Flaming Atom Forums

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The Flaming Atom Forums are a collection of furfags that engage in daily circle-jerks to worship their fat, depressed, and fellow furry admin Rick. These forums were derived directly from the ThatFatAtheist forums (TheAmazingAtheist's forums). It started when TheAmazingAtheist banned Rick from the ThatFatAtheist forums, because Rick had abused his power as admin there. Rick, in a butt-hurt frenzy, shut down the ThatFatAtheist website which he served as webmaster for, and spammed and trolled the ThatFatAtheist forums, proving to be a lame act of revenge which was cleaned up rapidly.

The Flaming Atom Forums are now, sadly enough, seemingly more active than the forums they came from. Even though TheAmazingAtheist brings up his shitty forums in most videos he makes, the Flaming Faggot Forums seems to grow daily. Rick's one accomplishment in life appears to be to have collected more emo, atheist, and pathetic loser-faggots in one internet forum than the biggest emo, atheist, and pathetic loser-faggot himself, TheAmazingAtheist.

The forum members spend most of their time posting in the General Discussion area, specifically threads like "Shit We Don't Like", where they bitch about how shitty their lives are on a regular basis. They even have a Minecraft server just for forum members, so they can all be forever alone fags in the same video game.

Rick, Forum Admin

Rick, as aforementioned, is a furry loser who mopes about his life daily, probably to receive attention from his fellow forum members. He is a pathetic, [[basement-dweller|basement-dwelling liberal, who leaves his own bedroom only for household chores and to acquire more food. He is in fact terrified of leaving leaving his own home and going into public, thus having no real friends.