User talk:Slash P

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Change the PW to something else so he can't get back in! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:34, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Don't write what you changed the pw to unless it's fake, or he'll just fix it. Change the email on it so he can't just have the new PW emailed to him. Get a throwaway Yahoo email account for that. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:46, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Done, done and done. I'm tracking him down as we speak. Hopefully, full dox will come soon- I've already got his full name and the general area of where he lives. Slash 16:51, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)

Be sure to run SEVERAL searches. One site gave me one result and the other gave me other results! I think he lives somewhere in IL, and that isn't in the pacific timezone! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:56, 14 August 2012 (EDT)
He had an AOL account, and the password was 'godzilla' but it was cancelled due to disuse. Try every account with those two passwords, and I'll do the same. Slash 17:19, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)
Scorpius and Godzilla didn't work on his FA account. I tried. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 17:21, 14 August 2012 (EDT)
Noticed something. The only person he has friended on his account is a girl from Chicago, Illinois, and there have been results for a Mark Draper living there. Probably a red herring, but will pursue. Slash 17:28, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)
It'll be even more sweet if you manage to crack into his email, or did you already do that too? I had a friend emailing him trying to get his email that way. If you crack his email, copy everything to file or take a ton of screencaps for the lulz! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 17:32, 14 August 2012 (EDT)
Trying now, while searching everywhere for someone born around his time. Slash 17:35, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)
Also busy wrecking his relationship with the Disco chick. Will upload screencaps when it gets good. Slash 17:41, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)
HAHAHAHA, epic! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 17:53, 14 August 2012 (EDT)
What results do you have on who he might be? I'm having no luck cracking the e-mail address. Slash 18:15, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT) Possible relation, trying to track him through his dA friend's FB profile Slash 18:27, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)

AOL email?

What was the faggot's AOL email address? Can't hurt searching with it too. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 18:38, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

[email protected]. Slash 18:42, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)

I think his mother's name is Mila Draper, a.k.a. Milagros Y Draper. That would explain the e-mail address, and that Michael Draper fellow is her husband! It's possible that we've just found his family. Does he live with them? The address is 220 Buli Ln Bolingbrook, IL 60490-1521 Slash 18:45, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)

  • It's possible, but let's not rush to post all that yet. Let's keep digging. I'm a nurse IRL, I like to see the same results from more than one source before I just go OKAY DONE. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 18:49, 14 August 2012 (EDT)
Good point. I have to go for the night, but I'll get back on this tomorrow morning. Slash 18:58, 14 Aug 2012 (EDT)

User account

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!   Mammamiaomg likes this. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 20:11, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

I think the suicide note is too much. We don't want to get vanned! Edit it with a JUST KIDDING I'm fine! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 20:15, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

UPLOAD HIS GODZILLA PORN UNTIL HE GETS BANNED! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 20:25, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Keep going!

HAHA! Oh, this is epic! Load his Godzilla and Miki arts! Srsly, stuff his gallery with porn until he's banned! He might not come back on for a few days, he'll come back to find himself banned and cry to the admins! BETTER YET!!! Get the account banned, THEN GO TO THE ADMINS AND BAWW to see what they say! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 21:48, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Everything lulzworthy in his Herpy gallery is so getting uploaded, my friend. User talk: Slash_P 21:50, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

This is going to be fucking hilarious. Btw no luck with his FA or other accounts. DA must be where he got lazy. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 21:53, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

I can not stop laughing. User talk: Slash_P 22:02, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

This is full of WIN! I posted his gallery ruination on the article. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 22:05, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Posted a screencap of the one ongoing comment thread. Some of the other pictures have elicited shocked reactions from the dA community. User talk: Slash_P 22:24, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

My pleasure, fellow EDiot. This is the first time any loser's had a password so goddamn easy to figure out that I could get into their account on my fourth guess. User talk: Slash_P 22:31, 14 August 2012 (EDT)


Truly dA is a wonderful site. User talk: Slash_P 22:34, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

HAHAHAHA Might be somebody watching the lulz! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 22:45, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Oh my fucking god here it comes

User talk: Slash_P 22:54, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Oh man. Now's the time to write a bitchy journal entry BAWWWing about trolls and bipolar idiots "reporting me for posting what's natural!" Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 22:56, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

You rang?

