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Mikemikev's CV

Mikemikev (real name: Michael Coombs)

Name - Michael Coombs.

Date of Birth - 2/8/1978.

E-mail - [email protected]

Mobile Number (China) – 15911016549

Phone : +44(0) 795-769-9769 (UK)

Education –

1989 – 1994 Mary Immaculate High School, Cardiff.

9 GCSE - 2 A*, 4 A, 3 B.

1994 – 1996 St. David's 6th Form College, Cardiff.

3 – A-levels: Physics – B Mathematics – B Computer Studies – A

2001 – 2004 University of Sussex.

2:2 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Artificial Intelligence HaraldBluetooth 09:29, 14 June 2014 (EDT)

Note that Mike at Wikipedia claimed to have studied genetics at the University of Sussex. This is a total lie, according to his CV he holds a shitty 2: 2 in computer studies. The guy is a compulsive liar, and also lies about most his online sock/impersonate accounts too. HaraldBluetooth 09:32, 14 June 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev's impersonations/sock accounts

Mikemikev has countless socks where he has impersonated different people at Rationalwiki and other sites. If you also check the "race realism" entry talk page there, you find Mikemikev now posting as "Frank Jones" and "Kevin" and other names. The guy is a nutcase who has been impersonating other people for years. His other socks are MU, Tyler Snotgern, Eveshi, Hanbat and Pyramidologist. It is not clear if those are all his original accounts, or he has imitated other posters by signing up the same name. See especially the second rationalwiki page below which links Mikemikev to MU. It seems he's been impersonating different people across the net for years. This really should be expanded more on the main page. [Note how this obviously Atlantid/Oliver Smith again] HaraldBluetooth 09:00, 15 June 2014 (EDT)

Another of his socks: Troll Mikemikev aka Yi Sun Shin. The info posted above is also absolutely true as I see it, Mikemikev has certainly pretended to be on numerous occasions an East Asian male hence all the East Asian names he uses. One of his other socks is SingoporeanROCKs at Egyptsearch who was posting about penis sizes. HaraldBluetooth 09:09, 15 June 2014 (EDT)

LOL. " [Note how this obviously Atlantid/Oliver Smith again]". Yet Kevin is a OBVIOUSLY Mikemikev. Same post style and commenting in the same section as his other socks. This guy is seriously a total nutcase who has been blaming his socks onto me for over a year now. Krom 18:40, 12 September 2014 (EDT)

Michael Coombs describes himself in his CV

"I am hard working and honest. I am capable of many things and have a wide variety of philosophical interests outside of my regular studies, such as chemistry and history. I have travelled through many countries and speak several languages at a basic level, as well as a high competence of English, developed through my interest in classical and contemporary English literature.

I took a 4 week teaching course which was the equivalent of a TEFL with a company called English First, but decided not to work for them after. I currently hold a Chinese foreign expert certificate. I have a high level of I.T. ability, attained during my education, and am comfortable setting up and using networks under both Windows and Linux operating systems, as well as programming in Java. I am also able to implement multilingual support for these systems. My hobbies include tailoring and reading.


What a disgusting liar. "hard working and honest" lol. The people who employ him apparently don't run a simple google check on him -

What Michael Coombs missed from his CV was to mention that he was banned at a forum for harassing females online if they want to be gangraped

That he has joined forums posting obscene pictures of dead babies and extreme pornography.

That he has a history of posting extreme racism across the internet:

"After engaging in debate on political forum, I posted the only logical conclusion - GastheJews"

That he denies the Holocaust occurred (despite claiming he wishes Jews were gassed to death):

To just sheer obscene or trolling with comments like these:

"Go fuck yourself nigger lover." "

"What's wrong with murdering innocent children if it's for a good cause? And it is a little bit funny.

