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This page is just kept because of historical purposes

With your left hand/paw/appendage on the Bible of Raptorjesus, raise your right hand/paw/appendage and state:

On this day ____ of the month of ____ in the Year ____ of Our Lord RaptorJesus

I declare under penalty of banhammer that I shall undertake great lulz and document as such; that I shall lol at every furry, fatty, or fgt that I url;

  • That I shall uphold the truths of Lulz, Lolberty, and Fursecution;
  • That I liek Mudkips;
  • That I will bring ruin and Ragnorofl and lewl forth in the name of Longcat and Limecat for the rest of my natural life.

I renounce my citizenship to the Internet State which holds it and declare myself an EDiot from this day forth.

I swear my fealty to Girlvinyl.

(IF Military) I swear to uphold and protect the holy lulz with my life. To protect this site and it's contributors. To be a diligent child of christ. To follow the scripture of Pope Weev, General Yiri and Dictator Hep. I have been pwnt by Bantown and I do it for the lulz.

Also Cocks.