User talk: Slash_P 23:03, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

This is the funniest shit I've ever seen. You're full of win tonight, sir/madam! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 23:18, 14 August 2012 (EDT)

Epic LOL

I got into his BigClawz. His password was "godzilla" but it isn't now! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 01:19, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Well, I went to change it to a throwaway webmail account since trashmail isn't permanent enough, and the fucking validation email won't show up. The account is fucked up, but unless this shit shows up in the throwaway inbox overnight, no more fucking with bigclawz. Oh well, Mark can't get in either so his bigclawz forum account is fucked over for good. I'm just pissed that this supposedly "good" throwaway webmail service doesn't deliver the fucking mail. I won't see the butthurt replies to the nasty PM's I sent out in his name. Fuck. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 03:18, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
The email did finally show after this long. Fail email is fail. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 04:25, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
Fuck yes, this is the most wonderful shit I've ever seen. You (or a friend) got into his FA account too? Holy shit, we are going to get him b& from every site he's ever loved. For extra fun, since we already have the porn pics here and on the dA I'll work on getting into his Herpy account and deleting fucking everything. I can't wait to see him on in a week or two, crying with impotent rage at the trolls who have now ruined his pathetic excuse for a life. Check his dA- everyone hates the fucker now. I don't even know how they think it's him. I'm barely even doing a Mark impersonation; it's more reminiscent of Chris-chan than anything else. I suppose 1.) His friends at dA aren't too bright, and 2.) He's absurdly similar to Chris-chan.

Anyway, keep up the good work and I'll keep up my end. Time to post more porn and rage. User talk: Slash_P 07:49, 15 Aug 2012 (EDT)

The dA vandalism is highly successful. Everyone who knows Mark is confused and angry and thinks he's having some sort of mental breakdown (which I'm sure he actually is right now), and everyone who doesn't is mad at this asshole who rages at them for casually saying that he should put a mature content warning on his pictures of people fucking reptiles. At least 3-4 members have reported him for inappropriate content and bullying, the b&hammer is sure to come down soon. User talk: Slash_P 08:16, 15 Aug 2012 (EDT)
Fuck, someone found out. Time to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING. User talk: Slash_P 08:45, 15 Aug 2012 (EDT)


I am currently in a dA chat, talking with an admin as Mark. I convinced him that Mark's FA account was hacked so he changed his password and e-mail for the dA account. And I've convinced him to look at mark's "art". RAGE and b& will shortly follow. User talk: Slash_P 09:16, 15 Aug 2012 (EDT)


See if the same info cracks his other emails unless the aol has been totally baleeted from disuse.

START POSTING HIS EMAILS. DIG OUT THE LULZ, YOU EPIC TROLL. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 12:23, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Not much to be found, unfortunately. Nothing besides stuff you could already see on dA and a couple of old activation emails with no info on them. He has been freaking out, though, and I posted the e-mail containing the panic. Will now proceed to BALEETE his dA account before the admins get to me. User talk: Slash_P 12:41, 15 Aug 2012 (EDT)
Don't forget to post a cap of his DA support ticket for the lulz. DA can take forever to answer. Somebody he mentioned in the email had the same problem when somebody used their comp to attack somebody and DA linked the IP to their main account. It was hell for them to prove they weren't at the keyboard and they pulled it off via having years of good behavior. Mark doesn't have that, he's already been stung once when he acted like a spoiled sparkletwat in July.
I'll tell you why he baleets his email. So his mommy won't see his porn!
Still got his BC and FA. Those sites don't fuck up if you use proxies to fuck around. No luck getting into his Did you change all the secret questions and answers on his comcast email so that he can't just rench it back? emails you if somebody tries to fuck with your password too many times. Any emails from that currently? Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 12:54, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
FUCK I deleted it before I could remember, I think I have a copy of it in the e-mail. Will switch around some things in the email and check for you. Slash 12:56, 15 Aug 2012
  • DA uses Zendesk. It sends copies of support tickets to your email. I had to use it for Formspring a couple times lol same interface. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 13:03, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
  • I got caps. I don't think I should change the security password as it is his mother's account and she has to use it to pay the bills. I'm not really sure where the whole "legal/illegal" border is and I'd rather not. We have his dox and I can just get into it again if necessary. Slash 13:05, 15 Aug 2012 (EDT)