HaraldBluetooth 09:30, 15 June 2014 (EDT)

There is no libel or slander

Mikemikev claims there is libel or slander, however there isn't. Mikemikev in his CV claimss to work, or have worked as a teacher with 3 to 10 year old children, but his internet history reveals he has posted obscene, indecent pictures of dead children/babies, and even posted that he finds murdering children funny:

"What's wrong with murdering innocent children if it's for a good cause? And it is a little bit funny." - Mikemikev, 07-19-2013, 02:30 PM. [1]


Here's another link where you posted "photos of a naked little boy with flies on his body" [Note how there is no such image at the link] and then remarked "I thought those images were hilarious, in the context they were presented". He's also left an internet trail of harassing females online with disgusting sexual posts about if they want to be raped, gangraped, and plenty of other filth.This is his comment to a female poster:

"You have to choose gangrape from one group of ten minorities or it's all of them:

1) Pakis 2) San Bushmen 3) Kikes 4) Yemenis 5) Eskimos



Mikemikev - You have posted these things. Don't start moaning when someone simply quotes them and then expose you for what you are - a sick creep sex pest that needs castrating. And of course posting pictures of nude dead children and laughing at them, while claiming also you want to kill children or support "murdering innocent children" = child abuse. This certainly is child abuse (is this acceptable for a teacher of 3 year olds?) and you should be banned from being anywhere near children. None of this is 'slander'. You also have posted you "stab people" in real life:

"Well I have studied ninjitsu and stabbed people IRL. - Mikemikev, Jun 26, 2014 [1]


Open a court case, and by all means get yourself arrested by digging a big hole for yourself. You have a completely toxic internet history - the police or some child-care authority will take action. If Mikemikev's is at present teaching 3 - 10 year old's then his school employers should be contacted and warned of this nutcase immediately. Convergence 18:14, 10 July 2014 (EDT)

Again, to remind folks this is the mentally ill hideous face of Michael Coombs who claims he supports "murdering innocent children", sends vile gangrape comments to females online and that he "stabs people IRL". In two quotes at the following link he admits he has stabbed people. How the heck can this guy be allowed to teach 3 - 10 year olds?

Take your meds mike.

Convergence 21:57, 10 July 2014 (EDT)

Pervert creep Michael Coombs and why he traveled to Korea

Our main problem here is propaganda fueled miscegenation with imported negroes, not overseas white men playing around with the local girls, as they inevitably will. - Mikemikev


Surely a white man that works to defend his land is a good white man, and the fact that he stuck his dick in a more than willing foreigner one time is utterly trivial. - Mikemikev

On the same forum he elsewhere claimed he traveled there to "play around" with Korean girls. Lamps 09:20, 19 August 2014 (EDT)

False. I went there to work and had a Korean girlfriend is all. So the basis of your article is pretty lame fuckface. Mikemikev8500 05:27, 1 September 2014 (EDT)
It is NOT false. You have admitted in your own words you bang Korean girls, you also posted in your OWN words dirty comments to an innocent girl about gangbanging her and laughing at children dying. You post dead porn across the web. You are messed up dude. And how is the perverted interracial intercourse like you are doing saving the white race? No real white nationalist wants anything to do with you, everyone laughs at you, even the guys who banned you on metapedia. You are a full time race mixer but pretend to be racist online. You have a split personality, living a double life you are mentally ill. Your trolling goes back years. The only sock puppeteer is yourself with over 100 socks and countless different people you impersonate online. You also spend your time threatening people on the internet to seem "hard". What do you parents or local Asian police in korea think about your online racism, fascism and sexual comments to young kids? Sort your life out son you are not young Mike you are nearly a 40 year old bloke with a sick filthy head. You are not married you will never have any kids. You are not save to be around anything, your life is trolling the web. You are a disease, your existence is futile. You brought this upon YOURSELF. Stop viciously attacking people on the internet or leaving sick comments to people, blaming your socks onto innocent people like me etc and this would not happen. You have a choice stop this now. You have already been told. Ian. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Atlantid (talkcontribs)
LOL. "the fact that he stuck his dick in a more than willing foreigner one time is utterly trivial.".I thought Mikemikev was claiming to be moral? Great work exposing this hypocritical loon and sex pest. Linny 21:09, 4 September 2014 (EDT)


Note that all of the above red link editors are the schizophrenic British liar Atlantid. Note how he claims to be "Morpheus from the phora" and various others. He makes socks and accuses others of being his socks. LOL @ ED retards that fail to see that, esp. "Schnookums". He is butthurt because I outsmarted him here. Shame on ED for publishing his lies. Mikemikev8500 05:06, 1 September 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev, indisputable evidence of multiple personality disorder/impersonations

Don't trust a word Mike posts, he's a compulsive liar. Here's Mikemikev's active Stormfront account where he impersonates a 'white nationalist'/'white preservationist':

