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When Ryan733 asked for an arbchat lulz were inevitable.

* Sheneequa has changed the topic to: Ryan733's arbchat | weev is chair | pm an op if you have something important to say and you need +v
<weev> alright this is a forum for civil discussion and compromise
<weev> so i expect everyone to conduct themselves in a fair and civil manner
<weev> Ryan733: first state who you are and what material on ED you have a problem with
<Ryan733> im a user of ED and i have a problem with http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Ryan733
<Ryan733> some people on the vent i go on posted it
<Sheneequa> HKK: Please pm me
<weev> okay
<Ryan733> there is pictures of me on it and also some personal info such as my IP and name in the history that they posted before
<weev> why is this a problem to you
<Sheneequa> Ryan733 I only see your first name
<Ryan733> because their is personal info and pictures of me on it
<Ryan733> in the history tab their is my last name/ip
<weev> okay well, that isnt indexed by google
<weev> and obviously the people harassing you already have it
<Ryan733> yeah
<Sheneequa> and no one else is gonna dig it for your stuff
<weev> it seems to me you tried to blank the article
<weev> do you have a problem with the entirety of the article?
<Ryan733> yeah, but thats wehn i didnt know blanking was against the rules
<weev> it seems to me you just don't like people making fun of you on the internet.
<weev> Ryan733: how much do you weigh?
<Ryan733> and i tried to blank the personal info
<Ryan733> lol why?
<weev> well, the article has certain accusations
<weev> it claims you are fat
<Sheneequa> Ryan733: Please co-operate if you want a friendly court.
<Ryan733> i don;t weight 400
<weev> so i'd like to put your height and weight into the BMI calculator
<Ryan733> about 200
<weev> okay how tall are you?
<Ryan733> 5'10
<Sheneequa> weev: HKK alextide32 and staticman are all writers of the article
<Sheneequa> also PiotrRasputin
<Ryan733> they helped get pics and stuff
<Sheneequa> Alright HKK and alextide32 deny writing the article
<Ryan733> ok
<Sheneequa> But they are from the vent server and can shine some light on the case
<weev> okay
<weev> your BMI is 28.7
<weev> that is ft
<weev> the accusation stands as scientifically proven fair
<Ryan733> it was piotr and static who wrote stuff
<Ryan733> lol
<weev> okay
<weev> do you eat foods with butter?
<weev> it says you love butter.
<Ryan733> nope
<Sheneequa> dude everyone loves butter
<weev> i would like to note for the record that Ryan733 has shown willful contempt of arbchat by purjuring himself
* ShadowGamers ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
<weev> now Ryan733
<weev> i am an ED administrator
<weev> i can take this article down right now
<weev> and make sure it never gets put up
<ajt> I second this and concur
<Ryan733> ok
<weev> honestly at this point you seem sort of like a fucking crybaby so here are the two options i am going to place to you
<weev> 1) you can provide us with some sort of incentive to remove your article
<weev> 2) you can get some fucking balls and write mean internet things about the people that wrote this shit about you
<Ryan733> ill just choose 2 then
<ajt> YES
<weev> alright. the fatty understands how the internet works
<weev> i will now take comments form the public
* weev sets mode -m #arbchat
<weev> what do you all think of the fatty mcfatster?
<Dwerb> That was intense!
<ajt> I would like to start
<BURK> lawl
<Dwerb> FAT
<ajt> by saying that weev is the lulziest
<PiotrRasputin> woot
<weev> is he a giant tub of lard, or a big fat sack of butter-soaked meat?
<staticman> LOL
* loljews ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
<ajt> ok lets vote
<Sheneequa> I think we should specifically hear the side of PiotrRasputin
<Dwerb> It was funny when Sheneequa said "dude everyone loves butter".
<ajt> all in agreement?
* feem ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
<weev> i'm going for big fat sack of butter-soaked meat
<TheContact23> All of those pictures in the article are true.
<tcgiant> I totally love butter
<feem> i am a representative
<ajt> I love pussy
<alextide32> num num num
<Blargh> hello feenm
<tcgiant> AND I just ate a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
<Blargh> *feem
<BURK> i love u gaiz
<Dwerb> I love mens' assholes.
