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About the article

If you're going to make an article about me at least credit me for things I have actually done instead of just lying in sheer passive aggressive rage, making an article about a big bad trip who scammed and humiliated you isn't going to get your videogames back.

Also Elvis Why are you crediting Quentin for things he didn't do and thinking just because you added a weak insult to his article makes you unbiased I know you're his friend bud, you even linked his article to mine for some unknown reason.

Also now you're claiming I made "SockPuppets" to add something on /v/ article Elvis, be less obvious with your anger mate I am more popular than you realize, and those people who "tell you things about me" did they also mention why they hate me so much? They don't want to remember the flashbacks.


You must be new here. Keep crying about it though, you will feel better, I promise. --zaiger (talk) 11:21, 1 April 2013 (EDT)

(Pretty sure making an article about someone who humiliates you is crying)- — Preceding comment added by Manlytears (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

omg Manly. This is not personal for me, I don't have a personal vendetta against you, i'm not personal friends with quentin. This article is written in typical ED prose, the same way we write about everything. I added Quentin to the article because you are both well known tripfags that haunt /v/. (concerning the ISHYGDDT thing, i've been informed by a fair few people on 4chan that he coined the meme, that's all I need to put it in the article) As for the sockpuppets, of course it's just gestulation but when users like this pop up chances are it's probably you. But maybe not, maybe it's one of your many loving followers because you're "more popular that I realize". lol. Elvis 12:49, 3 April 2013 (EDT)

MT here, I like that this article is full of inaccuracies and buttmad, first of all this article was made because I trolled and scammed a bunch of autistic kids on 4chan and Reddit but they are desperately trying to down play it down.

1) I was "Doxed" so to speak in early 2011 when I was on Holiday of course so I couldn't say anything, they used info I had already myself posted like my steam, name, age etc and added a bunch of fake info to get some sort of pat on the back, they samefag spammed this with the moderators blessing for weeks on end.

(I still post to this day so yeah)

2) I wasn't doxed because of my Copyright I got the copyright in 2012 and I have earned a shit ton of money on it (Keep pretending it wasn't successful)

3) The 5'4 was forced by a midget on /fit/ who I trolled till he quit posting and he used to post on /v/ to get back at me and /v/ added it to the fake dox.

Thank's for the article it boosts my E-rep accurate or not. — Preceding comment added by Manlytears (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!--  Talk to me|Contribs 15:33, 8 March 2013 (EST)

Why not edit and add the corrections yourself then?? more info please...--  Talk to me|Contribs 15:33, 8 March 2013 (EST)
First off, you are naturally going to think the article is "buttmad" because it is in fact about you, and people can find it difficult to laugh at themselves. Also if you could provide evidence of these amazing scamming antics we'd be happy to put them in the article.
1) It doesn't matter where the dox came from, it's still considered legit. Also, PROTIP: most people who have been doxed tend to claim the dox is fake, so your word doesn't particularly hold up here.
2) I don't understand this, it doesn't say anywhere in the article that you were "doxed because of your copyright".
3) The short thing isn't forced, you are quite short, and nearly any time your name is mentioned on /v/ people will point out your stature. Elvis 11:01, 9 March 2013 (EST)
I am more popular than you realize


I lol'd...

- Mr.Jonzz   12:59, 1 April 2013 (EDT)
Well of course the article is butt mad! Most are. Hell my article is so raped over with frothing hatred and screaming butthurt it actually says MORE about the people who wrote it than it does about me...actually a LOT more when you consider 90%+ of the content is completely inaccurate and almost entirely bullshit. Sometimes, ya know...that's kind of the point. If you're actually pissy about it though, well, ya know, 2+ dumb fucks raging for the price of one article! :D
--Onideus   14:56, 1 April 2013 (EDT)


So let me guess...this article here, was ~written~ by the stupid tweenage muppet fuck who got pwned, amirite? *nods* Wanna know how I can tell? Well, *THIS* part was a giant blazing red flag:

"Everyone then reported his steam ID, hoping that the dad would report the credit card, cancel the payment and Manlytears $team account getting permanently suspended and loose access to all his games."

Not only would I expect a tweenage muppet fuck to not know the difference between "loose" and "lose", I likewise wouldn't expect them to even ~remotely~ comprehend how credit cards actually function and why "my idiot kid stole my card" isn't a viable defense for getting a payment canceled. Nor is "reporting" the guy actually going to result in squat (other than maybe him laughing at you).

Coincidentally I know why the 4Chan kiddies don't like's cause 4Chan is pretty well infested with tweenage muppet fucks, exactly like the kind he screwed over. That's why you see so much shit like that Luna Lovegood meme, it's not that the group is molested with pedos, it's that the group is molested with tweenagers of the same age who really do love that shit.

I'll tell you what the saddest part about it is though...this article...oh I bet he *LOVES* this fuckin article. For a troll of a high enough caliber, getting a bunch of frothy little fuckups to create an ED article in your name is one fuck of an ego boost, boy lemme tell ya. --Onideus   15:11, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

external links

the article could use more external links. -hipcrime   10:17, 5 October 2012 (EDT)

The supermeatboy link is already in there, but and I added his reddit account. Cheers hip -Elvis 14:20, 10 October 2012 (EDT)
i have no memory of adding this. thanks for adding it, i don't know why i didnt do it. -hipcrime   16:32, 10 October 2012 (EDT)

Ralph pls go

The Ralph article really should redirect here. I'm gonna add it to his article if there are no objections. --VladimirLenin 18:39, 11 April 2015 (EDT)

Manlytears still deleting content from his own article

Now using the name "Mangoman" to damage control.