Yet, at the same time here he is calling people "anti-white" and that he "bangs Korean girls" only a few days ago:

I do bang Korean girls - (talk) 08:44, 19 August 2014

Now Mikemikev is calling someone else a liar for quoting what he wrote above. He's trying to change "bangs Korean girls" into "had a Korean girlfriend" (despite the former he posted a few days ago).How can you be a Stormfront 'white nationalist' if you "bang korean girls" and live in Korea. You're a total mental case. Why are you impersonating a white nationalist? You never answer this. Do you realize how insane you look? You're on forums all day calling people "anti-white", "race-mixers" etc., yet claim you have sex with Korean girls. So which is it: are you mentally ill and suffering from a personality disorder, or are you impersonating a white nationalist to just troll? But why would a normal person do that? You've been impersonating a WN on forums for at least 5 years. Atlantid 19:14, 1 September 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev now also impersonating some sort of Christian? What a nutcase. Linny 20:35, 4 September 2014 (EDT)

Yeah, I had sex with Korean women (to clarify) and oppose displacement of White people. Where is the contradiction? Screwhead. Mikemikev8400 17:15, 11 September 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev exposed as a liar once again


Posting porn is just cheap disgusting irrelevant low brow garbage

The same Mikemikev however has been posting in pornographic "asians id like to fuck threads" for years:

Total creep. He's poses online as someone who is moral, against porn, drugs etc., yet the real him is the total opposite. Or is this just more evidence for his multiple personalities? Linny 21:05, 4 September 2014 (EDT)

Michael Coombs parents and dissertation supervisors now being contacted over his disgusting sexual or obscene posts over the net and racism

ALL of Mikemikev's perverted comments on gangraping women, killing babies, his sexual posts in "Asian i'd like to fuck" threads [he's nearly 40 but he spends his time posting in fetish porn threads of nude Asian 16-20 year olds] etc., alongside his racism/neo-nazism such as denying the holocaust are being compiled and being sent to his parents and his two dissertation surpervisors. What do Mikmikev's family or parents have to say about his internet behaviour? What immoral filth they brought into existence.Linny 21:32, 4 September 2014 (EDT)

Ok. These last few sections are all well and good, but everyone involved would be better served if this info was worked into the actual article. If all else fails, I don't know... contact users who have contributed to the article and collaborate with them.  VX  00:40, 5 September 2014 (EDT)
Note that "Linny" is the schizophrenic liar Oliver Smith, who accuses people of his insanity and lies about them. I never abused a child. This guy is a sick fuck and you are too for publishing his lies. 17:12, 11 September 2014 (EDT)
Also note that his silly exaggerations of my behavior are just lies. What an asshole. You think professors at top institutions and my family won't see through your garbage? Give it up degenerate. Hang yourself. Mikemikev8400 17:19, 11 September 2014 (EDT)
"Oliver Smith" "Schizophrenic Roehampton Scholar". LMAO. Mikemikev8400 17:21, 11 September 2014 (EDT)
Everything on the article is sourced to your own words mental Mikey i.e. your nutty racism, comments about gangbanging women, death threats, obscene sexual comments, bannings from countless forums, socks on wikipedia etc and all trace to the IPS you have been using in Seoul. You also posted mathsci's personal photographs on a number of websites so it is OK for you to bully other innocent people is it, but when your internet crimes are logged here at ED you do not like it?? Well tough, what comes around goes around. You DESERVE it considering all the BAD stuff you have done online for years and all the people you have hurt. But to be fair the only exaggeration on the article was linking you to child abuse so it was removed (even though you DID post dead pictures of children across the web.) It is kind of weird you were doing that whilst teaching young kids though but you are fucked in the head. You said your parents were dead in one of your comments, they won't be pleased when they read you posting that!! Anyway enjoy "banging" your Korean girls and bullying folk over the net, and posting your obscene racism and horrible threats to people to seem "hard" - it seems that is your life figured out and you have no existence in the real world pushing 40 and nobody really cares about you. BIG over the internet eh Mikemikev. Perhaps you should apologise to all the people you have harassed over the years behind your keyboard but I am sure you have no existence outside of your dingy little bedroom. Seems you are gonna be trolling til you get old. :( I am done with this, off to Australia. Linny 15:25, 12 September 2014 (EDT)

