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Caraccident is an annoying vegan who acts as her own troll in the Seattle LJ community. She responds to a huge number of posts, but the only things she contributes are misinformation and her uninformed, idiotic opinions. The incessant inanity serves to increase thread length because the rest of the community argues with her instead of ignoring her. She likes to e-lawyer about landlord / tenant issues, thinking she is an expert because she once worked as a receptionist at a large apartment complex.

Examples of Past Behavior

  • She thinks making a copy of a DO NOT DUPLICATE key is illegal;
  • Claims it is illegal to have a guest or roommate at a rental house;
  • Well, she's vegan, so animals are more moral than humans and stuff;
  • Once, in response to a warning someone posted about a vicious, biting dog, claimed it was better to not tell the authorities or the poor puppy (meaning vicious, menacing, biting, full grown dog) might be quarantined by animal control.

Caraccident is part of a series on


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