Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/January 17, 2012

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Jared Milton is some cross-eyed Britfaggot with bad teeth... a story told before, we know. But what makes him special is that he is a truly hardworking lolcow who, on March 16, 2011, uploaded a video declaring a war on "Justin Bieber Haters". Apparently, that didn't go so well, because on April 20 of that year, he uploaded another video bawwwwing about how people are prank calling him, how he has recieved numerous death and rape threats, how people hacked his site, and how his only supporter is Justin Bieber's PR guy. He also claimed that his father works for Microsoft, and that he is going to backtrace everyone who fucked with him. He also declares that he has already won, and that we're all fucked - all while becoming increasingly manic and visibly desperate in his videos. Oh, Jared...


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