Not Atlantid

Look at the posting style and grammar above, it is clearly not me. Many of the comments above are not mine either, apparently Mike is too dumb to realise this. While I agree with most of the previous comment, the "child abuse" box should not have been removed from Mikemikev's page. While he was employed as a kindergarten teacher, he was posting on forums that murdering innocent babies is funny and that he stabs people (these comments are logged so claiming they are 'lies' is idiotic). He should be nowhere near children. If Mr. Coombs was employed in UK, he would have been sacked. We all though know China and South Korea have different laws; the fact Mikemikev works over there is suspicious itself, especially when you look at his internet history. I remember reading an article years back titled something-like "Why do creepy old white men target east Asian women", it always reminds me of Michael Coombs. The fact he calls other people 'degenerates' is laughable when he's a creepy ugly unmarried 36 or 37 year old who spends his time posting in pornographic "Asian i'd like the fuck" threads. The nude females in those threads are half his age. Also note his own comments about Korean women: he doesn't post he's ever been in a relationship with one, but instead that he "bangs", has sex, or "sticks his dick" in them. This guy is a sex pest with a fetish for young Asian girls. Perhaps he can get added to the blog creepy white guys. Krom 18:09, 12 September 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev creates socks and blames them onto me

Mike either has the worst form of mental illness I have ever come across, or he is a compulsive liar. He's been doing this for the last year or more: creating users/accounts when they are clearly his, but then posting they are by "Atlantid/Oliver Smith" or I own them. Here's another one above he's claiming is me, when its his [I mean it blatantly is his, so he must have some mental disorder to claim otherwise]:

This all started by him joining Anthroscape a year back, creating a thread about me accusing of being several of his sock accounts or others. Why create socks and then claim they are me when they are yours? Total nutcase. He then links to the thread he created as 'evidence'. Bizarre. Any general name like "Arnold", "Kevin" "Dave" (or with a surname) is him as logged here:

Lets look at the facts

All the following is logged over at Metapedia:

I'll only reference usernames at first to simplify things:

  • 1. Mikemikev debates Atlantid at Metapedia (on various talk pages) from early October - late November 2013.
  • 2. Mikemikev was blocked for 3-days on the 19 November 2013 by Admin NatAll75 for personal attacks.
  • 3. Atlantid runs a Google search: "Mikemikev".
  • 4. Atlantid indefinitely blocks Mikemikev after discovering his list of bannings on other sites and sockpuppetry.
  • 5. Atlantid reports this to other Metapedia Admin's at Metapedia.
  • 6. Reviewing the evidence, NatAll75 decides to block Mikemikev for 1 month on 26 November 2013.
  • 7. Mikemikev on the same day as his block creates a "revenge" thread about Atlantid on a forum non-related to Metapedia.

First question: why create a "revenge" thread about me on another forum? A Google search reveals you did the same for Mathesci at Stormfront when you debated him at Wikipedia. However the oddest thing is that I did not block you for 1 month (NatAll75 did, who also issued you a 3-day ban several days earlier). The logged 'indefinite-block' was not permanent, and lasted less than a day. In fact on 27 November 2013 I unblocked you to resolve the issue. All I revealed at Metapedia was your extensive list of banned sockpuppets across the web. Were you trying to hide these from Metapedia or something?

Second question: why post lies in a childish "revenge" thread about me on another forum? It seems when you enter debates, you then join other sites to harass your opponents. Your first account at Encyclopaedia Dramatica was even doing this against Mathesci, here is a comment an Admin left you: "You're not the first person I've seen who wrote an attack article due to some grudge. We don't take kindly to that sort of stuff. Your personal army request on Stormfront didn't receive any attention, so you came crawling to ED".

You actually joined this site in June 2011 to post libel about someone, and then were banned. If this is not 'degenerate' (your favourite word) behaviour, I don't know what is... and what an idiot, since you're now trying to portray yourself as the victim of 'slander' at ED. As for your "revenge" thread against me:

Were you intoxicated or something when you wrote this? It is lies from start to end:

  • Lie 1: "Hi, I'm Mikemikev, an editor banned from Metapedia recently due the behavior of Atlantid."

