Talk:Kathleen Todd

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She's moving accounts.

Journal entry. Heads up peeps. We have a massive amount of butthurt on our hands. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 16:54, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

  • Yeah, she will Note those whom she trusts because she got butthurt by a few ex-friends who saw through her lies finally about Bonita Prime. Needless to state, she is the loser as her new ID will be found out as she can't help but to be friends with one of her other accounts. Just check out her other accounts and look at all new friends or visitors as she'll show up there or that she's hiding her information like she does with her main account. Icebreakers 19:23, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
  • And a few weeks after she posts it, she deletes the journal as she knows the ED watchers have already made it known to everyone that she's moving to another account. Icebreakers 15:10, 26 May 2013 (EDT)

Kathleen vandelized her own page.

With her claims that they are lying about things but she just proved to everyone that she's the liar as if you go to Fanfictionaxis's journals, she's talking about the cancer that is killing her mother and that her mother did lose the battle on May 12th. Kathleen just proved to everyone that she is a liar. She is spitting fire right now knowing that she got an ED page. Everyone knew she would get one sooner or later, with her lies coming back to slap her right in the face. Icebreakers 21:10, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

Pretty uneventful vandalisation, too. They didn't even read Vandal/how-to. Mike the Great (talk) 01:37, 19 June 2012 (EDT)
  • Indeed. She couldn't even come up with something original as in her lies are so evident, but she's a copycat. Icebreakers 22:14, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

Nice work, Mammamiaomg

On getting the photos of her whininess. That should make her fume a bit. She's probably spitting fire and brimstone as she tries to get a new account here to vandalize her page again with more claims of her innocence, but everyone knows that she's a flat out bloody liar and she proved it by trying to vandalize the page. Icebreakers 11:06, 19 June 2012 (EDT)


Looks like Kathleen has done some big time changes to her dA page. Her dA ID, her stamps, her dA Family parts are all gone. She's running scared! She even deleted some of her journal posts since it is like appearing here on her ED page. Guess she really can't stand the heat! Hi Kathleen, we see you looking at your ED page! As everyone knows, if you can't stand the heat of your own lies, you should have stayed away from telling them as it will only come to haunt you in the end! Enjoy the heat wave! Icebreakers 11:31, 27 June 2012 (EDT)

  • Oh like this?
You can't get banned for activity taking place off DA. She's as butthurt as it gets and scrambling for a way to make ED stop! Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 13:29, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
Yup, everyone knows what happens off of dA, has no effect in the minds of the mods of dA. She probably tried to get the moderators on dA to do something about ED but they probably told her, if it was on dA, then yes, they'll be able to do something about it, but it is offsite and none of their business. She's just basically giving us more stuff to work with. Icebreakers 14:06, 27 June 2012 (EDT)
  • Also her claim of her moving on with her live, well, she's not since she's basically running scared on dA as she now has to worry about all her little lies coming back to haunt her because everyone now knows that Ravette is a two-timing backstabbing lying poor little rich girl, who thinks the only way to keep her friends close to her is by lying to them about other people and she knows that one day, one day very soon she'll be confronted by it by one of her friends and she cannot handle it. Icebreakers 14:57, 28 June 2012 (EDT)
  • Just thought about this, after I posted on the post below, if Kathleen is Wongjoe's Australian Agent, don't you think she should be going to conventions that deals with action figures and sci fi stuff instead of going to oh Anime conventions and doing cosplays when an Agent should be seated in a booth promoting his boss's work and trying to get more people to inquire on more commessions? Or does she not understand what an Agent really does for their people? I think she doesn't know how to be an Agent for wongjoe. Icebreakers 18:08, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
    • Actually, more like booking her client wongjoe to be at booths at all these toy and sci fi conventions, since that is what an Agent really does. Maybe what she really is, is his representative but still she wouldn't have time to do all these cosplays since it would mean she'll be ignoring her responsiblities to him to show off his work to prospective clients of his. She's not neither an Agent or a representative. Icebreakers 22:20, 30 June 2012 (EDT)


Is not kathleen that's just retarded. c/o 2004 would be 85 not 82. Also adminly type people have easy as fuck sockpuppet tools that wouldn't leave any doubt about a user who's been there over 5 years like he has. Mike the Great (talk) 20:03, 29 June 2012 (EDT)

Let me re-evaluate. We don't need WP style sockhunts but nevar know Mike the Great (talk) 20:11, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
Who wants to help me do undercover work? Mike the Great (talk) 20:18, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
Ya wong joe's website resolves to Malaysia. He's probably Malaysian. His broken English probably comes from that. Does Kathleen have any websites? Mike the Great (talk) 21:14, 29 June 2012 (EDT)
  • Yes, Kathleen has a lot of websites and wongjoe firmly believes Kathleen's lies instead of looking at the facts that is on this page. He seen them but is firmly on her side to where he trusts her to be his Australian Agent as if he needs one, his work will speak for him. My friend already did a hunt to let him know about this page to which he sides blindly to Kathleen's falsehoods that she told him and guess who introduced him to Kathleen - Bonita Prime and just as fast as they were introduced, woejoe blocked Bonita and refused to sell her any of his repaint action figures. Icebreakers 17:59, 29 June 2012 (EDT)

My baby found Ravette's new account!

NEW ACCOUNT! * princesszelda2012 - Ravette's NEWEST ACCOUNT. My sweetheart JohnStripedfur gave me her new account, I am agiggle with joy in finding out her newest account which is over two weeks old. I love my baby! Icebreakers 22:44, 29 June 2012 (EDT)

Nice job, you just outed somebody who could have helped us unless she doesn't check this page. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 19:10, 3 July 2012 (EDT)
If she does dump my baby, it will show she does come here and he will wonder why his friend dumped him, which will bring more butthurt posts from Kathleen. Icebreakers 03:58, 4 July 2012 (EDT)

Real fast

when you guys add collapsible galleries be sure to give them unique IDs or when you go to expand one, it will expand any with the same id. Also if you're going to expand them and get {{{5}}} it's because the fifth field is the gallery that's in the expansion. to wrap sum it up {{ cg | Gallery of Blatant homosexuality | uniqueID | alignment | <gallery>files go here</gallery> | <gallery>holy shit another gallery</gallery> }} As always if you're noticing weird stuff or need help formatting don't hesitate to ask. Mike the Great (talk) 22:23, 3 July 2012 (EDT)

Oh ya, you can view the actual documentation any time at Template:cg. Mike the Great (talk) 22:25, 3 July 2012 (EDT)

I think I caught a huge lie.

lol it's biting her right in the ass now.

Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 19:59, 8 July 2012 (EDT)

That is Spike, her now ex-boyfriend/future husband. She dumped his ass because he would not go public with his engagement with her and that he was bringing his ex-girlfriend and her kid to her home and his ex would steal food from the Todds, while Spike was chatting with Kathleen. Kathleen told that to her ex-bestest, who told me. Michael Boyd is not Spike, who runs the Vandread website or whatever it is. From Spike, to a guy by the name of Andrew, who she wanted to get married to as well, and now to Michael Boyd, clearly she is a slut! Icebreakers 13:45, 9 July 2012 (EDT)

LOL she goes through men like candy. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 15:07, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
  • Indeed and she thinks that it is okay to dump one boy for another. Most likely it is all lies considering her habit of lying and not producing any photo of her and her newest boy-toy. But Kathleen does seem to go through one imaginary boyfriend after another since she never really shows proof that she's with a man. Icebreakers 21:41, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
The only 'man' she ever had is her own middle finger. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 21:47, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
  • Or her dildos if she has any. She's so creepy, I doubt any real man would want her. Icebreakers 23:13, 9 July 2012 (EDT)


who is fanfictionaxis and why did they give me a llama badge? Also what does a llama badge do? Can I feed it to my llama? Mike the Great (talk) 21:52, 9 July 2012 (EDT)

One of the people on DA who had a beef with Bonita and is now having it with Ravette. Dunno what the fuck llama badges are. I think they're lame. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 21:53, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
Actually, fanfictionaxis was a friend of Kathleen's till the cunt lied to her about Bonita spreading rumors that her mother was not dying of cancer to keep her by her smelly ass side and dump the two ladies, which she was becoming friends with. I was the one who told fanfictionaxis to kick Kathleen to the curb when Kathleen refused to show where Bonita was spreading this rumor at. Which is typical stunt for Kathleen, make up a lie and not show proof of her claim. It is the note that I posted up here sent to me by fanfictionaxis. The llamas are cool, in my opinion, its another way of saying hey you are cool without saying it publically. Icebreakers 23:06, 9 July 2012 (EDT)
Here's the post, to show how cruel Kathleen is to fanfictionaxis.

