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White Extinction

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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White Extinction is the Genocidal goal of all the Apologistic, Woke Liberals as a teary I'm sorry to minority races for what White America has supposedly done to them.

The goal of White Extinction is to erase the White, proper side of the American Right and the White Near center Left so that Minorities can have a Safe Space in a new Government and inclusive country that is confidently led by a white far Libtard, far left that has been preaching through the years about living salaries, equality and representation for all in the media, that surprisingly has been Squirreling away money that they could only say that they hated having but the thought of giving away never crossed their mind.

The process the Far Left has planned for this nefarious plan has been put into motion already by convincing children through the internet, television and movies that a checkerboard marriage is perfectly fine, in fact more preferred to the liberal minded fool because it shows how committed one is to breading out the white gene.

The Process

Actually the process is quite simple and follows the same plan of breeding out Redheads and Green Eyes in Northern Europe by bringing in Non-White immigrants to Muddy the gene pool.

In America, the far left has chosen to allow immigrants in from the south, Africa and Asia while denying entry from White European Nations like Germany and England.

Their second objective is much simpler. Erase from the mind of Americans that White should be with White and Black with Black. Shows like The Jeffersons, Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, Dune, Firefly and Wedensday were spearhead by liberal America to put the thought into the younger generation's minds that an Oreo cookie is preferable in this new age of Woke minds because it shows that you see a Black Man as an equal by having his 12 kids and not whining that he ran off and left her to raise his kids on public support.

Why Make An Oreo Cookie?

The plan is to breed out white America, While leaving enough "Right Minded, Pure Blooded, White Americans to take up the job of leading this now muddied population]] of Soft In The Head population that will be begging the White Far Left to lead them because for all their talk, when this Muddy world comes about, the left will be denying their new pets education because the dumb are far easier to lead.

The Left's endgame follows the idea of revolution or coup d'é·tat where, if their ideology wins, they will be placed at the top, much like Castro in Cuba and get to make the rules. In power, this new left country can order the Holocaust of every White person who chooses not to accept this New World Order and allow their genes of soft blonde hair and blue eyes be bred out and into black, steel wool hair and Ugly brown eyes.

When all is said and done, New World Order will have put, what the left considers the right minds at the top and begin a World where only a few like minded, rich Libtards rule the world.

When Did It Start?

It has always been with us, even as far back as Egypt when the ruling class captured other races and hand selected who would breed with who - working to breed their slaves into a heterogeneous mixture that would be capable of working together efficiently because they'd be all one race.

In America it started with the I Love Lucy show when networks allowed a white female lead a show and have her husband Ricky Recardo, a brown skinned, Spic from Cuba. Even more, the network allowed her to show the development of this unholy union when the network allowed Lucy to appear pregnant with this mutt of a baby.

For a while white America thought it was safe when Adam West refused to kiss Ertha Kitt in the campy, shitty, 60s Batman. Unfortunately, William Shatner had to show his willingness to Fuck anything that moves when he kissed Nichelle Nichols on Star Trek.

From there it only got worse as Liberal run Hollywood pushed borders further and further til children were so confused that they have come to believe that a Salt and Pepper marriage is perfectly fine, along with being Transgender, being a Mixed Breed Butterscotch kid or Gay.

Myths =

  • A mixed breed human would have a blend of the best genes of both races: False. Think of a dog. If you take two different breeds that are specialized for a function like a bird dog and a tracking dog, it's puppies won't be anywhere equal to their parents.
  • Half black - Half white children will bridge the gap between both races.: False. When it comes to blacks you either identify with them or you are not one of them. There is no in-between with blacks.
  • Brothas have had Yellow fever and had kids. They turned out to be pretty smart.: That's an Urban Myth. As very few blacks have the genes to be able to participate in white culture and hold down a job, even fewer blacks have the genes, if any of them do, that would give them an in with an Azn. It should be known that the Beaners of Asia, the Philippines, are rather open to blacks because, since both are at the bottom of the gene pool - they find amity with each other.
  • Soon, America will be a country of [[Spic|Latinxs|and blacks because both are breeding in numbers that will soon put whites in the position of them being the minority: If this scenario were to happen, it would be a question of quantity versus quality. Both races are not known for being good in school, they would rather join gangs and keep their numbers down by killing each other over a street corner.

What Can You Do?

  • First off, if you're white, don't go outside your race. Even if you're a Loser that can't get a White Woman, it's better that you stay celibate because if you go outside your race because you have a need for Pussy, you are only contributing to the problem.
  • Support Eugenics. That's right, when America had an active Eugenics plan in place, superior people were being born. You ever hear your Grandfather go on about how his Father's generation was the best? This is because Eugenics was in place and the crazy, weak minded and disabled were sterilized to keep the strong from breeding with the weak. They were looking to the future. Now ask yourself, we let the Autistics and weak in body breed, how well is this generation doing?
  • Bring back proper Unions. Whites don't have enough kids because they are responsible and won't have kids they can't support. If unions were like they were in the past, literally tearing apart factories until their voice is heard, there would be better wages for employees because they would question why an management makes 100 times what they make.