Battle of /q/

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Battle of /q/
Part of The Great /pol/ - JIDF War
Date 2013
Result Deletion of /q/
/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
Jewish Internet Defense Force
Shit Reddit Says
/pol/lacks, /q/ueers,
Shlomo Goldstein
500+ Neckbeards
6,000,000 Shekels
Casualties and losses
Hurt Feelings

The battle of /q/ was a conflict that took place on 4chan's whining board. The shitposting began when a sudden number of legitimate users started to voice their concerns about the large amounts of racism and anti-semitism present on the Politically Incorrect board, attempting to convince 4chan's moot that the best solution would be to remove it. The result was a large orgy of flame wars and asspain between the shills and most of 4chan's users and mods. This would later inspire moot to create /s4s/ (Shit 4chan says), a mockery of Reddit's /r/ShitRedditsays subreddit.

Once /pol/iticians caught wind of the news that shills on /q/ where attempting to get their Bastion of Free Speech deleted, their response was swift. Soon /q/ became nothing but a place of Social Justice Warriors, shilling for the removal of /pol/ and tighter restrictions against hurting one's feelings, under the false impression that mods or moot give a damn about any of their demands. Hundred of posts demanding that /pol/ be deleted later, moot became annoyed and banned many of the shills, later he gave the crybabies the middle finger and deleted /q/ instead.

These events essentially justified /pol/'s belief to a few other boards that they where indeed constantly being shilled by Shit Reddit Says and the Jewish Internet Defense Force.

See also

External links


Battle of /q/ is part of a series on


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