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Madlovesong aka MLS aka Therapute aka Icanian aka Rachel Estrella, is was a Livejournal Attentionwhore, disease ridden, drug addled retard that people have either considered the greatest troll on the face of Livejournal or the biggest Drama Queen that has ever lived. A pathalogical liar, Madlovesong managed to troll several LJers out of over 9000 dollars, is soley responsible for the great SFDA meltdown November 2011{SFDANOV11}. Nevar Forget. MLS at one stage was a namie mod of SFD Anonymous. Madlovesong is also creator of the women survivors community so women only would have a safe space to talk about their abuse. Fun Fact: MLS masturbates to every survivor story you post in that comm, and then uses those posts to work into her own experience. Bet you didn't see that coming.

Internet Madlovesong

R U a man?
  • Rachel. 21. Rhode Island. Lesbian. Feminist. Pro-choice. Vegetarian (your MI team say otherwise dumbass). Anorectic. (sp) Depressed.
  • I read constantly. Mostly to escape.
  • I'm addicted to TV and movies. Same reason as above.
  • Currently watching: Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Community, and The Good Wife.
  • My queens are: Meryl Streep, Amy Poehler, and Lisa Edelstein.
  • I'm disabled and also temporarily on medical leave from college.
  • I am a psychology major with about one year left until I receive my BA. After that I plan to be a therapist and/or a social worker.
  • I've been through an unfortunate amount of crap throughout my life, but I'm trying as hard as I can to get through this, and get back to a point where I can claim my life as my own.

Real Life Madlovesong

  • Attention whore
  • Apparently not doing college, but then posts about her writing/Literature classes (Apparently a prerequisite to wank in SFDA)
  • Pure lesbian, but every man that comes within 50 feet wants to talk/date/fuck/sell her cosmetics against her will, and has to post about it in Anon/TQC about how she 'resisted teh cock.' Yeah, sure they do MLS.
  • On disability, though when remains a mystery. According to her; years. According to the people she owes money to: weeks.
  • Suspicion of being dyslexic. At one stage during the dramas kept mixing up the word restitution with retribution which generated massive lulz when MLS said she would make retribution to people she wronged.


  • Homeless: for a year / 9 months / 4 months
  • Jobless: Worked for Lush / Works for Charloette Russe (and gets $20 every 2 weeks for working 3 hours)
  • Not an addict. Kicked out of a friends house for stealing medications amongst others. Most other times posts on LJ drunk.
  • Clean Record busted for DUI and Shoplifting...but charged dropped due to lack of evidence or police fail = innocent!!!!eleventyone
  • Disability: Just got disability / been on disability for months $200 $400 $500 per month

Average Day

Madlovesong is a survivor, Of course she reported her father to the proper authorities and he was partyvanned and IRL &B/ for the next 99 years HAHAHA DIsREGARD, I SUCK COCKS she lives with her abuser and also her mother who also abuses her by yelling at her to get a proper job,stop hogging the couch and stop being an attention whore. Madlovesong claims she is Mexcican and palestinian, usually when arguing with someone and calling them whitey, in ONTD_P or SFD but then inexplicably posted photos of herself white as, which caused anon to call bullshit and forced her to claim she IDs as white, whining about passing priviledge as being a bad thing. When asked for examples of the daily racism she experiences she responds "fuck you hombre."

Internet Diseases

  • Lesbian
  • Feminist - Terminal Case, shoot on sight
  • PTSD, which is a lie because only men doing things like fighting wars get PTSD, but keep living that dream of contributing to society.
  • Lupus, most likely drug induced because she pops pills and commits prescription fraud with other LJ users.
  • Osteoporosis. Apparently she fractured her ankle in one post and then posted about a yukky boy giving her a compliment when she was in class a day later.
  • Survivor
  • Anorexia, to be part of teh cool kids.
  • Dissociative Disorder, so nothing is her fault. NOTHING@!
  • Too much fucking information disorder

On Livejournal

  • Are you white?
  • Are you a male retard and attempt to post discussion articles on ONTD_Feminism?
  • Are you heterosexual?
  • Do you have a Mental Illness?

Well if so, then any opinions you have on any subject is fucking WRONG according to MLS. You have nothing to contribute, and you are either a Misogynist (yes women can be * misogynists...especially those straight ones), mansplainer, piece of shit, and deserved of a righteous smackdown by two SFDers and 18 socks. It works like this;

  1. MLS cruises the snark forums of ONTD, ONTD_P, ONTD_F, SF_Drama for ANY post that possibly discussed rape or MI.
  2. Waits until it gets to about 50+ Comments and hopefully one man has made a comment.
  3. Drop a TL;DR post about her personal rape/MI experiences stolen of Women_Survivors in graphic detail. Even better if a male has posted a 'women really should not walk around alone in the Ghetto between 2am and 5am in a miniskirt for their own safety.' You are policing their body and lifestyle choices you mansplaining faggot.
  4. ?????