And if you look at the journals of fanfictionaxis, you can see her posts about her mom and the post concerning her mother's passing. Icebreakers 23:10, 9 July 2012 (EDT)

That still leaves the important question on the table. Mike the Great (talk) 00:13, 10 July 2012 (EDT)
As to why she gave you a llama badge? Maybe she likes your gallery or that she's being friendly. Icebreakers 00:18, 10 July 2012 (EDT)

My poor laptop....

Oh Kathleen, you are full of crap. This cap was found one her Autobotheadquarters dA page.

my poor laptop.

She claims that she lost all of her links, favorites and everything else due to the repair shop taking her computer's settings back to factory setting. Didn't they backup her favorites, links and some of her other programs that she uses all the time? I know when I took my laptop into the computer shop to get Vista removed and Windows XP placed on it as I didn't really like Vista at all. I had a copy disk of my favorites, links and the programs that I used the most which I gave to them to install after Windows XP was installed. It took them only two days to do both and they made sure that everything worked before giving it back to me, so clearly, Kathleen is lying about losing her links and favorites if she didn't back it up onto another disk or that she is so bloody stupid, not to back them up onto another disk or a data key, if she is constantly having laptop problems to the point they have to reset it to factory settings every single damn time she brings it in or that she's lying about everything and she's checking out her ED page and saw that we were talking about her craptastic websites being inactive. Icebreakers 12:30, 12 July 2012 (EDT)

  • Also, she is constantly taking her laptop into the shop to get it fixed and she returns with the same bloody fucking claims of oh I lost my links and favorites because of the reboot that they had to do. Which brings up the question, why hasn't she put her favorites and links to a disk to be reinstalled when she gets her laptop back? Answer us that Kathleen dear? You can't because it would mean you have to come up with another lie to cover your white hairy ass as everyone knows you are a liar and if you are a computer tech like you claim to be, you would know that if you want to keep your favorites and your links, you copy them over to a disk or at least a data key to which you could just put it into your USB port and transfer them over to your laptop once you get it back from the repair shop? You are so full of shit, you know it and so do we. Icebreakers 19:57, 24 October 2012 (EDT)

She's with her boyfriend but . . .

He's silent about having his girlfriend and future wife at his home, which I think is more lies on Kathleen's part since she has been so silent on her dA account and yet busy on her Facebook pages. I think she's not doing anything that she's claiming to be doing there. I think she's copying what her ex bestest best friend did this past weekend. Icebreakers 22:05, 25 July 2012 (EDT)

Her Mary Sue and Marty Sue Transformers.

I am not sure where to post the findings on her Mary Sue and Marty Sue Transformers characters. Yes, one of them is wifeofoptimusprime and in the deviant ID the name Starlar Prime shows up, which is Kathleen's Mary Sue original character, which she uses to bash Bonita with her false claims of her being a thief, when she hasn't done anything like that in years.

Starlar Prime, Kathleen's Mary Sue character.

Strange that, that account has Kathleen's OFC which happens to be a Mary Sue's name on the deviant ID. Because it is Kathleen Todd's account.

Here they are for your laughs.

This is her Mary Sue Transformers. A double of Optimus Prime.
Another one of Kathleen's Mary Sue Transformers characters.
A male Marty Sue Transformers character.

Valkia is a spark sister to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, which makes her an automatic Mary Sue in my books. Starlar Prime is a Mary Sue because Kathleen puts her with Optimus Prim immediately in any fanfiction stories that she does with him. Knightblades is a Marty Sue he's the spark brother to Ironhide, which is another Marty Sue character of Kathleen's. Most of her fan created characters are Mary or Marty Sues. She cannot write a good bio for her characters without making them look like a Sue. Icebreakers 12:18, 27 July 2012 (EDT)

  • Someone sent Kathleen's OFC Elizabeth Hope Prime to OCs in Disguise to be critiqued and this is the response.

Are you happy about that, Kathleen? You know she's a Sue and now everyone else knows it too. HAHAHA, bitch! Icebreakers 00:37, 1 November 2012 (EDT)

A birdy sent me this link.

And it clearly shows that Kathleen Todd is lying about her time as a Cadet in the Australian Youth Cadets.;_ylt=AiMqL8qeGvjnc4kEbWEegfATBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20120727142953AAymVjP

What does everyone think about it? Think her certificate is legit or not? I do not have international calling on my cell phone, so I am not able to find out if there is a student by the name of Kathleen Todd who spent time in the Youth camps. Icebreakers 01:25, 30 July 2012 (EDT)

Going to get a lawyer! WAHHHH!

Kathleen posted this journal on her dA page on August 21st, which means she still occasionally visits her page on dA, probably to see what Bonita Prime or fanfictionaxis are up to. She posted in her journal as usual that she met and spoke with a nice lawyer who agreed to help her deal with a few problems, probably to see about getting this page of her's removed or go after Bonita Prime and her ex-friend fanfictionaxis. She has stated that she got a lawyer before and nothing came about from it, which means she lied about getting a lawyer. This is most likely more lies in hopes to bring fear to anyone concerning her war with Bonita Prime that she will come after them legally, which is bullshit, she has no claims of oh they tried to hack my website, tried to steal my website bullshit, there will be no proof coming from her concerning those claims as she has no proof and she knows it!

I doubt that she even really got a lawyer looking at her lying claims as she will be proven to be the liar when everyone proves that she has been lying to everyone since the first day anyone encountered the lying sack of Tasmanian shit.

Her journal for your laughing pleasure.

I'm getting a LAWYER!

As if she will be able to do anything legal-wise against any of her victims as she will be proven to be the one in legal trouble and she will lose the legal battle. Icebreakers 15:18, 23 August 2012 (EDT)

  • Hrmmm, where have I seen ~this~ before...
Consequences Will
Never Be The Same

LOLZ, everyone whose ever been butt mad on the Interwebs has an "uncle" or family member whose a super sekrat crime fighter, or cop, or lawyer, or some other imaginary, delusional position of bullshit authority. ^__^

--Onideus 15:33, 23 August 2012 (EDT)

