Registration has been disabled and the moderation extension has been turned off.
Contact an admin on Discord or EDF if you want an account. Also fuck bots.

User:Interstellar Shipping & Trading/weaselbot

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These scripts require PHP and sqlite3. Launch rc.php and bot.php from the terminal. Weaselbot's job is to monitor recent changes. It is a bit slow because it retrieves a copy of Special:RecentChanges at regular intervals. So until we see the return of wikibot this will do.

irc:// or join #rc


require "common.php";
$url = "";
$prefixes = array (
"(Molestation log);",
"(Move log);",
"(Plumbing log);",
"(Upload log);",
"(User creation log);",
"(diff | hist)",
$diffhist = array (
" . . Nm ",
" . . m ",
" . . ",
function loop ($url) {
    global $diffhist, $prefixes, $db;
    $html = @file_get_contents ($url);
    if ($html !== false) {
        $x = strpos ($html, "<ul class=\"special\">");
        if ($x !== false) {
            $y = strpos ($html, "<div class=\"printfooter\">", $x);
            $html = substr ($html, $x, $y - $x);
            $list = explode ("\n", $html);
            $list = array_reverse ($list);
            foreach ($list as $html) {
                $data = strip_tags ($html);
                $data = trim ($data);
                $data = htmlspecialchars_decode ($data, ENT_QUOTES);
                $data = str_replace ("(Talk | contribs)", "", $data);
                $data = str_replace ("  ", " ", $data);
                if (strlen ($data) < 20 ) {
                $url = "";
                foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
                    if ($prefix) {
                        $len = strlen ($prefix);
                        $p = substr ($data, 0, $len);
                        if ($p == $prefix) {
                            switch ($p) {
                                case "(diff | hist)":
                                    $data = substr ($data, $len - strlen ($data));
                                    foreach ($diffhist as $p) {
                                        $len = strlen ($p);
                                        if (substr ($data, 0, $len) == $p) {
                                            $data = substr ($data, $len - strlen ($data));
                                    $pos1 = strpos ($html, "<a href=\"/");
                                    $pos1 = strpos ($html, "<a href=\"/", $pos1 + 1);
                                    $pos1 = strpos ($html, "<a href=\"/", $pos1 + 1);
                                    $pos2 = strpos ($html, "\" title=", $pos1);
                                    $len1 = strlen ("<a href=\"/");
                                    $url = substr ($html, $pos1 + $len1, $pos2 - ($pos1 + $len1));
                $sid = md5 ($data);
                print ("$data\n");
                if ($url) {
                    print ("$url\n");
                $result = dbquery (__LINE__, $db, "SELECT COUNT(sid) FROM rc WHERE sid=:sid", array ("sid"=>$sid));
                $array = $result->fetchArray (SQLITE3_NUM);
                if (!$array[0]) {
                    dbexec (__LINE__, $db, "INSERT INTO rc (sid,data,url) VALUES (:sid,:data,:url)", array ("sid"=>$sid,"data"=>$data,"url"=>$url));
                $url = "";
while (true) {
    loop ($url);
    sleep (5);


require "common.php";
$nick = "weaselbot";
$chan = "#rc";
$joinchan = "MODE $nick";
$joinedchan = "JOIN :$chan";
$server = "tcp://";
function loop () {
    global $nick, $chan, $joinchan, $joinedchan, $server, $db;
    $time = time ();
    $status = 0;
    $stream = stream_socket_client ($server, $errid, $errstr, 30);
    if (!$stream) {
        print ("$errid $errstr\n");
    function send ($socket, $data) {
        fwrite ($socket, "$data\r\n");
        printf (">$data\n");
    send ($stream, "NICK $nick");
    send ($stream, "USER $nick 8 * :$nick");
    while (!feof ($stream)) {
        $data = fgets ($stream, 2048);
        $args = explode (" ", $data);
        if ($args[0] == "PING") {
            send ($stream, "PONG " . $args[1]);
        switch ($status) {
            case 0:
                $pos = strpos ($data, $joinchan);
                if ($pos !== false) {
                    send ($stream, "JOIN $chan");
                    $status = 1;
            case 1:
                $pos = strpos ($data, $joinedchan);
                if ($pos !== false) {
                    send ($stream, "PRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY $nickserv");
                    $status = 2;
            case 2:
                $result = dbquery (__LINE__, $db, "SELECT * FROM rc WHERE status=:status ORDER BY uid ASC LIMIT 5", array ("status"=>0));
                while ($array = $result->fetchArray (SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
                    dbexec (__LINE__, $db, "UPDATE rc SET status=:status WHERE uid=:uid", array ("status"=>1,"uid"=>$array["uid"]));
                    if ($array["url"]) {
                        $array["data"] .= ("" . $array["url"]);
                    print $array["data"] . "\n";
                    send ($stream, "PRIVMSG $chan " . $array["data"] . "\r\n");
        echo $data;
while (true) {
    loop ();
    sleep (60); // wait 60 secs before reconnecting


require "login.php";
error_reporting (E_ALL);
$db = new SQLite3 ("/Volumes/User/patrol/data.db");
if (!$db) {
    die ($db->lastErrorMsg () . "\n");
function dbbindvalues ($db, $stmt, $bindvalues) {
    foreach ($bindvalues as $key => $val) {
        $stmt->bindValue (":$key", $val);
function dbexec ($line, $db, $sql, $bindvalues) {
    $stmt = @$db->prepare ($sql);
    if (!$stmt) {
        die (__LINE__ . " " . $db->lastErrorMsg () . "\n");
    dbbindvalues ($db, $stmt, $bindvalues);
    $result = $stmt->execute ();
    if (!$result) {
        die (__LINE__ . " " . $db->lastErrorMsg () . "\n");
    return $result;
function dbquery ($line, $db, $sql, $bindvalues) {
    $result = dbexec ($line, $db, $sql, $bindvalues);
    return $result;
dbexec (__LINE__, $db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rc (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, sid CHAR(32) UNIQUE, status INT DEFAULT 0, data TEXT, url TEXT)", array ());