You were already 3-day blocked for personal attacks by NatAll75. After I blocked you for less than 24 hours, NatAll75 reviewed the evidence - then banned you for 1 month. Your block(s) had nothing to do with my behaviour. You were later permanently banned from Metapedia for disrupting the site in March 2014 ("Using Metapedia to start a flame war") which also had nothing to do with me. In contrast I requested my account to be closed since my views were no longer compatible with the sites aims and ideology. Unlike you I was never banned there.

  • Lie 2: "He totally fails to understand, in no particular order, sampling, PCA versus k clustering, ethnic groups versus genetic clusters, averages, the gray area between OOA and MR, and basically anything you say."

You were defeated on all these topics and shown to be incredibly dumb and poorly read. Studies have repeatedly shown for example that the vast majority of genetic variation is found between human individuals, not populations or groups. In regards to the latter: the few genes or alleles considered reliable populational markers, are nearly always distributed via clines or by an isolation by distance model. This means there are no genetic clusters and that it remains an arbitrary decision how to 'slice' human genetic diversity.

  • Lie 3: "Metapedia has an unashamedly Hereditarian POV. Atlantid has expressed egalitarian views".

I've never expressed "egalitarian views". Another of your lies was that somehow I became an "anti-racist"/"liberal" or something else. No, I merely recognized that racial categorization is socially constructed, not natural, and that 99% of 'race realism', especially hereditarianism (Rushton et al) is pseudo-science.

Btw, its also hypocritical that you accuse me of being "egalitarian" when as was posted on another site: you are the full time race-mixer (living in South Korea as a Western male) who even has sex with non-white/Korean women. You are evidently not a race/white preservationist despite impersonating one online Stormfront and calling people "anti-white" (?!). Anyone can see that you have huge insecurities about race and are a total nutjob. In contrast, all I ever did was change my views after reading more scientific literature.

  • Lie 4: "In reality I have never been banned on a biodiversity or explicitly nationalist forum."

Of course you have. Do you even believe your own lies? I listed 4 or 5 anthro-based sites you had been banned from months back, and you've since been banned at StumbleInn. The only reason you've not been banned at the BeerBarrel forum is because you are apparently 'entertainment' (yes, that's a message I got from the Admin there, who says you are nothing more than a troll; what a surprise, not).

  • Lie 5: "I countered with evidence that his various socks (Pyramidologist, Gremlin, Truthseeker etc.) have been banned on various biodiversity/WN forums."

Nowhere have I ever socked under any of those names. I've also never (unlike you) socked on "biodiversity/WN forums". For starters I've never been a member of a white nationalist forum, e.g. I have no VNN/Stormfront account, and never have. Last year I requested my account to be closed at Forumbiodiversity. I was not banned there, and can re-activate it anytime (however i'm long done there). Unlike you I don't have thousands of socks and loads of bannings all across the internet. I don't also like a total nutcase create threads of people accusing them of being socks they have nothing to do with. Krom 01:01, 13 September 2014 (EDT)


Continued from above. Let me remind Mikemikev what a 'sockpuppet' or 'sock' is [see especially bold]:

"An account made on an internet message board, by a person who already has an account, usually to deceive others, for the purpose of posting as a false identity or more-or-less anonymously".

So the sockpuppets he accuses me of having created on his drunk Anthroscape "revenge" thread are by definition not socks. I mean this is typically how dumb Michael Coombs/Mikemikev is - he doesn't understand basic internet-terminology (kind of embarrassing since according to his CV he supposedly holds an ICT degree). Anyway, here are the pseudo-sock usernames in question:

  • Gremlin

"Gremlin" was not a sockpuppet. It was the only account I ever posted at the following anthro-forum:

As you can see the site has since been deleted (there's only a few screenshots archived) and I had only about 50 posts there. So how on earth is this a sockpuppet? Again, were you intoxicated when you wrote this? I didn't even hide my identity there; my real name and so forth were on the site. So the facts show: (A) "Gremlin" was not a sock, and (B) that I never even denied posting on it, for example at Metapedia I posted: "Those accounts or emails are not mine, and except the bones board, i'm not on forums" (Atlantid, posted 25 November 2013). You are the most stupid liar online i've ever met.

