File talk:EDAdminV&.png

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Is he really telling on the FBI? And does the FBI know about his actions? Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 15:20, 12 April 2013 (EDT)

I would bet that he is. There was, after all a section that some idiot put in the article under the dox section encouraging/advising people to go out and harm, "skullfuck," and kill (among other things) him, his gf and pet. i removed it earlier, but that's enough to get whoever put that section in there away for a long time.. -- Talk to me|Contribs 15:25, 12 April 2013 (EDT)

anddd it loookkks like that's what he's using to report it to them with-- Talk to me|Contribs 15:28, 12 April 2013 (EDT)

I doubt that he actually is, given the fact that he isn't even specifying WHAT "FBI" he's even supposedly contacting (yes, there's more than one). Not to mention in most cases the FBI is going to tell you to bring it to the attention of local law enforcement FIRST and only bother them if the regular police can't/won't handle it. --Onideus 15:33, 12 April 2013 (EDT)

He also told me in a Private Message that he is telling the FBI on Lazarus of ED because he thought that he is you and that the "lead sysop has no choice once the FBI starts tracking their website without notice and for probable cause sysop will have no choice" and all the other shit. LIATBuster30011 15:52, 12 April 2013 (EDT)

He can cry and lie to the FBI on me all he wants. I did nothing wrong. All I did is collect screenshots of his (and Megan's) scamming, bullying, harassment, lying, stalking, attention whoring, fraud, and a shit load of serious death threats and hack threats. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 19:45, 12 April 2013 (EDT)