<BURK> tcgaint you are fat too so shut up
<feem> of american honda motor company
<feem> would you gentlemen
<feem> like to purchase
<feem> some hondas
<loljews> gross
<TheContact23> NO U.
<Dwerb> feem: wut
<BURK> feem does honda make a WAAAAAAMBULANCE? 
<StolenTVS> Ryan took a swim outside of New Orleans. Now wut!
<BURK> cause i think ryan needs one
<loljews> tcgiant is a HUUUUGE fucking fat shit
<TheContact23> No hondas, no v-tec, no japan-crap.
<tcgiant> yes, yes I am
<Blargh> loljews i correct
<Sheneequa> I love tcgiant :(
<ajt> I love pussy
<tcgiant> :( ilu2 Sheneequa
<Blargh> i love jesus
<Dwerb> I love brown paper packages tied up with strings.
<BURK> ryan how does it feel to be a fat jew kike fuck who rats out people on the internet and crys while eating tubs of butter because people make fun of you on the internet?
<HKK> ITT Ryan acts like a fat retarded fuck
* TheContact23 ([email protected]) has left #arbchat
<feem> is this an arbcaht
* Sheneequa sets mode +m #arbchat
<ajt> feem: kind of
<ajt> comments are done
<Sheneequa> word
* Sheneequa gives voice to PiotrRasputin
<Sheneequa> PiotrRasputin: Please state your side for the court
<PiotrRasputin> alrighty then
<Sheneequa> if you would like to call any witnesses for the server just say so
<PiotrRasputin> I plead the fifth, talk to my lawyer hkk
* Sheneequa gives voice to HKK
<ajt> I will represent Ryan733 
<PiotrRasputin> I just want to say something
<PiotrRasputin> Ryan is a constant annoyance
* TheContact23 ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
<HKK> Alright now what do you need?
<Sheneequa> tell your side of the story
<PiotrRasputin> When he talks, his seven chins crape together like two pieces of metal
<Sherrod> could somene please put the article in question on the topic - if there is one
<Sheneequa> Ryan733: is this true
* Sheneequa has changed the topic to: Ryan733's arbchat | weev is chair | pm an op if you have something important to say and you need +v | http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Ryan733
<Ryan733> no, my mic im using just sucks ATM
<PiotrRasputin> NO, 7 chins
<Sheneequa> Ryan733 why do you dislike butter
<Ryan733> lol i dont really dislike butter i just hate how they taunt me with it
<Sheneequa> then don't say you hate butter
<PiotrRasputin> bs
<Sheneequa> we will not have perjury in our arbchats
<ajt> Sheneequa: stop badgering my client
<ajt> I will not be representing Ryan733 
<ajt> I will now be representing Ryan733 
<Sheneequa> lawls
<HKK> Okay here's the deal
<ajt> i no rite
<HKK> Ryan is a fatfuck
<Pokchu> haha
<Sheneequa> what is the purpose of your vent server HKK
<HKK> The lulz.
<Sheneequa> sustained
<PiotrRasputin> you shut your whore mouth!
<ajt> What is the primary use of the veent server?
<ajt> for an online game?
<weev> listen
<PiotrRasputin> sorta
<weev> theres nothing wrong with having butter in your veins
<Sheneequa> PiotrRasputin: one more outburst and you will be put in contempt
<weev> it makes your meat more tender
<PiotrRasputin> its more of a multi facited
<ajt> PiotrRasputin: just answer the question
<ajt> what is the purpose of the vent server?
<PiotrRasputin> basically
<HKK> The lulz.
<PiotrRasputin> its a mix of...FIFTH PLEADING!
<ajt> oBJECTION!
<PiotrRasputin> LAWYER GO
<ajt> where is the bailif?
<HKK> Okay, in all seriousness it's a vent some dude set up that became a 4chan Vent.
<Sheneequa> Ryan733 do you have any specific qualms with the article
<weev> excuse me
<weev> arbchat
<ajt> what?
<weev> i have new evidence presented
<weev> from the defense
<ajt> a 4chan vent?
<Sheneequa> weev: yes?
