YouTube's Community Guidelines

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JewTube has some website rules. Well no shit. It's a private website, Of course it's gonna have rules. Like all the other website run by Jews. Their rules tend to be biased and misleading. On a daily bases. Anyone who is an independent creator that isn't a Social Justice Warrior constantly gets fucked over by it's broken automated systems that YouTube would in no way protect them from. They tend to be so broken that even if you follow these rules. You could still get your videos removed from YouTube regardless. The Community Guidelines is a tool and an abused system used by Social Justice Warriors to shut down any free speech and anything that makes them uncomfortable. Because YouTube's original community guidelines page tends to be very misleading and inconsistent. They tend to not make any sense with our creators. So here's a list of rules and punishments made a lot more sense to it's content creators.

The Stupid Rules of YouTube

Here's a list of some of the broken nonsensical rules listed in place on YouTube.

Copyright Rules

Because YouTube was a paradise for pirates infringing copyright. YouTube has put up copyright rules telling pirates not to take anything from other's intellectual property after Viacom threatened a lawsuit against YouTube. These rules are put in place to stop Somalian pirates from using copyrighted material. Even if your content falls under fair use - YouTube would be in favor of copyright holders.

Nudity and Sexual Content

YouTube's community guidelines have stated that Nudity and Sexual Content isn't allowed on YouTube. Although there are exceptions. Any videos containing sexual content that's in the education category is often let alone which is the result of so many disturbing Spiderman and Elsa kind of children milking garbage which YouTube is only starting to crack down on. Any video containing a hint of sexual content that isn't explicit is often removed by YouTube including references. Videos talking about rape in Europe without showing any sexual content often gets removed by JewTube's severely autistic system.


Although YouTube made it clear it's not a shock site, A bunch of footage containing violent shit still exists on YouTube and is often untouched. The videos removed under these reasons are often videos telling the truth about terrorist attacks, because YouTube doesn't want any mean things said towards the religion of peace. This is true for 2021, because a lot of videos making fun of the 9/11 attacks got taken down for that reason.

Harmful and Dangerous Content

Any videos talking about issues such as suicide or even referencing suicide or any reference to dangerous activities including awareness PSAs will either get removed or Age-Restricted by YouTube.

Bullying and Harassment

JewTube is one of these pathetic sites that think hurt feelings of useless faggots is such a concern. Any criticism towards anyone is a bannable offense on YouTube. So if you're looking forward to criticizing someone else's pathetic work. Don't even bother trying unless you don't mind having a holocaust unleashed on your channel. Despite these rules being in place. YouTube tends to bully a lot of independent content creators for not being communist and giving them enough cash and they always get away with it.

Hate Speech

JewTube has no tolerance to any kind of hate speech regardless if your video isn't actually all that seriously and is only meant to troll some easily offended fags. JewTube takes this shit way too fucking seriously; Except if it's towards white people who are male and happen to be a conservative Trump supporter, which in this case it's considered advertiser friendly. Which is the case for this pathetic SJW "Music" video. Mostly due to the existence of SJWs in the YouTube workplace who think disagreeing with their retarded opinion is considered Hate Speech. As such, On JewTube, it's considered hate speech to assume someone's gender. Any video considered hate speech by YouTube would either be removed or put on Limited State. If your video is affected by this issue for this reason. YouTube of course straight up lies to you telling you they "support" freedom of speech, because of course companies who support freedom of speech would censor anyone with a controversial opinion. JewTube claims to be in support of freedom of speech but doesn't allow Hate Speech. The thing protected under Freedom of Speech via first amendment rights. They don't understand that you can't permit Free Speech if you don't permit Hate Speech as the very definition of Freedom of Speech is the ability to say whatever the fuck you'd like without censorship or constraint. JewTube is so in support of freedom of speech that any video expressing a controversial opinion tends to be put under restrictions such as Limited State.

Spam and Misleading Content

For awhile, It is unclear what this means on YouTube as a lot of channels were randomly shut down for these reasons. Until recently videos speaking the truth about things often get removed under these reasons. It is made clear that telling the truth is not allowed on YouTube which completely goes against freedom of speech that YouTube claims they encourage. Even though the Mainstream Media is often misleading and they tell lies, Nothing happens to them and are often given preferential treatment by YouTube because they're political correct and give YouTube lots of money. Telling the truth is politically incorrect and anything that's politically incorrect is likely not allowed on JewTube. Otherwise this reason is often an excuse to wrongfully remove a video and terminate a channel as they're too lazy to come up with an actual reason.


