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InsaneAlterness, or Kiwi is a 16 year old twat who lives with her mom and has no life whatsoever. She's Very Talented in the art region by using her artistic/autistic abilities to make Homestuck "OC's". Kiwi has many white knights who defend her scrawny ass. Kiwi is also homeschooled. She is an Emo Scene Girl who also is a Tumblr gal. Kiwi was most likely abused by someone she knew with all her emo cutting journals about her ex and parents. Kiwi listens to edgy music because she thinks its cool and makes her look less pathetic. She is a fan of Homestuck, Steven Universe and probably more stuff. Kiwi is a bisexual, however she use to be a pansexual, which doesnt exist but you get the point.

Her "Artwork"

Her work shows that she cant draw for shit and should probably give up. Here are some "AMAZING" art Bitches of the East

Some Steven Universe Weeb Shit

Aruna Her Troll

Ah yes, Aruna. Aruna the soul sucking emo shit shack nook loving whore. Not much to say about this character except for the fact that it belongs in 2008 and should of stayed there. Aruna is AGAINST HER Haters!!! THOSE MEAN NASTY ASSHOLES! >:(((((( Note: Shes just jealous that they dont have cancer or aids like she does.



Quotev: Quotev:


Instagram: insanealterness