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Well, shit, it all makes sense now!

This acronym secretly stands for Massively Boring Talking Idiots. People who make their living consulting other people on how to be MBTI will, of course, deny this fervently.

The purpose of MBTI is to assign everyone letters which they will not understand, so that the Global Masonic Conspiricy can more easily decide who to assign to the gulags, and who to simply kill outright.

What the Letters Mean


if you can't understand what the fuck the top means you have no chance

SJ - afraid of change/just bought their first computer/fucked

estj - memorizes stupid facts like baseball statistics than looks at you retarded when you bring up something that hasn't been in existance for at least 100 years

esfj - really good at pretending to give a shit there by resulting in massive 16 year old girl orgy

isfj - same as above except that they'll typically have less friends/ are prone to shutting the fuck up.

istj - no friends/assholes typically walk way to fast and only care about money, are prone to disagreeing with anyone who comes up with a new idea.

SP - The bullshitter

estp - the yes man, a natural salesman who typically has no fucking idea what he's talking about but does it with a huge fucking smile, typically found in malls

esfp - attention whore.

isfp - known for creating retarded trends. see emo.

istp - can work any tool/machine, prone to reading the instructions (fucking idiot)

NF - idealist

enfj - cult leader, that dude who some how gets it, prone to not doing anything, but still being loved by everyone

enfp - performer/attention whore very similar to esfp couterpart except actually does something instead of just bitching

infp - fucked, you are prone to wearing the rose colored glasses and getting constantly taken advantage of as a girl or being a permavirgin if a guy, typically able to read the fucking otherwise indecipherable bullshit documentation of computer scientists and engineers, good for them

infj - if you think that jews did wtc and that aids is a product of gmo you are an infj, most end up in their mom's basement or under a causeway.

NT - inventer of the internets

entj - congrats you are an asshole, you are really good at manipulating people and lieing is easy for you, as a teenager you probably had sex a lot and had a bunch of SPs following you around, if anyone fucked with you you gave them the axe, this most likely carried on into your adult years where you continued to treat people who were superior to you as if they were god and those below you like shit.

entp - common for entrepreneurs, these people are really good at organizing people. The most I of all Es, probably the only profile that doesn't suck, you were probably a looser untill highschool/college when you finally figured out that most people are sheep. Then you invented a vacuum by combining two ideas that where invented by your intp friend, who you later gave a job

intj - scientist, you over catoragize everything and waste time looking at shit that doesn't matter, most likely to be manipulated by entj (who treats you like god then dumps you, you poor bustard) or kill everyone in your sector at work, or become an hero (after infj, who was really just killed by entj) However, you're also a big fucking genius and most likely actually read Atlas Shrugged. It is like you to plot to take over the fucking world (i.e. Brain of Pinky and the Brain) and hate everyone, even as a child.

intp - approx 1/2 of all intp are ugly and retarded, the other half go on to become scientists and engineers and are generally completely underappreciated, this type will soon go extinct however due to their inability to talk to anyone. Virtually all currently on the internets

Further "Reading"

See Also