Username: OniGojira Password: ZgbMyj0g account. Jackpot! Slash P 13:07, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

  • Fuck it all up! Leave his art alone for the lulz and be an asshole in the forums. Keep watch on his email. Share with everyone what DA says if they answer his ticket! I have rounds to do, I'll be back later if I'm not too busy. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 13:32, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Also RE; the email address if he gets it back he might change everything and we won't be able to get in again. His fault for having a weak password in the first place. It's not like we're ID thieves. Chris-chan's email got hacked, he never got it back. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 13:34, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

I'll have to do everything later, I gtg to work. Slash P 13:45, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Lulz werk iz funzors l0l0l0lz. Get a throwaway webmail account and change the email addresses of what you hack to the webmail account. He can't get his accounts back if he can't get the retrieve password emails. Furaffinity won't even talk to you unless you email from the email addy on your account and it's already been changed to something else. LOL Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 15:12, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Changed everything on the e-mail address, am working on hacking all of his accounts through that. Already got the one. I've changed the email addresses of every account I've gotten into. Slash P 16:35, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
Win. What were the passwords before you changed them around? Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:37, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
No idea. I just sent the password reset form to his account. He's just posted an amazing new fanfiction- it'll be in the article in just a sec. Slash P 16:41, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
LMFAO Just looked. Golden shit here! Golden shit! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:43, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
If you want any other account messed with send the password reset form to the comcast account (provided he is using that for his account) and I'll take care of it. Slash P 16:56, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
  • Can't get those, they're connected to the other e-mail and since I don't have the mom's DoB I can't crack that one. At least we've already fucked him up a million times over. Slash P 17:10, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
    • LOL Oh well. Try logging into the gallery. He can't delete fucking everything if he can't get into that either. I don't know if they require the same pw or not. This is hilarious. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 17:13, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
      • Tried getting in, no luck. He used two different e-mails for the same site, which I would say was him being careful. However, if Mark had even the least bit of caution none of this would have happened, so it's inexplicable. Slash P 17:20, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
        • Then I'll need your help. I'm at work and don't want somebody seeing me doing this. Hope you're not lol. Make a folder on your comp and download ALLLLLLLLL the herpy porn shit in his herpy gallery. If he goes on a delete fucking everything spree we have the porn and it's not hard to throw it into a .zip file and link it for people to download. I can get away with ED at work pretending to just feel bad for the poor asshole in the article, I can't fake it out if my supervisor sees me downloading Godzilla cock. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 17:25, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
          • I've already got almost half of it, I'll save the rest immediately. Slash P 17:27, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

There. Everything remotely pornographic is copied, and I'm going to throw it into a .zip file just in case. Slash P 17:36, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Awesome. Thanx. Box is a good file storage site. Nobody can see your shit there until you share it with a link. Add other random .zip files of useless documents and pics to make it less suspicious. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 17:39, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Well, we've done most everything we need to, I think. Did one last thing to his fanfiction profile- check the page. B& will be commencing soon. Slash P 21:09, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

HAHAHA! Oh hey I looked again at the email screencap. Look at all the activation emails and post the links. There may be more shit to ruin unless they're really old shit. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 21:13, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