    • LOL! Kathleen Todd has boasted about having a Detective in the family and that she's going to go after her 'so-called' attacker and nothing has ever came to light about it. All she's doing is blowing hot air about since she claimed this same thing over a year ago and nothing came from it. She has stated I'm getting a lawsuit against her and she never ever did anything about it and if she tried, the lawyers and the detectives she supposedly talked to will see through her fucked up lies and refuse to do anything about it. All she is doing is spitting out hot air and fake shit about how she talked to a lawyer and that she has a detective as an uncle. Yeah right! I seriously doubt that fact. Icebreakers 16:30, 23 August 2012 (EDT)
I can't help but laugh uproariously whenever I read someone claiming they're related to/are friends with/know a guy who knows a guy in law enforcement. I don't see what she thinks they'd be able to do, with all the evidence mounted against her anyway. -Jared 13:22, 25 August 2012 (EDT)
I doubt that she'll be able to do anything beyond whine about getting a lawyer, which she hasn't made one mention since that post came to light, which only confirms everyone's thoughts - Kathleen A. Todd is lying once again about getting a lawyer. She never will get one as soon as they look at fanfictionaxis's page and look at the comments she made and sees the link in her signature, the lawyers will come here to Kathleen's ED page and learn the truth about how Kathleen A. Todd is nothing more than a liar and everything that she claims is nothing but lies and she knows it. Icebreakers 00:06, 3 September 2012 (EDT)
    • Kathleen has not even made one mention about her so called Lawyer or even going to her uncle who is supposedly to be a detective on the police force since she posted about it a week ago, which means only one thing - she has lied again about getting a lawyer and looking at going to the police. If she did get the police to take her claims seriously and they looked at the proof she gave them, they probably have found this page and went back to her telling her that the claims she told them that happened to her by Bonita Prime are being dropped as they did check the claims as in Bonita Prime trying to get her domain name transferred over by talking to her websites' host and finding the ISP of the person claiming to be Bonita Prime is none other than Kathleen A. Todd herself. She'll be furious as they claim that she's the one responsible for all the claims that she's accusing another person for. That would be perfect justice if her websites' hosts removed her completely from their servers without letting her have the chance to save any of her stolen data. Icebreakers 23:34, 5 September 2012 (EDT)
  • Or that the police talks with Kathleen's webhost and finds that there was no such claim done concerning Kathleen's websites, they can arrest her for falsifying a police report and she could be sued for slander by Bonita Prime, since Kathleen went out and accused her, slandering her name when it is possibly not even true. Icebreakers 05:14, 7 September 2012 (EDT)
  • I think I saw this very same journal post from Kathleen, about a few months after Kathleen started her war with Bonita that she stated the EXACT same thing, claiming to have spoken with a lawyer who was at oh how sweet at one of her conventions that she was at and she wrote the same thing in her journal as she did back in August. I think she has nothing to go on as in lawyers would not touch her claims after the intial inquiry as she probably gave them very little to work on and they told her sorry, we can't help you till you get more information, for if she gave more information, as in allowing them to see the proof from her webhosts, it would mean revealing that she's nothing more than a bloody liar. Icebreakers 21:57, 13 October 2012 (EDT)

Trying to hide a black eye?

Her newest profile photo has her wearing glasses. But I noticed something in the glasses, that is trying to be hidden by the sunglasses - a black eye. Look at her right eye, you can see a streak of darkness that she doesn't have in her other photos. She might have gotten into a fight with her supposed, romantic fiancee and he smacked her or that someone else like say her brother Derek Todd got pissed off at her and bascially punched her.

Me and my sunglasses hiding my black eye.

She most likely got herself into a fight with her fiancee or her brother or that she might have fallen and bruised it that way as she'll claim it as that she fell when she was having her seizure while she's doing her jogging exercise and hit her eye on the pavement. But her face would have shown evidence of it, if that happened. Icebreakers 20:08, 16 September 2012 (EDT)

She has all the signs of being a psychopath.

A friend and me were discussing Kathleen and he clearly states that she's a psychopath. We started to talk about what traits she's showing and the following list is what we came up with.

  • superficial charm
  • exaggeratedly high estimation of self worth
  • need for stimulation
  • pathological lying
  • cunning and manipulative habits
  • lack of remorse or guilt
  • superficial emotional responsiveness
  • callousness and lack of empathy
  • parasitic lifestyle
  • poor behavioral controls
  • lack of realistic long-term goals
  • impulsiveness
  • irresponsibility
  • failure to accept responsibility for her own actions

I've already posted it on her page, but would like to see what others think or might have seen other traits that my friends and I have missed. Icebreakers 11:24, 25 September 2012 (EDT)

She got hoaxed!

There is this hoax going around facebook where you post a status that tells everyone to keep their paws off your stuff. But the website called snopes, debunked that as a hoax immediately as Facebook's ToS basically takes your right to privacy the moment you joined facebook.

Here's her post that she did on her facebook page.

she got hoaxed by the Facebook privacy post post.
she got hoaxed by the Facebook privacy post post.

I am laughing my ass off about this as she got had like a lot of other people did. She probably thought that it would prevent anyone from ED from taking her posts to post here. But she got HOAXED! Icebreakers 01:50, 2 October 2012 (EDT)

She claims to have won the war. LOSER!

As if!, she did. If she was smart, which she ain't because she ran away from dA the moment her ex-friend dumped her lying fat ass to the curb. She fled to Facebook like the bloody coward of a cunt she is. If she thinks she won, she is sorely mistaken as she's fucking lying to herself as she proved to everyone that she is a coward by fleeing dA for Facebook, if she admitted that she lied about Bonita and came totally clean, like she did, she would not run off like the little fucking lying whore she is. She would notice that they're not talking about her, since they have ignored her and the only time one brings up this page is to inform another person about how much of a fucking liar Kathleen Todd really is and yet here she is talking about her ED page. Seems that ED hit a sore spot in her if she's continueing to talk about ED and her page.

Oh for your enjoyment, her journal:

Okay, Kathleen, here's something for you. PROVE IT!


Why don't you sue them, since you claim that you can? Do it! PROVE IT! If you cannot show any proof of anything you have claimed, then it is not real but lies and yes, Kathleen, the ED sysops will be watching your pages for these supportive letters from your newfound friends.

She complains that she won the war against her bullies, well, the thing is we, on ED are having the last laugh on her. Her so called attackers have really won, because they're not talking about her! Oh yes, Kathleen, they are not talking about you anymore, they've moved on, unlike you since you have spoke about your page on your own dA journal. Thanks for the lultz! Icebreakers 23:03, 13 October 2012 (EDT)

  • Everyone knows that Kathleen just blows hot air hoping that oh her victims of HER BULLYING BEHAVIOR will not tell any of the ED sysops or those who are uploading information gained from their internet searches anymore information or tell anyone about how much of a liar she really is as it would mean that she has to admit the truth and she would just hate that because it puts her in a bad light as she has to come totally clean about her own behavior and she's afraid that people will see as she is - a liar and a con artist.

She claims in her updated journal which is posted in my previous comment, that she's going to go to the police and send her 'proof' of two of her bullies' snail mail addresses to him to which the copper can then go send the information off to the police in the US to go after her ex-friend and her victim of her bullying ways for cyberbullying and for creating this ED page, which Kathleen claims that the police officer told her that if they take it down it wouldn't be as harsh but if they leave it up they give us evidence against those two people to have them both thrown in jail for 2 to 5 years as she claimed the police officer said. If anyone knows the laws as well as I do, and yes, I spoke with an attorney about this, he said, not possible, there is no way, the police would say that and claim that she's in the clear as they would investigate her claims as in talking with her web host to get the evidence of her claim that this woman in America tried to get her domain name transfered over to her. Not at all possible. She's blowing hot air hoping that the people looking at her journal will relay that information back to her 'ex-friend and her bully victim'. All she's doing is blowing hot air, nothing will ever come about it as she does not live in America. If she lived here, then that's a different story. So Kathleen can puff her chest and bang on it like a male Silverback gorilla all she wants but nothing will happen. Icebreakers 09:58, 15 October 2012 (EDT)

  • I spoke with my friends who are friends with both of Kathleen's bully victims and from what is reported from them is no police officer has arrived at their doorstep as of Monday October 22, 2012, which means Kathleen is lying as if she went to the police the next day, the police in America would already be at the two victims' homes already. They are giggling that once again, all Kathleen has done is blown hot air around as nothing can be done and she knows it. She can whine all she wishes but the thing is - she lied instead of admitting the truth that she lied about everything that Bonita did to her, she might have still been friends with her ex-friend fanfictionaxis. But she didn't and thus her ex-friend is no longer her friend anymore and guess who has a lot more friends since their break-up is fanfictionaxis, since fanfictionaxis is doing stuff to move on from being burned by a known liar of four fandoms, fanfictionaxis is probably doing better than Kathleen is right now considering she got true friends, ones who will not lie to her face. Icebreakers 17:36, 22 October 2012 (EDT)

Screw you, Kathleen! Go for it! Sue US!