There are 2 types of strikes on JewTube. Copyright strikes and Community Guidelines strikes, which pretty much every one of them are bullshit.

Community Guidelines Strike

When some faggot nigger gets offended at some offensive video which in many cases aren't even remotely close to offensive. They could flag your video and YouTube's corrupt and broken automated system could remove your video without and reason or warning. In many case. You could get a community guidelines strike which disables you from livestreaming. Community guidelines strikes last 3 months and it is often hard to remove them as your only option would be the broken appeals system.

Appeals System

If your video has been removed and you consider it to be a false strike (which is very likely because false strikes keep being handed to people who've done nothing wrong). There is a way to appeal your video and it is corrupt as the strikes you are given on your channel as 99% of them get rejected. You're only allowed to appeal the said removed video once and if it gets rejected, You're fucked! You don't want to fuck this up; But fuck it. There is only a 200 character limit in your appeals box. Likely not enough for you to effectively explain why your case is bullshit. But why do that if the niggers in the workplace could just automatically reject your appeal without watching your video or reading your half-assed case. There were actually reports of appeals being rejected in less than a second. Other times appeals are never responded to at all. Regardless if retarded shit like this happens. This was your appeal and it's wasted by some useless fucking crybaby SJW nigger that it's fit for any fucking job. Top it all off with the fact that if your appeal get rejected you can't appeal other strikes for 60 days. Even when they do accept your appeal. They don't apologize for wasting your time.

Copyright Strike

When Jews found out you stole some of their content and you used it in their pathetic video. Jews can use to reporting tool to whine and bitch to JewTube which either copyright holder copyright claim the video taking all your JewGold which they may even block it in some place (even worldwide), or they would submit a Takedown notice which most of the time YouTube would take down your video issuing you a strike.

Counter Notifications

When a Jew mistakenly removes your "non violation" video. One of the few ways to get the video back is via counter notification. This requires you doxing yourself to a copyright holder who's issuing the takedown in case the major corporation wants to sue the fuck out of you. Counter notifications take about 2 - 3 weeks to process and if not responded to in that period of time. You get the video back. Keep in mind that like community guidelines strike. It could only be appealed once.

Other retarded punishments

Other rather less severe consequences.

Community Guidelines

The rather minor consequences of getting false flagged.


Before this come out, YouTube makes every corporation put ads on any monetized content regardless of what content they actually are. Things begin to change when corporations found out their ads are on videos they don't agree with such as, niggers being hanged. Yeah, apparently corporations don't want to be associated with associated with stuff like that.

Sounds like a good system, right? You're fucking wrong dipshit! Every single video gotten hit that ever associated themselves with current events, LGBT (even though JewTube promoted this shit before), suicide prevention, videos trying to help people who were part of the Las Vagas shooting, and saying any swear word of the english language! The most ironic thing of all of this is that companies already sponsor shit like this before in the past.


When a YouTube video gets Age-Restricted. The only people allowed to watch it are those who are 18 or over who own a YouTube account. This could easily be bypassed lying about your age on YouTube or external websites. You can't earn any JewGold off of Age-Restricted videos.

Limited State

The censorship rule put in place in August 2017 after teaming up with the extremely pussified Jewish group Anti Defamation League. The same group of cunts thinking that a cartoon frog is a symbol of white supremacy would be the group that would monitor any content on YouTube. Any video put in limited state is often harder to find. When you approach a limited state video you will be greeted with an inconvenient message telling you this video is offensive before watching the video. Certain features are disabled such as ratings, views, comments, sharing, etc. Often occurs on video related to Adolf Hitler but is normally used against anyone with a different opinion.

Private Locking

Privacy settings allow videos to be set to Private. Some flagged videos actually get locked on private as YouTube's attempt to stop people from watching the truth. This was before Limited State was brought up to YouTube.


There are other copyright punishments on YouTube.

Copyright Claims

Copyright Claims are often used to stop Jewish Pirates from monetizing stolen work. It doesn't work well as it's abused by Jewish Pirates to make money off of rather original content that they steal.


When a YouTube video uses a copyrighted song. In many cases the video will be blocked in several countries or blocked everywhere. That will teach the Jewish Somalian Pirates not to steal precious copyright material!! Other times it's often used to silence negative reviews about their pathetic film which it hurts their feelings.

