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Mod Drama Sunday

Mockskin reveals himself. Makes me sick.

In the beginning, there was a 7chan mod and Perl coder named Mockskin. And for a time, it was good. He coded several little fixes that allowed 7chan to function. It was because of this, that the other mods and users put up with his bullshit. In an image of himself, he is shown as having, long, greasy locks and in the process of growing a unix beard. By some he was compared to Hitler. He resided in 7chan's IRC channel 24/7. This is evidence that he had no life.

After quitting the job of being 7chan's equivalent of Coda, he somehow inexplicably held on to his jumped up position of power (both in the IRC channel and the imageboard). This led to him being a complete dick, constantly criticizing everyone and everything. However, we put up with his shit; we put up with his reign of terror. That was until someone stood up to him: Mockskin was publicly terrorised and humiliated by a 16 year old boy posing as a bisexual azn girl on the IRC channel and /b/.

This revolutionary of sorts was /ignored by Mockskin until s/he posted degrading images and chatlogs of him. Mock then went fucking mental, deleting posts and banning people on /b/. Drama ensued. He then added the words "mockskin", "mock" and "mootskin" to the banned word list. Afterwards, he sent an email to admin with a quit message. He continued deleting posts critical of him until the mod password was changed.

We are now free of his tyrannical menacing. On the 29th of October 2006, he quit 7chan following lots of drama and lulz.

Post-Humiliation chatlog
Mockskin's (fake) MySpace page

AIM: mockskin
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: [email protected]
/i/nsurgents GO GO GO

10/29/2006 - NEVAR FORGE7