Go right ahead and sue this site for slander as it is not slander, this is factual information of your lies that you have told to everyone since you came onto the internet over 12 years ago. Everyone dares you to! We know the truth and you are nothing more than a lying, sack of shit! Oh, yes, you can claim all you want, but end the end, you will lose as you will be proven to be nothing more than A LIAR! Have fun wasting your money on this! For one thing, we have your lies screencapped, you don't have anything of your proof that you have claimed over the past three years that Bonita tried to steal your website or tried to claim your photos of your shit artwork of repaint Transformers, no angry e-mails from parents telling you to return Autobot Headquarters back to the original owner or any of the proof you claim to have as in links to different sites where your so called bullies are attacking your ex-friend or anything! No proof, no claim! Icebreakers 00:39, 14 October 2012 (EDT)

lol where's she saying she's going to sue us? Does she have a lawyer familiar with Nigerian law? I demand pics. Mike the Great (talk) 14:40, 15 October 2012 (EDT)

It is right there in her latest liar journal, she claimed to have spoken with a nice lady who got her daughter's bullies sent to jail for two to five years and has spoke to the police officer who dealt with the lady's case and he said he has a good case since we basically gave him all the proof of our cyberbullying but all she's doing is blowing hot air hoping we'll crack and delete her ED page like the cowards she claims we all are. Icebreakers 00:27, 17 October 2012 (EDT)

  • I think she's basically blowing hot air knowing that she had stated this before and nothing happened to anyone. So she's basically blowing hot air in hopes we're scared shitless enough to remove her page but as everyone knows that's not going to happen! Icebreakers 00:50, 17 October 2012 (EDT)


Is the creator of the article done building it? Is someone still making up a section or something? I'd like to go full with this article in the main page. --Andrés (talkplx) 14:53, 15 October 2012 (EDT)

  • Go for it. I'm done with adding sections to it. I may update the images on it with ones that clearly detail that she posted those images on her dA page. Icebreakers 00:24, 17 October 2012 (EDT)

Is she a girl or a guy in drag?

I talked with one of my friends, whose a Drag Queen at our local bar, I asked him for his judgment on a person, so I showed him a picture of Kathleen Todd in this outfit of hers.

I asked him, does she look like a drag Queen or is she female?

He said, hell no! She's a Queen! She has a man's face and eyes. Everything about this Kathleen screams man as she's no woman, but a man pretending to be a woman.

I agree with his assessment of Kathleen Todd. She is a Drag Queen! So what does everyone think about my Drag Queen's assessment of her/him? Is she/he a Drag Queen? Icebreakers 00:47, 17 October 2012 (EDT)

I vote male, pretending to be female irl and on the internet. Source of his lies? ----☬ℳarforius☬ Offended? SEA OF PISS 20:31, 24 October 2012 (EDT)

  • That photo and some of his/her videos on Youtube, where she's speaks and it is a high pitch voice like he's trying to hide the fact that his real voice is male and not female. Her voice is high pitched like she's trying her hide her male voice. Icebreakers 21:13, 24 October 2012 (EDT)
  • Here is another photo of Kathleen A. Todd, with another wig on.
I am a drag queen, look at me in my pink/blond wig.
I am a drag queen, look at me in my pink/blond wig.

Needless to state, Kathleen is a drag queen and her real name might just be Alan Todd! Icebreakers 19:54, 26 October 2012 (EDT)

She's building a new website!

Called Voltron Defender of The Universe. You know what's coming? Pages of information being lifted from Wikipedia and added to her new website, not one word will be done in her own words. Everyone knew she was about to work on another website, considering she has not done shit to her other sites as in correcting the information that she stole from other people and sites.

This clearly proves that she will never really put her own words/her own images/her own sound bytes down in any of her websites. She would rather move to building another website than contend with her previously created websites. Icebreakers 01:03, 20 October 2012 (EDT)

Oh boo hoo, must call her out!

Kathleen's latest journal basically calls Bonita out, in hopes, that Bonita will reply to her call out, but sadly, that is not doing anything that she so wants to happen to make people see Bonita as a spiteful bitch, but it only shows how cruel Kathleen Todd really is, as her friends, watchers and visitors sees how cruel she really is to someone who is basucally ignoring her.

Her journal for your amusement. Sadly, Kathleen is showing her true colors as her bully war is indeed one sided all on her side.

Kathleen calls Bonita out in hopes to stir the fire of her one sided war.

We see what you are trying to do, Kathleen, you are hoping that your friends, watchers and visitors will ask who is this autobot wannabee is, but everyone knows it is you, Kathleen who wants to be a Decepticon since that's what you love to do - you decieve people, you lie so much, you cannot tell what is the truth and what is the lies. You are a pathological liar and you are really a Decepticon. Icebreakers 00:21, 31 October 2012 (EDT)

Is there a Sargent in the Tasmanian police force?

I doubt that there is, as Kathleen A. Todd has posted another journal on her dA page and basically is claiming that she'll be handing her evidence over to the Sargent in the police on Wednesday and he states he can get them for slander now that they re posted their stuff.

She's once again trying to scare people into deleting this page and everything else concerning her little war against Bonita Prime. She is also siccing her lawyers on them too. AS IF!, everyone has heard this hot air blow hard crying this before and nothing happened when she first claimed it as she's wanted to sue Bonita early on in her war against her and now here we go again as she claims that its going to be happening now. We can wonder what she'll really do when the police ask her for their Tasmanian addresses, as they will only work within their country not go out of their country to harass another person in anoter country.

Seems that she forgot that part if she knows anything about the laws in America. Bonita Prime tried to figure out if she could sue Kathleen for harassment and slander but she found out that it was impossible to do because of different countries that they both live in. Kathleen is going to be laughed out of the police station for this. Have fun being the laughing stock of the police station, Kathleen Todd! Icebreakers 22:01, 2 November 2012 (EDT)

Threatens honest truth revealing people with slander suit.

She must really have her victims in her view of her gun sights as she's baying loudly now that someone posted a journal and hit several groups with it seems that she can't stand the bad attention that she's getting from the journal posts. She's baying loudly to the moon in hopes to scare those people to delete their journals and issue her an apology. An apology for what? Stating the truth? The truth that she is the bully, she first was a victim and then she became a bully after Bonita Prime started to ignore her whinery? Kathleen from what I seen in the fandoms she is in, lied in them all. Clearly, the attention is too great for her when someone else gets praise, she needs that praise doled out on her only. We can only hope that she will be laughed out of the police station since she doesn't really have a case against any of them.

Here's her journal where she tells them to remove the posts and issue her an apology. An apology for what, telling the truth? HA!, don't make me laugh, Kathleen.

Wahhh, my lawyer and the police told me I can sue them for slander if they don't do what I say

I thought she was going to the police on next Wednesday not on a Sunday morning? I bet its only more lie to get people spooked about it. Sorry, Kathleen, we ain't buying it. Icebreakers 08:33, 3 November 2012 (EDT)

A supporter arises.

Who is exactly like Kathleen Todd - a hypocrite and a liar.

She proceeds to lie about a bunch of TF roleplayers, who she claims were constantly talking about how they were the reincarnation of the Transformers, but it was she who spoke of that fact and never got off of it. She is firmly in Kathleen's pussy as she believes her lies instead of looking at the facts told and when told the facts, she firmly blocks and bans the user who told the facts and the truth about her lying claims.

Leathurkatt-TFTiggy calls lightpriestess78 a hypocrite, which she is.

Sadly, LightPriestess78 is a hypocrite for not looking at the facts produced by Leatherkatt-TFTiggy to let her know that she sided with a known liar and a known Transformers Art Thief. Icebreakers 23:36, 12 November 2012 (EST)

Are we sure it's not just another of her alt accounts? LightPriestess's 'about me' reads like a bad fanfic.Unseen 19:14, 14 November 2012 (EST)

  • No, LightPriestess is someone else, her name is Amanda and she hoardes reptiles, especially snakes. She probably has over a 100 snakes. She's not Kathleen but another idiot admin from another group called Transformers, dA group, who is firmly has her nose between Kathleen's legs. Icebreakers 01:32, 17 November 2012 (EST)

Suspended from deviantART!