Music Policies

Prior to December 8, 2014. People have no idea what would happen to their video if they use a song. It was known for awhile that there are idiots who think they can use any song for free. Their channels were later put in ovens and cooked and the Jews don't know why. After implementation. It was known as a database that will tell you what happens if you use a selected song and if you could make JewGold off it. Literally every listed song would not allow you to monetize off it and some cases would block your shitty video in many places for strange unknown reasons. Unless you perform a cover and the maybe you'll get the share of revenue. Some songs are blocked entirely. So if you're planning to make a song using some shitty Twenty One Pilots music. Just drop everything entirely. Ironically enough. The corporations imposing restrictions also happen to be Jews as well.

Good luck making profit off of this song.

Channel Terminations

Channel Terminations on YouTube happen way more frequently than Terrorist attacks in Muslim Countries. Every day, well over 1000 channels get terminated off YouTube. Many of them get terminated off YouTube for various reasons.


Listed below are several reasons why channels get fucked with the Ban hammer.

3 Strikes

When a channel get 3 community guidelines strikes or copyright strikes regardless of how bullshit they actually are. Their channels get terminated (or suspended because terminated means gone entirely).

1 Severe Strikes

Apparently just one strike would warrant a channel suspension. The most common of this are spam terminations where some faulty corrupt Stalinist system would make up an excuse that people's content they create is spam.

A way of saying fuck you

Sometimes channels on YouTube get terminated without any reason whatsoever. They will not explain you anything and when that happens. Your chances of getting you account back is nil. So good luck being left out in the dust.

They went for the High Score

The fact that serial killers can't have a YouTube account isn't written in the rules anywhere but that rule is being enforced lately in 2018. Known Heroes such as Elliot Rodger, Nikolas Cruz, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, etc. Has had YouTube accounts before they carried out their attacks. Because YouTube wants to be this safe politically correct family friendly website devoid of anything offensive. Pretty much every one of these channels have gotten terminated.

Special Privilege channels

YouTube channels that happen to be politically correct celebrity corporate cunts are often protected on this website as they're often cash cows milked by YouTube. In return they're given special rights to break the broken terms of service that are often very strict on anyone else. These kinds of channels are often TV Shows and Counterfeit Media Propaganda and hardly any of them are actual YouTubers. Logan Paul used to have Special Privileges before he made the mistake of filming a dead body in a suicide forest, however due to the extreme backlash led his privileges to be revoked.

Exclusive rights for channels with Special Privileges

Here's a list of exclusive rights reserved only for privileged rich cunts that normal peasants on YouTube are restricted from doing.

  • Monetizing off of Tragedies
  • Discriminate and promote violence against some race
  • Showing dead bodies in your video
  • Make fun of Suicide Victims
  • Hanging Children
  • Infringing upon copyrighted material
  • Threatening people you disagree with
  • Harassing people you disagree with
  • Producing pornographic material
  • Immunity to the broken automated system
  • Eating Meat
  • Living in the capital city of Best Korea known as Pyongyang
  • Nuclear Weapons
  • The basic right to life

How to be immune to the broken automated system

Lately and especially the past 3 years. Large amounts of people on YouTube constantly get fucked over by the broken automated system over reasons that don't make sense. Here is how you can decrease your chances of getting fucked over by the Orwellian system.

  • Be a large enough channel to give JewTube a lot of money. Enough so they could actually care about you.
  • Be Politically Correct
  • Don't criticize Muslims including Islamic related things such as the Quran and Sharia Law
  • Be accepting of Pedophilia and Islamic Terrorism
  • Spread some SJW propaganda once in awhile
  • Be Jewish
  • Don't be offensive
  • Refrain from criticizing modern art
  • Make sure you're left of Stalin otherwise you're worse than Hitler!
  • Be fat and ugly
  • Be a complete loser
  • Join ISIS
  • Join Antifa
  • Become a complete fascist without even knowing it
  • Don't criticize anyone except for whoever you're told to go against
  • Only create the most pathetic shit imaginable
  • Acknowledge every race, religion, gender and all other shit in your videos (Except for Christian Conservative Cisgender Heterosexual White Males, They all could fucking die!)
  • Don't post anything on YouTube
  • Singing this song

    If all else fails: The only way to avoid all of this is to close your YouTube channel.


    YouTube's Community Guidelines is part of a series on YouTube.

    Visit the YouTube Portal