This generally stops the post while the thread fills up with "Sorry for your situation" comments. The smarter trolls quickly figure out that she has locked the post out for nearly everyone. Whoever tries to comment on the original subject will recieve a comment "How dare you discuss MY RAPE experience!!!" "You are minimizing my rape" "You are raping my rape experience with rape. You are a victim blaming enabler." They haven't even touched her situation. A PM, usually like Go fuck yourself and hope u get raped urself," will probably arrive. At this point her allies then start dogpiling anyone who tries to steer the topic back on course, even going so far to troll the users upthread before MLS even posted her tale of woe. Eventually it will end up on SFD which then starts even more trolling from SFD fucktards who have no idea what is going on, but when madwitch approves a post, then Have At IT!

The problem with Madlovesong is that she believes that SF_Drama and SFDA Police the Interwebs and she is the Commander in Chief second only to madcunt /madwitch, with anons desperately trying to lick her e-clit for that sweet sweet taste of possible modship at SFDA. They patrol LJ and Tmblr looking for any any transgression to which they will post and call out and generally froth over each other. It must be a shock for MLS and SFDers, that the rest of the Internet at large are not interested in their honks of indignation and lack of trigger warnings on fucking everything, and minimising any injustice done to a male.

If someone has the same mental illness as Madlovesong, then they are obviously faking it. She knows this as she is studying psychology, and can say things like "DSM-IV" or "disorder" or "retard" as a clinical definition. It became abundantly clear during the hissy fit between Vodkashakes and MLS over what is dissociative disorder when she accussed him (because he had a penis so obvious priviledge) that he was making shit up. MLS also has a history of doubting survivor stories (usually the ones she wants to steal) in one instance making a poll on SFDA whether a member was survivor material....A FUCKING POLL!! Thankfully anon has quite a few socks in the communities she mods, calls her out to which quickly backpedals.


Madlovesong's hateboner for the LJ Admin Brendan has reached epic levels. Being an LJ employee, a male, and generally not putting up with shit from 20 year old feminists, MLS believes Brendan has over 9000 points of privledge so must be Satan. MLS can be found bawwing on SFD about how terrible Brendan is for making a rape joke which no one can seem to find, or being a shitty mod because he won't ban who she want him to.

Last Thursday when a thread in ONTD talked about some shit MTV show and one of the contestants was raped while unconcious with a toothbrush. The prospect of delicious tears of rage brought out the trolls who dared mention the phrase "allegedly" and "if proven true in a court of law..." This brought angry cries of Victim blaming, rape culture and All Menz are Guilty. MLS couldn't help herself accusing one of the trolls of making her not come forward about her own rape, despite telling Livejournal and Tmblr every fucking five minutes in every random post. Troll penis basically said "LOL at this thread." MLS demanded Brendan should banhammer with impunity. Over in anon, MLS asked a question of whether she should publish PMS between her and Brendan over at ONTD so that all could see what a shitty person he was to her. Half the peanuts roared YESSSSS do it hes a dick (totes not a gendered insult according to the hivemind) but some cooler heads say "LOL wut, thats kind of a retarded move. Fearing nothing, MLS proceeded to derail another thread by posting the true (lie) PMs between her a Brendan where he had told her to stop posting personal details of her rapes in a snark Comm. You would think that Brendan had personally skullfucked the rancid, bloated corpse of Jesus in front of the Whitehouse. Screams of victim blaming and 'rape silencer' howled across Livejournal. Of course the asspat posts MLS hungers for like a crackwhore started up. Then Brendan responded by posting a screenshot of the PMs between them where MLS comes of as a shrieking assharpy repeatedly calling him a piece of shit, ending whatever good will others had and told MLS to fuck off, and that Brendan didn't do anything wrong. In the end MLS actually had to make a grudge post to SFD using a sock, to which half of SFD pretended they didn't know it was MLS, and what was going down on SFDA at the time. This is how much she fails at life and the internet. The hivemind at SFD had a collective meltdown and How Dare Brendan post PMs bewteen a rape victim and himself and he is a silencer, and a piece of shit, fapping to fantasies that Brendan would be fired by LJ, conveniently forgetting how much of a bunch of fucking hypocrites they really are.