I just visited her page to see what she has put up and found this:

HAHAHAHAHAHA, I wonder what will happen next to our little Miss Todd? Icebreakers 22:29, 19 November 2012 (EST)

I lold NKO PLZ RÆP MAH FACE 00:11, 20 November 2012 (EST)
Any idea why she's suspended? Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 00:54, 20 November 2012 (EST)
She reposted images that were removed from her page by the staff. She was explicitly told not to repost them, but she doesn't abide by the rules that govern the site. She thinks she is above the law of the site because she's friendly with a staff member. But she's an idiot if she thinks that. Icebreakers 03:01, 20 November 2012 (EST)
Well, as of 12 hours ago, Kathleen has reclaimed her main account as the one week suspension is over with and she doesn't act like she was suspended at all. She has not reposted the deviations in which got her the one week suspension, if the stupid idiot tries to do it again, she'll see what will happen. Icebreakers 12:43, 27 November 2012 (EST)

She brings out her ALT ACCOUNT - princesszelda2012!

Kathleen has found out that she's suspended on her main account of ryoko2013, so she promptly goes to her newest dA account that she created soon after her loss of her main supporters - princesszelda2012 and starts off blasting the dA user Leathurkatt-TFTiggy for in her mind bullying this Ravette person. But as everyone can tell in her cyberbully post, she cannot hide that it is her. She blew it months ago when she posted the Hello journal, which is exactly what she said in her ryoko2013 when she finally returned to her account after months of running from dA to Facebook, like the little chicken she is, about her boyfriend knowing him for 17 years and now engaged to him.

Little does she know, we're onto her little butt and that she cann't state that princesszelda2012 is not her because it is her. We know her way too well to doubt this is another person. Icebreakers 16:32, 21 November 2012 (EST)

Report her for evading her suspension and watch the lulz. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 22:49, 21 November 2012 (EST)
  • Sadly, by the time the staffers got to the report, her suspension was over with. They wouldn't do anything even though the ticket was done during the time of her suspension. Icebreakers 12:17, 8 December 2012 (EST)
  • This should be extremely fun. Icebreakers 22:25, 22 November 2012 (EST)
  • I will update this when we get the results. Icebreakers 19:45, 23 November 2012 (EST)
  • Sadly, by the time the staffers got to the report, her suspension was over with. They wouldn't do anything even though the ticket was done during the time of her suspension. Icebreakers 12:17, 8 December 2012 (EST)

Going to become a veterinary nurse now.

Probably to take care of her 11 fake horses that over the years she claims to have owned or owns. But as you can tell by this cap, she doesn't even mention any of the horses that she owns.

Wonder why she's not talking about HER horses.

Most likely, she never did own any horses at all and if she goes through vet school, she'll learn the cold hard facts that the life of a vet tech is one where they're at the clinic seven days a week tending to the animals that is there overnight or if they also have a kennel for vacationing people who can't take their pets with them. But if she's going for a vet, that's even worse!, they are never off duty, they're on duty 24/7, 365 days a year and the pay is okay, but it won't make you a millionaire anytime soon. Icebreakers 22:23, 22 November 2012 (EST)

Not going to happen since she now is looking to become a lawyer to fight cyberbullying and get the laws changed to where the victims are now villianized by the bullee. Who wants to bet that this too, won't happen as she'll find something else that attracts her attention a few weeks from now. Icebreakers 13:03, 14 February 2013 (EST)

I never was pregnant.

Kathleen posted in her Facebook page on the 20, December 2012, that she now claims never to be pregnant at all and yet, she blamed Bonita for making her miscarry at four months along. I am laughing my ass off as she now states on her Facebook page that she never had a child, well, what was the fetus that she claimed to have miscarried at four months - that was an unborn baby. Her claim of never being pregnant is either a bold face lie or that the claim of her miscarrying at four months due to the stress of her bullying Bonita Prime was nothing more than a bloody lie and she clearly admitted her lie that she never was pregnant.

Proof #1:

And now she claims never to have been pregnant. Who's the liar now, Kathleen?

Proof #2:

So, in my humble opinion, I fully believe that Kathleen Todd has admitted the truth that she never was pregnant at all, when she made that claim of miscarrying Spike's baby at four months on Bonita as she never was pregnant period! Icebreakers 00:25, 20 December 2012 (EST)

When was she saying she was knocked up?Unseen 22:25, 20 December 2012 (EST)

It was in the month of March of 2010 when Kathleen supposedly miscarried the baby during the start of her war with Bonita. Icebreakers 02:50, 22 December 2012 (EST)

What a stupid bint!

Kathleen thinks that posting this on her facebook page will do ANYTHING as in getting the images removed.

She thinks that posting it on Facebook will do any good as in getting her images removed. What a stupid, fucking bint she is! Anyone with brains would find who is hosting that website and send a report to them demanding that they remove the site from their servers. The more people who demand the removal of that website from the servers will basically see the outlash of e-mails concerning this website and they'll remove them from the servers as the person is clearly not going to go to someone's facebook page and look at their shit and see that post to remove their images. That doesn't happen, Kathleen, you stupid, brainless bint! Icebreakers 17:40, 22 December 2012 (EST)

She thinks this proves that she's female!

This is how fucking stupid Kathleen is. She thinks that a letter that states that she's on the waiting list for the GYN, proves that she's female! But the thing is GYN also SEES MEN TOO! Take a look!

If she really wanted to prove she's female, there is two ways to go about doing that; One - get into a bikini and pose with her legs spread enough to show her crotch even if it is covered up, if there is no bulge seen there, then the person is female. Two - birth certificate stating the GENDER of the BABY. I doubt that she really does have a birth certificate of her birth.

But watch as she forges shit on her BIRTH CERTIFICATE stating she's female when she's probably not even really a female in the beginning. What does everyone think about this? Think that she's going to prove that she's really a female or prove that she's a transgender male to female? Icebreakers 11:33, 24 December 2012 (EST)

Read a book/go for a walk or something you fucking bunny-boiler. - Mr.Jonzz 11:39, 24 December 2012 (EST)

3 and a half year engagment - beyond stupid!

Has anyone been engaged to marry more than one year before they got married?

For the infamous liar Kathleen and her supposed romantic fiancee Michael Boyd will have a 3 and a half year engagement before either of them walks down the aisle. One has to wonder why is she claiming to have that long of an engagement and also claim that she had to put on layby her wedding dress, if she has millions of dollars in her family bank account? Why aren't they married like say on Christmas Day?

Getting engaged in late 2012 and planning the wedding in 2016 is beyond rediculous, it is downright assinine, not to mention stupid and frankly fake as hell. The average engagment to wedding day is from four to six months while the longest is typically between ten and thirteen months as far as I have ever heard. The longest fictional engagment I've ever heard of was seventeen to eighteen months. A three and a half year engagment is just utterly idiotic and pointless, plus it only proves the person not only has serious committment issues, but is most likely lying beyond reason.

And why would she lie about this? Ah, I know its' only to get undeserved attention from everyone and feel important since she no longer have anything to which people would consider her to be important anymore. Icebreakers 22:23, 26 December 2012 (EST)

She got a corner drugstore medical bracelet.

To which she claims it has all of her medical issues that she has. Well, I'll tell you this, why hasn't she had it on 12 years ago when she was claiming to have a weak heart, fainting spells, bipolarism and epilepsy back then? Probably because she didn't have those problems at all as she doesn't have them now. The medical bracelet that she wears in this photo, is way too small to have all of her medical conditions on it as it would be twice the size or even three times as large to fit it all in.

