Codenamesailorearth/2nd Wikia Saga

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She's baaaack

on Sept, 26 CNSE decided she hadn't made herself look retarded enough and tried to reenter the community that had did all they could to eject her. She started by making her usual brand of hate videos that succeed in making her look as if shes incapable of reading

She then created a video deliberately attacking the Wikia sites which in fact did all they could to protect her and help redeem herself

Also in an act of hypocrisy she makes a video telling people what they can and can't do because it "bothers" her

It likely only a matter of time before she starts a campaign to bring down ED.

Next thing she did to try and get her name off the wikia blacklists was to actually have the blacklists taken down. She told them to take a hint and remove a the pages before their accounts were deleted saying how wrong blacklists are. But she know she is such a virgin goddess she forgot they knew about her own blacklists. Yep, she forgot that she had one didn't she?

Moon Sisters Wall of Perpetual SHAME

Moar info: Codenamesailorearth/Blacklist.

Tossing out her only defender

Ah... you guys need to see this. It will explain what I said before.This is on the Wikia Terms of Service page. (As in THE Wikia, not the Vocaloid Wikia.

You agree not to use the Service to:

  • Harass members of the Service; (I read Damesuke's posts on various talk pages.)
  • Use the Service in any unlawful manner or in any other manner which could damage, impair, or overburden the site; (Well you didn't do that.)
  • Post, upload, transmit, share, or store content which is unlawful, defamatory, infringing, obscene, or invasive of another's right to privacy or publicity; (Some English dictionaries define a blacklist as defamatory. Damesuke's insults about me on her talk page don't help matters.)
  • Impersonate another entity or person; (Nope, you're clear.)
  • Post, upload, transmit, share, or store unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, "spam", or any other type of unauthorized solicitation; (Nope, you're ok.)
  • Solicit personal information from any user under the age of 18; (I saw you guys posted the REAL names of people on the Blacklist. With NO way to guarantee their REAL ages, you might want to re-think this.)
  • Access or attempt to access any information on the Service through an interface other than the Service or otherwise approved by the Company; (No clue what that means, but I'm sure you're ok.)
  • Solicit passwords or other information for unlawful purposes. (Nobody does that.)

So that's why I posted the video. I was trying to warn you guys, so you DON'T lose your accounts. Where I'm from, a video like what I posted is called "tough love". Alright, peace out!


Except the wikias involved are not breaking the rules, this is just another whore-attempt to get her way by using and abusing rules to her whim. Lol, didn't work, as pointed out by the wikia her claims were weak. She even claimed one of the editors , who had spent days "helping" her and had turned to harressing her when the truth was far from it. Its just she doesn't get a kick unless she cries "victim" and yell names.

She also claimed they blacklist every user using a UTAU at the UTAU wikia that sounds like a Vocaloid (importing Vocaloid into UTAU is a "no-no"). Which also proves she is an idiot since it turns out proving a UTAU has a Vocaloid imported into it is not that simple and quite honestly lots of UTAUs sound like Vocaloids. To make matters worst her videos continued and she added this crap to her video collection.

The world applauds her efforts!