Prescription Fraud

MLS drugs of choice are Xanax and Klonopin which are generally not recommended for people of a history of depression, suicidal thoughts or alcohol and drug addiction, but MLS happy proclaims she pops them regularly to help her be a fucktard. During the first round of e-begging LJ user Spoogly proceeds to publically post in her journal asking if she has her medications to which MLS says shes freaking out. Spoogly says that she will bullshit to her own doctor and get a script and then send the script to MLS on Thursday . When magic crisis of being kicked out was over and MLS says "Thank god I managed to refill my Xanax and Klonopin". So we can presume that MLS was bullshitting AGAIN and wonder whether Spoogly gave her scripts over, based on the word of an ADDICT.

November November, A day to remember

During a standard fare SFDA post where anons were busy fapping to gifs of a preteen children's cartoon aimed at girls, how nice their farts smell, how str8y women suck, which man who posted in Livejournal or their Tmblr deserves to be dogpiled, or how hard it is to An Hero, an anon posted an innocuous comment that stopped time itself. Apparently this anon was looking for ways to raise money urgently as her 'abusive' mother threatened to throw her out of the house unless she raised $300 to pay a bill by December. Since the word "abusive" attracts damaged anons to a thread like a syringe full of heroin under a large net attracts a junkie, support flowed in A few pages later TNGANON posted a chipin link to which Madlovesong proceeded to anonfail thanking her, but then edited her post crying tears that she anonfailed. Of course you would think, being an SFDA mod she would immediately delete the comment so other anon users wouldn't see it, but no, it was left up. All part of the plan. Most of anon proceeded to shit themself in tears of sorrow that a namie was in trouble and began to donating their drug money and/or disability payments. But something was afoot and a few anons started to get suspicious and voiced their concerns. How dare you become suspicious in the femdome came indignant cries to such questions. All survivors tell the truth about everything.

At the same time MLS makes a post in Womens_Survivors begging for money along the same lines as the SFDA post, but tagging it as a Mod Post. This goes down as well as expected that MLS is begging for money in a community full of socks and abuse victims, particularly only to beg for money to stay in the same abusive relationship according to her. In a flash of brilliance for MLS, she realised she could coax more money out of the suckers / victims, and ups the amount to $500

But oh noes, another post goes up in anon from MLS that was major dramaz! She would be kicked out by tomorrow. MLS then proceeds to threaten An Hero if she is homeless again like she was for for "most" of last year, unless anon comes up with the money now! Anons now proceed to Signal Boost the Tmblr post. Someone in anon points out that threatening suicide is rather manipulative and a bit of a dickmove. MLS completely agrees and removes it from her Tmblr but leaves it up on LJ for lulz. Wank breaks out in Anon about whether the An Hero was really a manipulative threat for donations or a cry for help.

But 24 hours later, crisis over. MLS is allowed to stay at home in the abusive relationship. Anons started to post "Called it" but were told to STFU by the damaged anons because this behaviour is totally part of abusive behaviour paradigm. Suddenly anon starts an "education drive" to educate other anons about what abuse actually means. This generates massive wank as threads break out from anons accusing other anons of not understanding but then 'No U' starts being thrown around like monkey shit. Trolls actually had nothing to do for the evening as namies and anons all turned on each other.

Suddenly in SFDA sunsetinthewes spectacularly anonfails saying she doesn't 'trust' MLS. Like a fatty on a glazed ham, the waters in SFDA frenzy with blood with anons screeched GTFO. Thread after thread of raeg and hate that someone called MLS untrustworthy. This was a gift for MLS, that something shiny in the distance had distracted the feminist hivemind from asking pertinent questions. All she would have to do is sit on her ass, shut the fuck up and wait for it to all blow over right? Well you would be wrong faggot.

MLS posted that she had banned sunsetinthewes in the survivor comm because she wouldn't respond to a PM asking why she believed Ms Innocent here to be untrustworthy. Almost immediately a few anons told her banning a survivor she didn't like a bit of a dick move. MLS then started backpedalling again saying she didn't ban her, she left, but later would turn out to be a lie, and MLS had quickly unbanned her, which resulted in this gem

("Yes I lied about banning her then but Im telling the truth now." So totally not what an addict says amirite?)

Meanwhile in TQC a completely unrelated post was made about the time when someone betrayed you. LJ User Yesterdays_Laugh posted that someone had hurt her feelings when they stole heirlooms and jewellry. Some e-detectives quickly figured out the perpetrator was actually Madlovesong. As dox were dropped, the trolls started posting links in SFDA. Suddenly MLS went quiet and threads were starting to get deleted in multiple comms. MLS bawwed in the SFDA that other mods were deleting her comments and it wasn't her, and anon completely believed her.

Yesterday_laugh then made a warning post in TQC about her history between her and Madlovesong, but unfortunately made the heinous mistake of calling MLS a liar and doubting her story. MLS responded TQC bawwing that Yesterday_laugh didn't just PM her, her and it was a complete misunderstanding. At the same time MLS posted in anon and Yesterday_Laugh was lying about the theft. Like sunsetintheves, anons squealed in outrage that Yesterday_laugh obvious didn't believe MLS was raped or that she was going to be kicked out, which Yesterda_Laugh never even raised. Feminists never tell lies you slutshaming whore! The rest of TQC looked at each other, rolled their eyes and went LOL SFD.

