The Satiratician

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The Satiratician is a rip-off of Armoured Skeptic who is also a rip-off. Whereas Armoured Skeptic is a complete idiot, Satiratician really takes the fucking cake. At least two times he has been fooled by poes. Instead of using poorly thought arguments like his idol, Armoured Skeptic, this MRA just throws around "kill yourself", like he's LeafyIsHere. He is also convinced that he is in fact a plague doctor, which makes sense because you should avoid his channel like you would avoid the plague.

Trolled by Shoe0nhead

First he uploaded a video thinking that the most obvious troll in the world was legit. The video has since been taken down, because everyone died from second-hand embarrassment.

In order to backtrack his stupidity he then said he had no idea who Shoe0nhead was. This was an obvious lie.

Nah not the title shoe on head got butt hurt and went on a   crusade against me.


  The Sariratician

What people think of his style

Never liked the satiratician. He isn't saying anything clever or insightful, he isn't saying anything very funny, he just points and laughs and calls people names.

I also find his "ha ha I hope they die" positions tiresome and needlessly aggressive. Your mileage may vary.



His videos are cringeworthy and his schtick is a rip-off.



He is just doing Armored Skeptic, but instead of pointing out how stupid someone is and then offering a well thought out counterpoint, he just does the former.



Wow this guy is really pathetic. Not only is he literally ripping off Armored Skeptic's gimmick, but instead of arguing with facts and logic, he resorts to "look at this dumb bitch, amirite?!"



im struggling to see how anyone can take anything he has to say seriously now, considering he gave shoeonhead a shoutout a few months ago, he is basically a SWJ caricature of alt right youtubers .



Emo much?


See also

External links

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