If she thinks that tag on her medical bracelet fit all the medical issues she has, she's wrong as it probably has only her full name, her date of birth and what her blood type is, so the medics can give her the right blood type but beyond that, nope. I know what the medical issued ones look like as they're bigger than that, I have seen them on the elderly patients I go see each week. Icebreakers 11:11, 29 December 2012 (EST)

Actually, if somebody has a giant list of medical shit wrong with them there are medic alert bracelets with a phone number you can call up and hear a list of their medicines, allergies, etc. My severely autistic brother wears one because he's allergic to a lot of stuff and can't eat gluten. I saw a few in my ER too and they're super helpful if a patient is unconscious or has dementia and can't remember. The bitch has to show us the other side now so we can see the writing. Let's see if I'm right. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 18:43, 29 December 2012 (EST)

She hasn't photographed the other side to show what is on the back of it. Probably because there are nothing to show beyond her name, date of birth and her blood type, nothing more than that. Icebreakers 01:16, 31 December 2012 (EST)

As of this day and time, there is no new photograph of the back of her bracelet. Which, to me, is just added proof that it probably has nothing on the back of it at all. Icebreakers 11:52, 9 January 2013 (EST)

Wow, just wow.

Kathleen considers everyone to be mentally deficient and/or at least less intelligent than she is. She picks out those who she basically considers to be stupid and gullible to spread her lies. She conns others into believing her lies and hate propoganda until they discover the truth and reject her, then she calls them the goons of her "enemies" and accuses anyone who disagrees with her as being in the pocket of those she hates.

Kathleen has in fact picked on someone who is mentally challenaged to be her goon and when her mentally challenaged "friend" found out how much of a liar and a con artist Kathleen is, her now former friend turned her back on her and dumped her. Kathleen is clearly a hate mongering bully to have conned someone who is mentally challenged and who knows how many people with learning dissabilities she has duped with her lies. Icebreakers 18:55, 7 January 2013 (EST)

Attention whore rivalry between new bestest twatlicker friends Kathleen Todd and Amanda Jones!

Amanda Jones AKA Soulpsion on deviantART is the nutcase founder of TransformersForever group, who has an ego the size of Unicron and Megatron combined, recently banned members for expressing their opinions on a journal that Soulpsion had opened it to discussions to all members. She's Kathleen's new bestest twatlicker girlfriend, now has the spotlight on her from all the shit she's pulling. Now today, Kathleen has to cry out "NO LOOKIT ME!!!" bullshit about how she has Tonsillitis, when she never made one comment in a journal at all about how she's contending with Tonsillitis all of last year. That's the year, she basically lost her friend due to her friend finding out the truth about her now ex friend. Kathleen got a brand-new friend the nutcase founder of TransformersForever as her new sucker . . . goon. But now, that the spotlight is firmly on Amanda Jones AKA Soulpsion, Kathleen cannot stand it so she has to create a reason for people to give her sympathy or maybe free artwork or something. Everyone knows that Kathleen hates when someone else gets HER SPOTLIGHT on themselves. After all, everyone knows that Kathleen Todd is an attention whore and so is Amanda Jones.

Now, we all know that Kathleen Todd is definitely Psychotic and now she's all buddy buddy best girlfriends with SoulPsion (Amanda Jones). Both of them are compulsive liars who will lie about everything to and about other people so they can claim the spotlight for themselves. They both totally hate when someone else gets the spotlight on them and people praising them and they get the attention. If you ask either of them for proof of any claims they make and they don't give it to you immediately, it is nothing more than lies as neither of them wants to admit that they lied in the first place. The only proof they would have is proof that they lied anyway.

The Traits of a Psychopath are as follows:
superficial charm
exaggeratedly high estimation of self worth
need for stimulation
pathological lying
cunning and manipulative habits
lack of remorse or guilt
superficial emotional responsiveness
callousness and lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
lack of realistic long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for her own actions

Any of that sound familiar? We thought so too.
Hopefully, these two twats will burn each other up. Icebreakers 13:35, 9 January 2013 (EST)

What you no crushy your bipolar pills?

Kathleen's latest journal post has her complaining about having for the third time in a row of the last year - Tonsillitis. She has to crush her epilipsy pills but she's forgetting her other pills that she has to take on a daily basis like her bipolar pills, her heart pills and whatever other medication she has to take each day to stay alive or is this journal just one big fat lie?

She has it for five days and called her doctor last night to get an appointment to see him tomorrow. Why didn't he order her to head for the hospital for fluids since she's throwing up and they are bleeding? What is he waiting for or is this just another patch of lies from her in order to get sympathy from people since there is a huge bruhaha going on over at the deviant group TransformersForever? I seriously believe this is nothing more than lies to create sympathy from her watchers and friends on dA. She probably will be posting a day from now about how she got some awesome Transformers figures and her talk about having Tonsillitis would be forgotten like every other medical claim she has had in the past.

She has done this stunt before claimed something and then the next day or later act like she never had any problem at all and that she got some huge Transformers stuff. The thing is if she has to crush her epilispy pills in order to take them, she has to do the same to her other medication no ifs, buts or whatever about it. Clearly, we have caught her in a lie and she cannot edit her journal to cover her fucking mistakes at all. She cannot say that she was told not to take them during this timeframe which is bullshit as the doctor would not tell someone who has bipolarism to stop taking their meds so they could take care of their Tonsillitis issue, they would never tell them to stop taking their normal medications.

So as you can see, Kathleen Todd's claims of having bipolarism is nothing more than lies. For if she really did go to her normal doctor, her doctor would know what exact medication she is on by HER RECORDS THAT HE HAS ON HER! Now if she goes to different doctors for each of her visits, the current doctor won't know what medications she takes, unless she tells him what she takes, which I doubt that she does as she would have to crush ALL of her pills, not just one pill.

So clearly, Kathleen Todd has been caught in a big medical lie. Does she really have Tonsillitis or not or is she just bullshitting everyone in order to get sympathy from people. The comments to her journal are closed but she probably is getting notes of sympathy from those people who really care about her, which is like one or two people who believes her lies instead of seeing the lies that she's clearing posting about. Icebreakers 21:29, 9 January 2013 (EST)

Here's a juicy journal from Miss Kathleen Todd. She claimed to have entered a competition where you send in a picture of you cosplaying a villian or a hero. She never posted the link or stated the name of the competition. Everyone knows how much she lies and clearly, without a name to this mysterious competition, this is nothing more than a lie that she created to cover her ass as people probably want to know about her health and oh how quickly her Tonsillitis is getting better with stronger medication as she puts it. Everyone knows how long Tonsillitis really lingers for in a person. Three weeks before you get better. Clearly, she's pulling shit from her ass as she's getting better a week after she got it. LIAR!

Oh for your laughs, here's her journal posting.

We all know she probably is checking on her ED page to see if any new false claims coming from her bullies shown up or one of her journals shows up here, which the claims we put up comes right from her mouth or fingers. She will most likely delete this journal or post another journal bitching about this journal showing up here on her ED page, which will only prove that everyone caught her in another lie. Icebreakers 12:48, 11 January 2013 (EST)

Bragging about big ticket items.

Soon after her health notice on her dA page of a week and a half or two, she brags about getting some big ticket items and making comments about owing 300 dollars on another big ticket item like the Wii U. But why hasn't she at least made a comment about her tonsillitis since that time. One can only go back to the comment journal from the owner of Cool As Ice for evidence of her behavior about bragging about big ticket items after a few days after posting about some illness or tragedy that happened to her or to her horse. This is her M.O. and from what everyone knows she's most likely paying off her bridesmaid's dresses too which means no funds for these purchases either, since she's paying off her bridesmaid's dreses. She hasn't made a comment about her tonsillitis since her last post. Most likely because she doesn't have it, like she magically got her eyesight back several years ago - all lies. Icebreakers 12:00, 13 January 2013 (EST)

Okay, Kathleen is now firmly a hypocrite.