Anon then called for Yesterday_laugh to come to anon for a frank and candid discussion of the events between her and MLS. (Its a trap) Actually believing Anon would be civil about this, Yesterday_Laugh made a post, but then found out she was banned from posting in SFD_Anon. All e-fingers correctly pointed to MLS who insisted she didn't, andwas telling the truth... this time, only to receive a smackdown from another mod that it was indeed her who did the banning. It then comes out that YL was preemtively banned from MLS journal, but accidentally the Modded Communities checkbox. At about this time MLS allies were starting to realise they were being fucked over and yelling at MLS to STFU about everything

Being somewhat dim Yesterday_laugh did eventually make a long-assed post detailing MLS theft of heirlooms and cash and essentially lying her ass off about a lot of things. Anon completely understood proceeded to troll the shit out of Yesterday_Laugh for doubting the word of a survivor and that it was Yesterday_Laugh who was being a victimblaming ass for telling people about how MLS operates. However the damage was done, and the majority of anons were now demanding the mods take action, and MLS to start refunding. The Only ally left was psycho hambeast Muskeeterrowan who was threatening to catch and eat anyone who spoke bad of MLS.

The admins finally got their collective fatasses into gear...and held a meeting. The mods then proceeded to troll anon by saying they would issue a press release shortly. All the while MLS was posting in multiple anon threads protesting her innocence, only to get caught in more lies. Also in massive lulz, MLS anonfailed a comment about Sims Medieval, which she promptly deleted. After about an hour, the admins advised they were demodding MLS and would review her modship because of deleting the Sims Medieval comment. Within a few hours, MLS started trolling the mods by continuing to post. At this time it came out that the year in a shelter was four months, which yes was terrible, but whats a few extra months eh?

In the aftermath that was the meltdown, and MLS was banished from the femdome, there was only one thing left to do. Make a grudgepost about the mess in SFD. THis started massive wank about how mean and cruel it would be to do such a thing to someone mentally ill, but the trolls with their semen encrusted keyboards started sending up posts only to be blocked. Morphine informed anon that no 'victim blaming' posts would be approved by SF_Drama The same Morphine that previously posted caps of a locked community which a teenage, mentally ill idiot posted something offensive to the hivemind. Even in anon posters called fucking bullshit and madwitch was looking like a fucktard giving preferential treatment to a mod in SFDA. MLS socks allies were also issuing threats that anyone posting a grudgepost would be flamed into next Thursday.

Parusa_Parusa finally made the post, and the results were massive lulz. With wringing of hands and e-tears, the regulars denounced the poster as a horrible grudgeposter and that MLS has a mental illness and yes she did terrible things, but how is this fair? SFD completely failing to understand that they enabled the whole fucking scenario in the first place and that they grudgepost other people ALL THE FUCKING TIME. In response MLS started to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING. The main lulzworthy comments was Momotarukun insisting that grudging someone SFD hated like Silver_coins is totes different from grudging someone more'trusted' in SFD like madlovesong. Its not hypocritical, its different. Oh and of course outdatedclocks would post a comment that a grudgepost about an SFDA mod is not the time and place to air grievances about SFDA mods. LOL wut?

MLS II (Electric Boogaloo)

Holy Shit MLS has returned as Iacanian, this time as Lucy the Neruopsychology Student. Hope was initially high that she would appear in SF Drama and shout "Soshul Experiment guiz," but it was not to be. Claiming to be upset that anons were making stuff up and attempting to call out Subluxate for socking the MLS grudge post, she was swiftly told to GTFO by both SFDA and SFD. she claims to have refunded those people who have asked, which would have been those people who have amounts like $5 or $10, keeping the rest of the money for herself, and then strangely admitted in an apology to Origamicage that she had deceived her. For additional lulz check out the stoned anon post in YL journal.

How You Can Help

  • Troll SFD and SFDA mercilessly by asking for money. When told to fuck off insist you are part of the trusted SFD crowd.
  • Make sure you have a Mental Illness in your LJ profile. If you disagree with any SFDer and they look to make a grudgepost, start shouting that they are snarking someone with a Mental Illness and threaten to An Hero
  • Link this article back to any Namie who attempts to post in other communities.
  • Make trolling posts in locked communities. When caps are uploaded to SFD for snark, report the user to LJAbuse for making posts to call for harrassment of LJ Users. Nothing will actually happen, but it will piss off Brendan who has to read the LJ Abuse reports.