak
[03:05:09] <hipcrime> i bit down hard on his toes
[03:05:17] <hipcrime> and bled into his wound
[03:05:23] <hipcrime> giving him aids for sure
[03:05:33] <hipcrime> and that is how daniel brandt broke his foot
[03:05:35] <hipcrime> :D

See also



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