  • Too late, they already contacted someone about their e-mail account and it's impossible to get on now. There wasn't really any good shit anyway. Slash P 21:15, 15 August 2012 (EDT)
    • Oh well. As long as all the cracked accounts are now on different email addresses, he can't get them back without a huge fight. Let him have it for awhile, then try again to really fuck with him. I'm still fucking with his FA, making it look like he has it back. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 21:17, 15 August 2012 (EDT)

Mark's mom

She was born in 1948. I can't find a date and month but we have a year. She has a facebook, a linkedin and a Mylife. Looks like she works in the medical field. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 00:40, 17 August 2012 (EDT)

  • Hm. I found the FB before, I'll check the other stuff. By the way, dA's been celebrating over this for a bit now. Ghostwalker even went on about how we were heroes, lol. Slash P 00:43, 17 August 2012 (EDT)


She cried about ED noticing her in one of Mark's DA BAWW threads. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 18:13, 17 August 2012 (EDT)

  • God she's so annoying. I've been searching around for info- she goes under the name PastryGirl on Once I find her e-mail address I can probably get in. If nothing works I'll just try and brute force her dA password like I did with Mark. Slash P 23:51, 17 August 2012 (EDT)
    • Have a shitton of fun with that. All else fails you'll have dirt to write into an article. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 23:55, 17 August 2012 (EDT)
      • Slight possibility of this being her. Same awful writing style, at least. I'll try forcing the password and see if it leads anywhere. If not I'm back to the old Googlefu. Slash P 23:58, 17 August 2012 (EDT)
        • Hard to say. I lurked on some of the boards Mark went to and saw his bullshittery as it was happening in 06 onward. I just heard of zipbitch a few months ago. lol She's a huge cunt thinking everybody should adjust for her. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 00:02, 18 August 2012 (EDT)
This is what got me. Like, what the fuck is her deal? Autism doesn't even begin to make up for what a stupid fucking cunt she is. Slash P 00:08, 18 August 2012 (EDT)

That almost smacks of copyright infringement. Making money off characters she didn't create. What the fuck? LOLOL REPORT HER TSHIRTS! Also her icon is fucking stupid. I thought truly autistic people hated flashing things. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 00:14, 18 August 2012 (EDT)

PARTY HARD, dude. Possible MySpace- it has nothing but photos, so no way to confirm. If I do confirm I'll put it up, because god damn she's ugly. Slash P 00:20, 18 August 2012 (EDT)
Thanks for the info on your other screen names, bitch. Slash P 00:22, 18 August 2012 (EDT)

The lulz

The email thumbnails are so fucking huge and the emails themselves are so full of Typical Mark Shit. I don't want to cut and edit them. One second he BAWWWS about how horrible trolls are and next email later he goes on about shark penises. WHAT. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 21:49, 19 August 2012 (EDT)

  • Dude, I have big important news. I need somewhere else to contact you besides ED, somewhere more private. Big news. Give me a link to somewhere so I can tell you. Slash P 22:23, 19 August 2012 (EDT)
    • Register on Dokuga and tell me your username when you do, I'll send you a PM. (I don't like to do email, I use my email to fuck with people and I don't want you caught up in it). Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 23:39, 19 August 2012 (EDT)
    • Nick is Slash_Prower. Slash P 23:44, 19 August 2012 (EDT)
      • I see a "Slash" that just registered. Not showing Slash_Prower. That Slash you? Just being sure so I don't PM somebody and have the wrong guy. Sorry about the confusion. Make sure you click in the confirmation email. "Slash_Prower" comes up as non existent. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 23:48, 19 August 2012 (EDT)

Gonna need that backup of Mark's shitty porn

The herpy gallery appears to have deleted his account and all his pics. They're so fucking butthurt, and we just ruined the fuck out of 6 years of Mark's life! Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 15:37, 22 August 2012 (EDT)

Mark is back on the interbutts.

Check out his page. It's got a new section of lulz. Are you butthurt?  BAWWW here. 16:30, 1 July 2013 (EDT)