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FuckingFurries, sometimes shortened to FuFu, is a collective of totally straight, non-basement dwelling furries who run a blog on Tumblr about so-called "artists" and DeviantArt users. They describe their blog as a "beware" blog run by furries, for furries. But everyone knows that's actually just a cover-up, because what they're really saying is: "We're another useless call-out blog on teh Interwebz designed to create drama to inflate our egos." Maybe you could call them the furry DramaAlert, but they're way more cancerous than even Keemstar himself.

This cancerous blog made its first post on August 24, 2014. Later they made posts being anti-bestiality, even though that's kinda ironic for obvious reasons.

List of "achievements" by FuFu

Being a furry group, they've achieved loads of things. Here's a list that includes some, but not all, of their achievements.

  • Bullying a DeviantArt user to suicide just because she kicked an oh-so-precious dog to shut it up
    • Then claiming that they never bullied her
      • And then telling her not to kill herself (these furfags are obviously bipolar or something)
        • But then again they ARE furries.
  • Called out an "evil" artist because she apparently copied someone's sculpture thing, despite giving evidence that they didn't
  • Called out a pedophile, but since there furries how can you trust them to not be pedos themselves?
  • Got threatened to be doxed (i.e. How to know your blog is successful)
  • Got threatened to be taken to court (i.e. How to know your blog is super successful)
  • And more, but I can't be fucked putting all of them here

The mods who "run" this blog and people affiliated with it

There's probably more, but once again, CBF

  • Snake Mod - Snakesexual scalie, believes the blog is the best thing evar.
  • Jackal Mod - doesn't give a fuck when someone tells someone else to kill themselves but then bitches when he gets told to kill himself. Continues drama like a little bitch cuz he wants attention
  • Boar Mod - another beta male, obviously hates his life
  • Mod Mod - probably the admin? Last seen on the blog in 2015
  • Temidite - pansexual 13 year old edgelord, probably emo as evidenced by the quote on his deviantart profile "my crave for death increases by the second"

FuckingFurries is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.


FuckingFurries is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

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