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6Teen was a shitty cartoon made in Canada by Fresh TV. It ran from 2004 to 2010. Its main demographic is 12 year old girls, but it has a decent-sized fanbase of reasonably sane adults


The show takes place in a mall, where six teenagers (get it?) have entertaining adventures with plenty of hilarious jokes. The plots are basic sitcom cliches, where the ending is always predictable.


The 6 main characters each represent a common teenage stereotype

Jen is the supposedly down to earth girl who works in the sports department. She's the one who gets in the least "comedic antics". She is often bossed around by her boss, Coach Hadler

Catlin is the ditzy girl who works at "The lemon", a lemonade store. She is notoriously guy-crazy, which leads her into hijinx

Nikki is the sarcastic one who works at the "Khaki Barn". While this may sound like she's actually a decent character, the writers do it wrong and she is as bland as everyone else

Wyatt is the Token black person of the group. If the opening credits are to be believed, he plays the guitar, yet rarely ever actually does anything in the show aside from being pussy-whipped by his co-worker, Serena.

Jude is a skateboarder who usually gets high and starts talking about shit no one cares about

Jonesy is the dumbest character on the show (Which, considering this is 6Teen, is really saying something. Like any stereotypical beaner, he can't hold a job to save his life, and often drives the most retarded plots.

Outside of the 6 Teens, there are a few other recurring characters. The most notable is Ron the Rent-A-Cop, who harasses the teens. Other ones include Darth Mall, The Clones, and Wayne the video store guy.