Encyclopedia Dramatica:Quote of the Now/August 7, 2022

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If you want to be a normie, do things that normies do even if you find them boring/NPC/cringe. Go to the barcade and sperg about IPA with the soys. Go to the sportsball game with the normies and pretend to care about the outcome. Go on a date with that girl who likes you who seems fun and easy to talk to even if you don't find her physically attractive. Go on a date with that guy who likes you even if you think you're straight. Go on a date with that enby even though you're pretty sure you see them as a woman and will never not see them as a woman. Join your community garden. Attend community board meetings. Volunteer. Return people's texts. Return their phone calls. Instigate. Use normie social media and shitpost normie things with your real name. "Ugh this abortion SCOTUS is le bad! John Stuart was le funny last night! Does Dua Lipa support le BDS? What is she hiding?" The less you care, the easier it gets.