  • Pyramidologist

Again, nowhere have I socked under this name. My Wikipedia user 4-5 years back was Anglo_Pyramidologist (not "Pyramidologist") where I created the Anglo-Israelism related entries with over 1000 edits, with the praise of the British Israel World Federation and Brit-Am. Nowhere did I ever deny this, and an ED Admin has linked to my old page. Despite though having a wiki-star award for contributions, I was banned for exposing the fact the BNP page is controlled by certain posters with their own political-agenda who abuse NPOV. This has been confirmed by other Admins who have since "failed" the article after reviewing it: If someone wants to dig all that crap up from years ago, fine by me. I haven't been on Wikipedia in a long while, and contrary to your other bogus claim I was a BNP member, I never was. I merely voted for them in the 2010 GE and was doing little more than editing their Wiki-entry.

Where have I ever socked as Pyramidologist which you accuse me, let alone posted under that name except for somewhere like Apricity? Off-Wikipedia years back, I only posted as Anglo_Pyramidologist on a few sites, including Egyptsearch. You claimed I sock as "Pyramidologist" when I simply haven't. So just more lies. If you misspelled Anglo_Pyramidologist as Pyramidologist at Metapedia when you threw these accusations around then that's really not my problem. Nowhere though are there socks under the former even.

I'll continue with your other lies later. It really isn't looking good for you. Krom 12:25, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Having missed this, Mikemikev claimed also at Metapedia I was banned at Occidental Enclave. This is another lie. "Please delete my account". The account was requested delete. Atlantid 04:17, 15 September 2014 (EDT)

Here's one of the very few place as Pyramidologist I had posted years back, but again this was not a sock and I only had one account:

So why join a forum and lie claiming I sock all over the internet as "Pyramidologist"? I countered with evidence that the following were not me e.g. posting I believe the world is 6000 years old, that evolution is a hoax etc, to make me look foolish:

I linked to two others. If you look at the creation dates and few posts. They pop up around November 2013 when I debated Mikemikev and he was blocked from Metapedia. Just a coincidence? I think not. This is what he does in his spare time, he creates socks of other people and then denies he made them. Krom 14:46, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Many years back I believed in plenty of crazy stuff. However I shred the pseudo-science over time, eventually including theories about race. So to create accounts/socks of me as recent as November 2013 claiming I'm a creationist/evolution denier is damn right retarded. No one will fall for it. You can just look at my Metapedia logged history to see my actual views where I call creationism "an irrational interpretation of Genesis" and a pseudo-science from Feb 2013 on the Conservapedia page: In fact I have anti-creationist posts logged there from late 2012. I was also against all the religious CI infiltrators and fundies on there from the start of my account (August, 2012). I've been an Agnostic-Atheist for the past 2 years. The socks Mikemikev links to who he says are me are his, or others. This is obvious to anyone who looks at my internet history. Krom 15:48, 13 September 2014 (EDT)
With that said I would be interested in seeing Mikemikev's response to all this. The facts above show him to be the liar, not me. Also if he hadn't created the libellous "revenge" thread about me, this ED article about him wouldn't have been made. So he only has himself to blame. Krom 15:48, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Mikemikev’ ‘evidence’

Here's where Mikemikev claimed to have provided 'evidence' against me: " You said I was banned on countless race realist forums and that I am laughed at by race realists. I'm asking you to back that up. You need some evidence. This is an example of evidence. Now these are real race realist sites, not anti sites. Can you back up your claim or is your extensively documented reputation as a debate loser followed closely by a lying slanderer justified? Mikemikev 15:16, 25 November 2013

