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CrushYiffDestroy (or CYD for short) was a website and forum created and run by disgruntled fat former furry and polysexual pervert Mitch and was the haunt of former (and present) furries, plain old funny animal fans, beardy ex-pornsters, and un-beardy ex-pornsters, collectively known as CYDiots. Their aim was supposedly to draw attention to the absurd excesses and drama perpetrated by the furry fandom, but mostly they performed the usual web forum circlejerk. They had no agenda, no aims, and no mission, other than frequently explaining how obsessing over furry websites and masturbating to furry porn didn't make them furries.

Tables turned, biters bit, pot, kettle, etc, etc.
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CYD's position in the Antifurry Axis
Mitch - hates furries, loves lolis
Mitchs' 15 seconds of fame

To the furry fandom CYD was just another bunch of anti-furry trolls, since in furspeak "trolls" means anyone who dares criticize anything furry-related, even dog-fucking or cub porn. Oddly enough, the Internet at large found it totally impossible to tell CYD apart from all the other furries.

CYD was temporarily shut down in April 2010 with rival furries-in-denial website Vivisector claiming to have bought it. In truth, it was a simple script kiddie attack done by Pi to break their server with an inserted redirect to try to make Vivisector look like it had "won". Mitch resurrected the forum on 5th November 2010 but it is currently viewable only by him and his clique of dick-licking fanbois.

The articles are still available from the Wayback Machine including the famous Ebonlupus Article



Beacuse a raccoon mascot is so original.
Disgraced former CYD mod, Kindrift, searches for his glowstix.

A failboat full of only those that CYD did not want. Currently they claim CYD was "Viv's predecessor site" when in fact, Mitch had banhammered all of Vivisector's founding members for being faggots and refused to have anything to do with Vivisector.

The members of Vivisector love to flame and raeg about not being Furry. All of them have furry avatars, especially those who rage the loudest about "not being furry".

The average intelligence of these people is lower than the average /b/ tard. They clearly see themselves as smarter, spewing lots of pseudo-scientific language as if they are doing research on their furry subjects.

Several of the regulars are low-level sysadmin types, and as such think that setting up a pre-packaged database and forum makes them smarter than people who program for a living. They spend lots of time picking apart other websites' programming but have no ability to create anything themselves.

Any attempts at creating CYD-style troll articles are mostly angst-filled Bawww fests that overflow with butthurt raeg in the name of "humor". The articles that aren't made of fail are all ported over from CYD.

This main part of the site has not been updated in several months by Pi, despite being the first thing people see when they enter Vivisector. It's odd because the blog shows the entire world Pi's deepest thoughts and desires. In short, vivisector is falling apart faster than the site it stole from.


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Foxid aka ProvincialTwit is afraid if he has to look at furry porn, the shameful boners will come back.

In late 2007, Pi got banned from FA for breaking into FA's databases. Of course, this is no major feat as a retarded elementary school kid can break into FA due to the shitty coding. What is amazing, however, is that he did this in hopes that they would make him an admin for his "coding skills".

When this attempt resulted in bancakes instead of sysop, butthurt Pi joined CYD, changing his tune to "I did it for the lulz" instead of "I did it because I'm a sad failure who really wanted to feel important and FA rejected me, BAWWWW!" Even the most braindead members of CYD saw through this, however, and Pi soon was laughed out of the site.

As the door hit his ass on the way out, he met foxid: a fellow self important twat who has also laughed out of CYD for kissing ass to try to become a mod. The two of them grabbed some prepackaged coding scripts and went on to create vivisector along with Kindrift: the only mod ever banned from CYD.

Regulars there

File:Fail ban.JPG
What a Ban on Vivisector looks like. Great coding, Pi!

Any attempt to join is met with massive derision and faggotry, going so far as to IP block new members who don't suck Pi's cock right. However, seeing as Pi is a shitty code monkey, he can't even do a proper ban message, he simply renders an MQSL database error when he "blocks" your IP.

As a consequence, all members of Vivisector are only there because they....

  1. were banned from CYD and now are so desperate for a forum to call their own that they will suck lots of cock to stay
  2. are desperate former members of CYD awaiting the return of their beloved site

The former are only there because they have nowhere left to go. The latter are only there because PI script-bombed CYD and hate being on Vivisector. This means nearly everyone would defect back to CYD if it ever reopened- a fate Pi, Kindrift and Foxid dread as it means their beloved unwarranted self importance would end in butthurt, again. All of this explains why only 5 people ever post there, 4 of them suck Pi's cock, the 5th stumbled on the site by accident.

Founding Members
Using the same avatar and name on an antifurry site and the biggest furry site is smart.Not too mention for your Mod account on Inkbunny.
  • Freehaven is an attention whore and compulsive masturbator with a rodent fetish. Dug up the real dirt on the fake death of Herbie Bear's made-up girlfriend. Was banned from CYD repeatedly for being an dramatic retard.
  • rodox_video has a disturbingly high number of posts in bestiality threads. Was banned repeatedly from CYD for posting bestiality.
  • GreenReaper aka, Mod on InkBunny and the creator and obsessive-compulsive head Nazi of WikiFur is secretly member #14. He couldn't find anyone to troll on CYD, so he instead trolls the fuck out of vivisector. Still, he links to his Dox in his profile.


Because vivisector is so superior to CYD and we should all know it!

External Links

  • Their IRC channel is

See Also


CrushYiffDestroy is part of a series on


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