<weev> i have actual recordings
* Dwerb ([email protected]) has left #arbchat
<weev> of ryan talking
<weev> from the ventrilo server
<PiotrRasputin> 7 chins
<Sheneequa> does it,
<Sheneequa> in fact,
* Pants_Shitter ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
<weev> ajt: yes, council?
<Sheneequa> sound like 7 chins weev?
<ajt> we have had no chance to review this
<Sherrod> Pants_Shitter?
<HKK> Yes.
<HKK> It does.
<Sherrod> oh jeeez
<weev> Sheneequa: it honestly seems
<weev> like he is holding sticks of butter
<HKK> It sounds like his lcheeks are full of butter.
<ajt> but I will not object
<weev> in his cheeks
<Sheneequa> weev is a fair unbiased source
<HKK> You can't understand a fucking word he says.
<ajt> in the spirit of arbchat lolz
<PiotrRasputin> Can i call a recess, the jungle gym looks like fun
<ajt> lets hear it
<Sheneequa> weev: where did you receive these recordings
<ajt> links please
<HKK> Our vent.
<Sheneequa> PiotrRasputin: no
<weev> http://ubunturd.feem.net/ryan/
<HKK> Tony Supreme gave them to you right?
* PiotrRasputin sad face
<weev> they are from an anonymous informant
<weev> notice in one of the wavs
<weev> where ryan FREELY ADMITS to liking butter
<weev> proving that he purjured himself on the stand earlier!
<ajt> I would like to bring up a point
<PiotrRasputin> and the 7 chins
<Sheneequa> Purjury?
<Sheneequa> order
<Sheneequa> order
<ajt> I would like to bring up a point weev and Sheneequa 
<weev> Ryan733: you sir, have made a mockery of my arbchat
<weev> ajt: please go on
<Ryan733> its 2 seperate recordings!
* Pants_Shitter ([email protected]) has left #arbchat
<Sherrod> <3 weev 
<ajt> the purpose of this vent is 4chan related
* Dwerb ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
<HKK> No it's not Ryan.
<ajt> which nullifiees any rights that anyone had
* PiotrRasputin slips on the floor because of the butter from ryan's drool
<Ryan733> yes
PiotrRasputin> ow
<Sheneequa> PiotrRasputin I am this close to putting you in contempt
<PiotrRasputin> Sorry your honor
<ajt> these are inadmissable wav files
<Sheneequa> Reason?
<weev> okay basically
<ajt> poor quality with no real substance
<weev> to get these stricken from the record
<ajt> they have been edited to slander my client
<weev> i will need counter arguments from the plaintiff
<PiotrRasputin> OBJECTION!
<weev> Ryan733: what i need you to do
<weev> is record a hitler-esque rant
<weev> of you
<weev> saying how the evil butterjews
<weev> are taking over our nation
<weev> and that they must be stopped
<ajt> I will agree to these terms
<Ryan733> lol why?
<Sheneequa> HKK: Would you like to join PiotrRasputin in contempt?
<weev> it should ideally be youtubed
<ajt> Ryan733: take this deal
<ajt> it is a good deal
<weev> listen its a good settlement
<HKK> Sorry.
<PiotrRasputin> Ok, sounds good
<weev> you have to draw a fake hitler mustache on yourself
<ajt> PiotrRasputin: you are in comntempt
<weev> and really like, put effort
<Sheneequa> I will not let this court room be made into a mockery
<weev> into appearing to be a fascist dictator
<PiotrRasputin> I am?
<ajt> yes
<Sheneequa> No he's not
<PiotrRasputin> I thought I was close to it not in it
<Sheneequa> plaintiff, quit badgering the defense
<ajt> yes Sheneequa sorry
PiotrRasputin> May I add something
<Sheneequa> Yes
<PiotrRasputin> Those clips were recorded
<PiotrRasputin> on the vent server
<PiotrRasputin> Through a sound card
<Ryan733> their edited though
<PiotrRasputin> How so?
<Ryan733> using audacity
<HKK> We did not.
<HKK> They were all real.
<ajt> They have been edited to make my client sound like a fool
<Ryan733> yes you did
<ajt> the represent about .00001% of all conversations he has had
<PiotrRasputin> There is no easy way to make a sound clip from scratch
<Sheneequa> ajt: looool
<HKK> AJT, your client sounds like a fool all the time.