Note that I already provided many links to where he has been banned across the net, as well as his sockpuppets; so the fact Mikemikev was still posting “you need some evidence” at this stage reveals he suffers from severe mental problems. Anyway, he posted the bones forum, anthroscape and another site I never even looked. The first is a dead link. The Bones forum was deleted. See above under “Gremlin”. After I revealed who the Admin of this forum was, they blocked my account, and soon deleted their forum. I fail to see how this is relevant, and it wasn’t even a proper ban. They just blocked me and removed their entire site including their own account. But this is apparently ‘evidence’ in Mikemikev’s warped mind. Mikemikev two days later on his “revenge” thread then further lied posting Gremlin is my sock, despite the fact it was my only account on that forum (not a sockpuppet) and that the forum itself was deleted. Who is the real lying slanderer here? I’ve never socked under that name as the evidence shows. [2] He accuses me of being “Nord” at Anthroscape and [email protected]. These are both not mine. As I posted at Metapedia in response on the November 25: “Regarding Anthroscape there's probably a string of libel or fake accounts attributed to me since I criticized the typology and pseudo-science being posted there”. This is really nothing new and was ongoing since late 2012 when I added the Anthroscape and anti-typology entries. His dubious source is also the infamous typologist Mod “Crimson Guard” whose entry I even created at Metapedia. The so called user “Nord” in question also only has 3 posts They merely link to the a thread I posted at Egyptsearch (the user that was changed) about the same topic. It is not me, nor my email. Just another lie from Mr. Coombs. The typologists over at Apricity were also moaning about my entries there and claiming I am other accounts: I posted on the November 25 that excluding the Bones forum I was not online forums. This is true as my internet history shows. Mikemikev later posted on his “revenge” thread I sock as Pyramidologist and Truthseeker. This is again not true. I’ve never created sockpuppets under these names as my internet history shows.

Here's the liar once again in action. On his drunk "revenge" thread ( Mikemikev links to three URL's as 'evidence' I am several socks. Two of these links are conveniently dead from which he fabricates a quote saying I am random users at the Egyptsearch forum like White Nubian, which I have absolutely nothing to do with and are probably his. People on that forum also know who I am, and that those accounts aren't mine. His only extant link that actually works merely locates to a thread (;f=8;t=008613) where someone states Atlantid from Metapedia is Anglo_Pyramidologist at Egyptsearch. Well done for pointing out the obvious, but neither are socks. Bizarrely my old Amazon bucketlist Sython Filter is also cited by him as being a sockpuppet. This was a shopping account I bought books from. And this is his 'evidence'. lol.

Mike writes: "Afrocentric Morpheus, who is probably a mod on Egyptsearch, seems to have altered the Mikemikev account there to link to Faheemdunkers/Cartoons posts. I never posted there. On second thought what probably happened is Atlantid/Faheemdunkers changed the account name."

He was apparently too lazy to check the Egyptsearch forum where the only Mod (Ausar, changing his name) was exposed as a hacker/imposter. I didn't change anything there.;f=8;t=009041;p=1

"I apologize for living a false life on the internet and deceiving others about my ethnicity. This will ruin my reputation but its okay considering that I no longer want to live a lie or deceive the posters of Egyptsearch."

"Truth is I am a white man who has an appreciation for African history and ancient Egyptian history."

The Mod was pretending to be a black African male for 10 years despite being a white American. He's also been altering peoples details, information and user-names for years there and lieing about his administration. So do I get an apology now after you accused me of changing names? You've done nothing but post lie after lie. Krom 18:19, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Atlantid vs. Mikemikev bannings

Mikemikev's online history reveals he is a banned troll on loads of sites, especially for socking on countless accounts. In contrast I have been banned from hardly any.

Places where Mikemikev has been banned: Metapedia, Wikipedia, Rationalwiki, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Mootsf, StumbleInn, Thephora, Youtube. In regards to the latter:

"On YouTube Mikemikev wrote a stream of racist attacks, so bad that his account was shut down."

Places where Atlantid has been banned: Wikipedia, Apricity. And these bans were many years back, not recent, unlike Mikemikev who still gets banned on forums for disrupting places. Oddly Mikemikev though joined a forum claiming I have been banned at Metapedia, and "WN/biodiversity" sites. I was not banned at Metapedia (see above). Secondly I've never been a member of a white nationalist forum. Krom 20:10, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Atlantid vs. Mikemikev contributions

Ok finally I can summarise by contributions that really put things into perspective:

Mikemikev at Metapedia had 300 edits, I had 10,000. The edits also differ in that mine are constructive (page creations, adding to entries etc) yet the vast majority of Mr. Coombs are stirring up debates on talk pages for a reaction.

Wikipedia and Rationalwiki are both the same. Mike has hundreds of socks but virtually no article contributions. He only hangs around on talk pages stirring up controversies or personally attacking other editors. Krom 20:19, 13 September 2014 (EDT)

Metapedia November 2013

Below is the post I left Admin's at Metapedia in November 2013 which saw Mikemikev first go into rage mode, and how all this dispute started. Apparently he didn't want Metapedia Admins to know he's a nutcase with a 10 year+ internet sockpuppet history [his ED main-page also now logs this since 2004]. All I did was run a simple Google search on his name to find he has hundreds of sockpuppets at Wikipedia, and bans across other forums for disruption:

"It is little surprise that googling his name turns up his sockpuppetry and trolling history going back years on this same subject: He has well over 100 sockpuppet accounts and uses IP abuse software and proxies that allows him to post on different servers."

