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just wondering,who the fuck wrote this TL;DR pile of FAIL and shit that noone cares about? why the fuck is it included in the sex portal? and if it's really relevant,why the fuck isnt it written in ENGLISH??? i mean i'd give it a shot but its so ridiculous i only made it through a paragraph and a half before the "pidgin" style gave me a headache! just my opinion but this article is utter crap and should be removed... I Love Humanity,it's People I can't stand. -Anon 06:25, 5 July 2013 (EDT)

According to Encyclopedia Dramatica:LULZ/Wasteland Redirect, "Popular quizzes, memes, internet personalities, language used on the internet, common subcultures found on the web, famous flames, message boards, websites, legendary threads, celebrities involved in internet drama, image macros, internet pics, crazy and funny stuff on the internet - all of these are welcome and wanted on ED." The Jamich couple are notable internet personalities, thus the need for an ED article about them. The article is utter crap, but it needs a good rewrite and less Taglish. Who knows, this article can bring more rage from Pinoys compared to the Blackmage9 and Angel Locsin articles during the old days. -YellowZombieHater 00:19, 16 November 2013 (EST)