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Herro is actually a man IRL.

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Herro is a fat furry scammer known for drawing massively obese fail and pulling unaware fans into his endless web of lies, in order to milk them dry of attention and money. Herro's favorite way of doing this was to pretend to be a hot girl so desperate furries would race in droves to "help" him overcome whatever fictional trouble he had, hoping to obtain some precious nude photos of their favorite girl artist, photos Herro stole from amateur porn sites to further delude his fans. With this scheme Herro managed to scam thousands of dollars from the furry fandom.

Behold the thing.
Typical Herro masterpiece.
A comparison of Herro and his fursonas
Herro confesses


Being a dumb furry Herro thought the best way to cement his female persona was to steal photos of the Internets and pretend they were him. And his fans being even more retarded eagerly gobbled them down, not aware a simple reverse image search could have revealed Herro's lies. To make things even better Herro even shared a series of photos to his personal circle of friends where "she" gained weight to resemble his fat dragon furrsona. The truth is Herro is a man, who upon being discovered claimed to be both trap and have AIDS, in hopes his fans would white knight him once more.

One of the many photo Herro stole to claim they were "hers"
What he dreams to be instead of an ugly manfaced fag

Herro's fake photos About missing Pics
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Herro recounting his crimes

Not content with stealing photos and pretending to be a girl Herro managed to trick many of his idiotic fans into e-relationships, with the hopes that someday these fans would get to fuck their beloved artist girl. These e-relationships granted Herro the chance to fuck up peoples lives, destroy real relationships and steal thousands of dollars out of the gullible idiots who thought they were paying for a plane ticket for their love to visit them. On top of that, Herro used his fake charms to sell tons of commissions he had not finished after years, with some fools having waited over two years to obtain their art.


Herro has stated he may leave Furaffinity, but given the amount of bullshit he has told for years one can suspect is just another ploy to garner white knight support and feed his victim complex

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Herro is part of a series on


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