Flaming Atom Forums

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The Flaming Atom Forums is a collection of furfags that engage in daily circle-jerks to anime porn and their hot female forum members. These forums were derived directly from the ThatFatAtheist forums (TheAmazingAtheist's amazingly more shitty forums). It started when TheAmazingAtheist banned Rick from the ThatFatAtheist forums, because Rick had supposedly abused his power as admin there (Although TheAmazingAtheist was just being an asshole). Rick, later on shut down the ThatFatAtheist website which he served as webmaster for as he did not receive payment for it (Different matter), some popular members on The Flaming Atom forums trolled the old forums with pornography postings and such in a lulzy attempt to backfire at TheAmazingAtheist.

The Flaming Faggot Forums

The Flaming Atom Forums are now seemingly more active than the forums they came from. Even though TheAmazingAtheist brings up his shitty forums in most videos he makes, the Flaming Atom Forums seems to grow daily. Rick's one accomplishment in life appears to be to have collected more atheists in one internet forum than the biggest atheist, and pathetic loser-faggot himself, TheAmazingAtheist.

The forum members spend most of their time posting in the General Discussion area, specifically threads like "Shit We Don't Like", where they bitch about how shitty their lives are on a regular basis. They even have a Minecraft server just for forum members, so they can all be forever alone in the same video game.

Rick, Forum Admin

Rick, admin of the Flaming Atom Forums, being a mopey fig tree.

Rick, as aforementioned, is a furry who mopes about his life daily. He is a liberal, who leaves his own bedroom only for household chores and to acquire more food. He is in fact terrified of leaving leaving his own home and going into public, thus having no real friends.

Other (Notable) Members

Seth: an unarmed, mentally questionable Eurotrash liberal pissant, who listens to emo music. He also plasters asses and tits all over his sigs, so people may pay attention to him (still not likely).

Alyson: a moronic attention whore, who constantly seeks attention by posting pics of her kind sorta attractive body. She also pisses and moans about men not finding her attractive, to get attention from the white-knight circlejerk that is the rest of the site. Alyson worked for greenpeace, because she thinks "green" and "peace" are nice words. She moved from Hawaii to close to San Diego, so that she could whore for attention from more people.

Tsukasa: a fucktarded, crosdressing weeaboo, who writes like your retarded cousin browsing /b/; even when he chooses to use grammar, he misuses apostrophes epically. Ironically, he's one of the most vitriolic anti-theists on the site, despite being himself a complete niggerbrained subhuman.

Spider Jerusalem: a tryhard, 2deep4u, emofag, dark and edgy, "genius" pseudo-intellectual, who has hilariously shitty taste in art and got banned for liking small tits. Notable for being friends with two or three members who aren't listed here, because they're only reasonably retarded. He manged to win some arguments, but that isn't really saying much considering he was up against the online atheist equivalent of a 4th grade debate club. His ex is also a hideous monster.

Kristen: the least convincing transgendered "women" ever, and also an excitable, feeble-minded bastard of a failtroll.

Mindprowler: a failfag from Soviet Canuckistan, who produces music which sounds like trash cans going through a trash compactor. Also considers himself a transhumanist, as if the rest of the forum being made up of retarded liberals weren't bad enough.

Anchorite: a dipshit who manages to consistently flunk math classes in high school, and whose favorite US president was a fascist. He ironically mentioned in one of his PMs that he considers himself "one of the few smart ones". The irony then reared its cock and raped his eye-socket.

Ally_Mazin: the homosexual that could turn every gay person straight. Also a hilariously pretentious and fairly shitty artist; only one or two of his paintings were any good, and I'm being genuine.

JoeSpider: he is as punk as Justin Bieber, and as philosophically challenging as Dubya.

Vaginasaur: made them all cry in the fetal position for hours and Rick consume all his anxiety pills after he mentioned antinatalism.

Doubtkiller: a nigger who considers himself intelligent; 'nuff said.

Kandace: I don't think I've ever once seen him say anything the least bit interesting or enlightening; even worse, he's also a furfag who jerks off to cripples.

Jack Frost/Salamut: a dumbass who tried and failed hilariously to troll the forum by posing as a gay teen from Lousiana. He is in fact a gay manchild from Australia. He also managed to nearly lose intellectual arguments with the others. Holy god.

Blargazuar: a dark and edgy Jew from the land of Zion, who got hilariously butthurt when the others took offense to a dumbass saying nigger in any context. He also has shitty taste in women.

Other Users

Other users on the forums include homosexuals, pansexuals, transexuals and mental (As in, non-acting) pedophiles, most of whom being atheists. The forum is also home to (maybe) the only black gay atheist in existence. Most of the users banter back and forth about their shitty lives and about how awesome their porn collections are.

The forums even have their own born-again savor, Jebus. Although he doesn't act very holy, he certainly has the voice of a god in Tinychat.