She's claiming that her ex-friend fanfictionaxis is a hypocrite since she's speaks about those who own bootlegs are stealing from the original copyright holders and that fanfictionaxis owns bootleg copies of the cartoon show Disney's The Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series and that she lifts videos and images from Youtube. Well, I found proof that Kathleen Todd is the one who owns some of the bootleg copies of the show seen in this cap from Cool As Ice message board and that she's the one who lifts videos and images from Youtube, not the other way around. Can we say LIAR, Kathleen, yes, we can and you are that liar.

Clearly, this young idiot, is calling out the wrong person this time around as I found proof that Kathleen is lying about fanfictionaxis owning a bootleg copy of MDTAS, on the young woman's journal and on the message board. Since Kathleen forgot that she didn't delete this vital little revelation on Cool As Ice.

Here is the comeback from fanfictionaxis concerning Kathleen's little comment after being informed about Kathleen's lying journal and yes, Kathleen, you are the liar in your own journal: Wow, really? Clearly, I believe fanfictionaxis over Kathleen since we see proof that Kathleen is requesting another disk from Dropzone and I looked everywhere for a DVD request from Beth anywhere on that site and found nothing of the kind. So clearly, Kathleen has been proven to have lied again and I found proof that Kathleen is the liar and that Beth is stating the truth. So why don't you admit that you lied about Beth owning bootlegs, when she doesn't own bootleg copies of that show and you do. Icebreakers 02:36, 14 January 2013 (EST)

She changed her username again!

I have tagged it in her page.

She got a three month PM by her new twatlicker Soulpsion, so she was able to change her username again since she lost her PM status a few months back. I'll be uploading her new journal as most of it is lies since we've caught her in several of them. Icebreakers 02:00, 19 January 2013 (EST)

She cannot hide this fact.

That anytime that she changes her username to a different one to get away from this page, she cannot hide as we will find out her new handle or her new username because she is predictable with her so-called claims will always tell everyone who she really is. And she cannot hide that fact is that she is an attention whore and she will claim to be busy but she's not as she's probably prowling dA checking on her bully victims to make her claim about how she is right about them as they're thieves and liars themselves. The one thing that a liar does is claim other people are thieves, liars and bullies when the person making those claims is doing exactly what she's claiming other people are doing. She's a liar and a bully. If she honestly admits that she is a liar about Bonita and and that everything that she had ever stated about her is nothing more than a lie and that she, Kathleen Todd is infact a bully, I doubt a lot of her friends will trust her words anymore without doubting that she's lying about it. Icebreakers 17:19, 29 January 2013 (EST)

Once again with the claims going after her bullies.

Now this time, Kathleen is claiming to have found someone who had sued ED and won. I doubt that. She's just blowing hot air around. For if there was one - ED would be off the internet if the person won and it would be in the news too.

Here, you go for your viewing pleasure, her latest journal. Now, with her comments to a supporter.

I am laughing my ass off about her claims. She's so full of shit her breath reeks of cow patties. Icebreakers 08:00, 12 February 2013 (EST)

She now claims that her lawyer has over 20 years of being a lawyer under his belt and that he is working with an American lawyer who is working to where the American laws no longer protect the freedom of speech to the victims of bullies and that no matter where they are at they will be sued when she feels like going after her victims. Well, if she wants to play that game, then those who she bullied shall do the same as in getting their own lawyer and going after her if she thinks about going after her bullies, for she would have to admit in a court of law that she attacked her bullies first and slandered them and what they did was not bullying but clearly warning people of this lying young person, who has 'claimed' to have been stalked and bullied by other people. All that her victims did was to inform people about how much of a liar this young person really is with the facts of this person's misdeeds done to other people. Also, she doesn't really look at her ex-friend's dA page as she would see what she has been doing since she dumped this lying sack of cow patties, and amazingly, she's doing a lot of things. Icebreakers 01:22, 13 February 2013 (EST)

Is she going to really change or not?

Kathleen's latest journal posting is up and loe an behold she claims to make a major choice in her life - to become a better person. HA! As fucking if she's going to change to a better person! She hasn't in over the last three years.

Here is her latest journal where she cries out I've made a major choice in life.

Who wants to guess how long she'll keep that going - a week or a month before she finds another person to proclaim her bully and start acting like a victim when she's the bully again. If she really is going to make a major change in her life, the journals where she bad mouths her ex-friends and her victims of her bully campaign should be removed from her account and any other accounts that she maintains as a show that she is really, dead serious about changing. But as you know, she won't do that as she would no longer have the spotlight shining on her anymore and she so loves that spotlight. Icebreakers 11:53, 12 February 2013 (EST)

Turns out that she's stalking her ex-friend and her bully victim's pages as this cap proves, which is filled with her jealous lies.

Clearly, she is just spitting out more lies about her ex-friend and her bully victim because they're no longer paying attention to her anymore as they've moved on and working on other things now. Icebreakers 15:54, 19 February 2013 (EST)

How long will this last?

Before she starts posting her nasty journals about her bully victims again? She claims to be the better person and move on with her life. But as you and everyone else knows this will not last for long. She cannot stop peeing her crap about her ex-friends and her bully victim as she whines that they're the bullies. Take a look at her latest journal screencap.

It won't be too long before she posts another nasty journal, claiming some shit about her bully victims as she cannot stop stalking her victims and when they do something awesome, she has to pounce and cry out they're a bully and how much she assumes that they're sitting on their asses looking at their PCs eating tons of food making themselves fatter and fatter. She will most likely start it back up in a day or two or within the week. She just cannot help not stalking her bully victims deviantART pages to see what they're doing. Icebreakers 23:52, 19 February 2013 (EST)

Its official! She didn't even last since she posted any of her journals. As you can clearly see, she's still picking on fanfictionaxis and by her own words, she's bullying fanfictionaxis still.

For your amusement, her comments from one of her journals.

As you can tell who prompted the comments, soulpsion. Clearly, Kathleen should have not replied if she was being the bigger person but as you can see, she cannot help but to pick on fanfictionaxis. That's bullying, Kath! You are bullying her, regardless if she sees it or not. You are being a bully and that is fact! Icebreakers 01:07, 23 February 2013 (EST)

She's looking to have a baby by IVF now.

Is she aware that IVF might not even take on the first try, and getting her so called cycles to come together to where they can harvest all of the eggs that would come from her constantly plunging a needle filled with hormones to force her ovaries to ovulate is about a month worth of shots each and every day. The doctors won't guarantee that it will be successful either nor did the doctors tell her how expensive it really is to go that way. The process of getting the eggs is a lot of work and from what I read up on the process, its also time consuming and costs a lot of money in the double digits of thousands of dollars. Don't you think she would be better off, adopting her fiancee's kids as her own, since their real mother might not even want a thing to do with them than trying to have her own baby with her future husband, which might not even work and will cost them thousands of dollars just to do? Icebreakers 21:47, 2 March 2013 (EST)

Now building a Mass Effect website.

Which is hilarious since she claims to be busy moving from her home to move in with her fiancee in May. I doubt she really is moving out as she's busy building a new website and another one at the same time. It may be that she's splitting her packing time with building her two websites and playing several Mass Effect games to get screencaps of the characters from the game itself. But everyone knows how much of a bloody liar she is. She assumes that we won't call her out on her shit about building her two new websites and packing up her room at the same time, because from everyone's experience on packing and moving, every moment of the day that you have free is devoted to packing up everything and making sure that everything is packed that should be packed. If she is moving out, she's probably packing up all of her Transformers shit too, which means she can bring them out into the light and take photos of them all to really prove that she has those Transformers figures that she claims to own. But everyone knows she does't own any of them. Icebreakers 11:08, 3 April 2013 (EDT)

A funny thing is found on Kathleen's dA page.