<Sheneequa> +++
<HKK> No matter what.
<ajt> this is not true
<ajt> look
<ajt> Ryan733: you got a good deal
<ajt> I say take it
<ajt> as you lawyer, that is my advice
<weev> i need hitler mpeg
<Ryan733> do i have to do it right now?
<weev> yes
<PiotrRasputin> Also do not forget that he is to have lypo
<ajt> yes
<weev> improv is better
iotrRasputin> 7chins and all
<weev> just take a translation of a hitler speech
weev> regex all the instances of jews to butter or butterjew
* ChanServ sets ban on *!*@l0ld0ngs-B60560FC.dyn.optonline.net
* ChanServ has kicked PiotrRasputin from #arbchat (CONTEMPT (Sheneequa))
<Ryan733> stickam?
<weev> draw yourself a hitler mustache
<weev> no i need it recorded
<Sheneequa> and that is what contempt looks like
<Ryan733> lol i dont really want to do it now
<Sheneequa> Ryan733: then accept yourself being made fun of on the internet
<Ryan733> ok
<ajt> Ii agree
<Sheneequa> Any objections
<ajt> lulz for lulz, am I right?
<weev> since the victim perjured himself on my stand and refuses to compromise with hitler mpegs
<weev> he can guzzle a butter covered cock for all i care
<Sheneequa> looooooool
<ajt> is that the ruling?
<weev> yes
<ajt> ok
<ajt> I rest myu case
<Ryan733> is there gonna be a vote?
<ajt> sorry Ryan733 
<Ryan733> its ok
<ajt> but you fucked yourself
<ajt> yes
<ajt> lets vote
<Ryan733> ok
<weev> okay wait
<ajt> who likes mudkips?
<weev> the vote is on
<weev> is ryan733 a big tub of lard
<weev> or a fat sack of butter-covered meat
* Sheneequa sets mode -m #arbchat
<alextide32> i vote yes
<BURK> lard
<Sheneequa> I'll go with butter-covered meat
<Sheneequa> due to perjury
<Dwerb> butter-covered meat.
<TheContact23> Butter-covered meat
<ajt> I say jitterbug
<StolenTVS> Fat sack in his butter drenched lips, moar like it
<staticman> butter-covered meat
<alextide32> fat sack of butter-covered meat
<HKK> butter-covered meat
<Ryan733> wow i came here and wasted 30 minutes just to get trolled, gg
<BURK> hmmm sheneequa is correct
<weev> Ryan733: yeah that about sums it up
<alextide32> no shit
<ajt> Ryan733: itried to help you
<BURK> i would like to restate that he is butter drenched
<weev> you refused to take the deal
<ajt> you dont want my legal advice
<TheContact23> lulz
<ajt> this si what you get
<BURK> ryan are you jewish
<Blargh> yes
<alextide32> looo
<staticman> Idiot ryan
<Ryan733> yeah but thats kinda unacceptable and would lead to further trolling
<weev> ryan733 is a fat sack of butter-covered meat
<feem> can i be
<feem> a fat sack of butter-covered meat
<Sheneequa> Ryan733 you are paranoid
<Sheneequa> about ED
<Sheneequa> we are good people if you just listen
<Sheneequa> and co-operate
<Dwerb> This will be ryan if he doesn't WATCH OUT.
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<HKK> Hey Ryan, get on Vent.
<StolenTVS> Your fingers are too fat to dial. For a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm.
<alextide32> lol
<BURK> ryan do you believe that agents of the jewish intellegence agency mossad flew 2 jetliners into the world trade center on september the 11th 2001 killing 3000 brave aryan men and women?
<Blargh> ryan do consider jesus christ to be your lord and savior
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Blargh> *you
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> http://www.rachelleb.com/images/2004_04_09/lamb_shaped_butter.jpg
<Dwerb> mirite?
<Ryan733> lol im leaving
<weev> oh wow
<weev> totally rite
<Ryan733> cya
* Ryan733 has quit ([anonymuncule.irc] Local kill by weev (bye))