I then posted several sites he had been banned from. He then replies:

"This guy [Mikemikev] is an anti troublemaker. I was banned on wiki for hereditarian editing by Arbcom with two other people. My posts are not 'dumb'. This guy is lying that I have been banned on 'hundreds' of sites, and 'every biodiversity site', and the ones listed are the only ones. He is lying. Mootsf is an anti site. I was banned on Stumbleinn for posting a shock image as a joke, I could return. I was banned on Phora for a run in with a Catholic mod. I do not take these sites seriously. I take Metapedia seriously. I am a member in good standing on Stormfront. Can Atlantid say the same? Atlantid is a self professed pro-Jewish anti-hereditarian anti."

In response to his claim he is not a 'troublemaker', here are other Metapedia Admin views on him:

"MikeV is nothing more than a drunken trouble causer. There is a reason why he get's banned from everywhere and there's a reason why I came back after 4 years to do so."

Note: this was similar to what I stated and "banned from everywhere" or "banned from 'every biodiversity site'" are just figures of speech.

NatAll75 also permanently banned Mikemikev for "starting a flame war" and agreed he was never productive at Metapedia, even after giving him a month to prove himself.

Krom2 10:20, 14 September 2014 (EDT)

Pretty much the entire Metapedia Administration who knew him and the "Circle of Crust" (StumbleInn, BeerBarrel) anthro-boards he has been banned or received blocks from agree he is a troll. He just hangs around on talk-pages stirring up debates, and then harasses other people.

Metapedia Admin Hu1 also commentating on Mikemikev's provocative behaviour, and why he was de-sopped, later banned:

"Atlantid is here since July 2012 and admin since August 2012. You are admin since April, 2013. Atlantid did several hundred edits, valuable information, and avoided quarrels so far. You blocked Atlantid for ever in November, 2013. This is unusual, because you did that without any discussion. I assume, your admin rights were stripped because of this. Well, what would you have done if you cared about continuity and peace in metapedia? --- posted by Hu1 22:14, 18 November 2013 (CET)

Mike's laughable "hit-piece" article about me over at Metapedia is also still up:

Compare this to my link above. While I merely cited Mikemikev's sockpuppet history and bans at the Metapedia Admin community portal exposing him as a mental case with a toxic internet history, Mike's response is that i'm an "anti-[racist]"/"racial egalitarian" or that i've inserted "Jewish lies" into Metapedia as part of a conspiracy or something as idiotic. He then repeatedly claimed:

"I am not banned on a single anthro/biodiversity forum, and no credible race realist ever 'laughed at me' (whatever that means). I would now ask Atlantid to substantiate his slanders."

Yet he's been banned from: Mootsf, StumbleInn, Thephora, and blocked from other 'Circle of Crust' sites, hence how Metapedia Admin CHM8318 knows him and also described him as being banned all over the place. A Google search shows all these bannings. To excuse himself he just shifts the definition of these sites to non-anthro forums. By definition however they all forums where human anthropology/race is discussed.So no slander was ever posted by myself. As for the claim no "credible race realist ever 'laughed at me'":

"Even supporters of race-realism regarded this as trolling and distanced themselves from him [Mikemikev]."

I backed that up with a quote as well. No slander was ever posted by me again. His response again is that this is 'lies' from an "anti", I presume anti-racist. He says that about anyone who disagrees with him and exposes him as a troll.Krom2 13:10, 14 September 2014 (EDT)

So anyone who looks will see Mike just slandered me by claiming I sock under 3 or 4 names when I never have. He then doxes my name and university while throwing this false accusation around in his "revenge" thread. And then he wonders why I exposed him on this site along with several others. Krom2 21:12, 14 September 2014 (EDT)

Cheers Oliver/Pyramidologist/Atlantid. Everyone's taking the time to carefully read all of this self-contradictory shit. Don't forget that appointment and the meds. Mikemikev67000 21:40, 21 September 2014 (EDT)