Her picture of the stained glass windows of the so called church that she and her current boytoy will get married in, is so far away you cannot see the stained glass windows at all. They look like normal windows. I doubt she really took a snapshot of the stained glass windows and if she did, she would have got inside of the church and snapped a proper photo of them with the sunlight shining through the windows, like a normal person would do. I doubt they really are stained glass windows but normal windows in a darkened section of an abandoned church. What does everyone think of those images? Icebreakers 23:24, 14 April 2013 (EDT)

  • They look like how stained glass windows always look from the outside. I don't know how things are run over there but where I live unless service is going on, the sanctuary of the church is now locked, meaning if she just stopped by she probably couldn't get inside to take pictures. What I find odd is why would she be getting married in a church anyway, wasn't she claiming to be a Wiccan at one point? Unseen
    • Yes, she claimed to be a Wiccan and now she's back being a Christian who is marrying an Athiest. I don't think Kathleen really understands that an Athiest doesn't worship God and I doubt her boy-toy will go back to Church for her. Icebreakers 08:50, 19 April 2013 (EDT)

I don't think she understands epilispy very well.

She recently claimed to have had a fit and is now irritable and can't sleep. I had a friend who is epilepic and when she has a fit, all she wants to do is sleep, not stay awake. I think we caught Kathleen in another health lie as she wouldn't be wide awake but falling asleep after her fit happened. I think for postive that her health claim of having epilespy is nothing but lies as she didn't make one mention of it on her facebook account at all, but on dA, she does? Sounds like she's lying about it. Typical M.O. for Kathleen Todd. Icebreakers 08:54, 19 April 2013 (EDT)

Caught her in a big lie. Concerning her epilipsy, if her dog Jake is trained to be a therapy dog, then why didn't she make comments in her journals about packing up Jake's stuff too as she's taking her therapy dog with her to her boytoy's place? She flat out didn't make one mention of that, which means we caught her with another medical lie. I know that some do not need one and that they're dealing with it by the way of drugs, but there comes a time when the drugs won't help and the senses of a dog will be needed to detect her next fit. Icebreakers 08:20, 1 May 2013 (EDT)

Epilepsy effects different people in different ways. Some people fit, some people don't etc. Mr.Jonzz 08:30, 1 May 2013 (EDT)

Claimed to have won the top prize at the Con she went to.

She's currently waiting to hear back from the organizers about what it is. From the Conventions that I attend, you have to be present to win any prize and they say so in the Convention sheets you get when you register that when you do any of the talent shows or even the fashion show, you must be present to win, if you are not, you will be passed over and the award given to another. The reason for that is that they had too many people do the shows and walk away and after the Con is over, they return trying to claim the prize, so they started the You Must Be Present To Win business. So they could take pictures of the winners to promote on their website and if you aren't there to walk up to get the prize, they will give it to the next person as you defaulted on the prize and you are not even mentioned as a winner of anything. Kathleen and her pal left the Convention early and thus, they missed out on the awards and didn't win anything and now claiming to have won big but she doesn't know what she won, because she was not present to win. Icebreakers 22:09, 18 May 2013 (EDT)

I got Gastro, whatever that is.

Kathleen posted a comment in her comment boxes in reply to a belated Happy Birthday message from an admin from Cybertronians dA group and stated that she got Gastro and had to be spend her birthday in the hospital, due to Gastro, which left her very dyhdrated so she spent it in emergency with her partner while she had IVs in her arm to treat her Gastro.

Sounds like she had diarrhea and didn't really treat it with getting plenty of fluids and eating toast or a banana to help stop the runs from continueing to pester her to the point where she had to be taken to the Hospital to get it fixed. Icebreakers 19:30, 24 May 2013 (EDT)

  • Sometimes the B.R.A.T. diet does not work and people do have to be admitted to hospital for treatment. Illness effects everyone differently. Unseen

AUS Goverment cracking down on cyber bullies.

Or so, Kathleen Todd claims that they are in her latest journal. But like always, she gives no links to anything that would prove her statement is true. So, she's most likely making it up in hopes to chase her ED watchers away from posting anything more about her lying and bullying behavior towards other people.

Here is her journal for proof she didn't post any links concerning her goverment cracking down on cyber bullies.

What do you think? More lies coming from her? Icebreakers 19:39, 24 May 2013 (EDT)

No photo of her and her new fiancee.

I find it very amusing that Kathleen has not shown one photo of her and her new fiancee and she, like, spent a whole month or two with him and never found the time to get a moment to where they could get a photo of themselves together to prove us wrong or maybe right? We are like still waiting for proof of her claim to be with her fiancee which is a photo of him and her like at the airport or at home together? Not a photo of her sitting at what she could claim was her fiancee's house but it could easily be one of her girlfriends' homes that she was staying at and visited Michael in order to snap the photo of his cat or that he snapped the photo of his cat and Kathleen saved the photo to post on her page claiming to have taken it and Michael removing his to make it look like she snapped it? Something is fishy about why she didn't snap a photo of her and him together at all. She did show proof that she's not Derek Todd with her family Christmas snapshot but no proof of this? Now that is fishy! I am fully 100% sure that this claim of getting engaged to Michael Boyd is nothing more than a ruse to make us think she's moved on with her life, now that she has been revealed to be a bully, stalker and a harasser. She will most likely return with another claim of art theft or line stealer on someone else to where she can start up harassing them, which will prove to all, that she has not really moved on. Icebreakers 07:57, 26 August 2013 (EDT)

Seems like she lied about moving away.

From her parents' home. As she did speak highly about moving away a few months ago. But I guess she couldn't really move away since she is basically putting more shelves and other stuff up on her wall at home.

Take a look for yourselves to see what she and her father did. I can see a big fire hazard under her desk with three power strips filled to the max with cords. I guess she doesn't have enough outlets over there to power up her toys.

She even brags about getting another shelf put up too. What about her move? Isn't she still planning to move to another house to live on her own before she marries Michael Boyd? Or is that another one of her many lies that she told to everyone? Icebreakers 09:13, 27 October 2013 (EDT)

reads like an attack page

im going to sweep and mop/vacuum the shittiness, and one-sidedness ("I," stalker-blog-like commentary, etc) from this later this week. just a notice.-- Talk to me|Contribs 00:19, 16 November 2013 (EST)

  • Might want to do the same with her victim Bonita Prime's ED page without making yourself look like a white knight since 90% of the shit that's there is an attack on the woman done by the former followers of Kathleen Todd's. Tama 00:50, 6 July 2014 (EDT)

Going to become a chef now.

In one of her journals, she makes the statement of becoming a chef as she and her current fiancee Kyle Simmons are in a cooking course at a local university. But we have yet to see her in her chef coat once, as she claims to look really good in it and she's talking about the meals she's cooking. Not once have we seen any photos or recipes of the meals that she's learning how to cook or had cooked for her current Kyle. It is most likely more lies to make everyone think she has really moved on with her life, but she's probably sitting in front of her TV playing Warcraft or some game shoving pastries down her throat and not working on any new recipes to cook at her course or make for her man. Tama 17:17, 4 July 2014 (EDT)

Another username change happened.

From Klangkang to now KagomeTas last night. The dumb ass probably didn't think we would find out so quick with her newest handle on dA. Pretty much a string of loser names since she dumped her original handle. Doubt that she can think of a good one. Tama 09:46, 12 July 2014 (EDT)

She lost her Nan on Sept 22!

Go to her Facebook page and see if she's whining about losing another Nan or that she's not doing anything concerning the loss of her Nan Beryl Todd, which is probably one of six Nans for her considering that she claimed over several pops and dads. Her brother Derek posted about it on his page but from what I can tell, Miss Kathleen ToddSimmons hid her status messages since they are more than likely to appear here with her whines about something or someone. She's silent as a turtle going poo on her DeviantART account, considering that she hasn't been back beyond to post an image there "My new Female Commander Shepard Figure" on September 9th and her status message still is from August 1st. Tama 10:13, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

New attack on someone old or new person.

Kathleen returned to attack one of her old bullies either Fanfictionaxis, Leathurkatt-tftiggy or Miss Optimus Prime with whom she became friendly with recently. Wonder who she's attacking now since not one of her so called bullies are attacking her or even speaking about her anymore. Tama 08:29, 28 November 2014 (EST)