Evil-unveiled.com/Paul Shannon

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Paul E. Shannon
Physical Description:
Paul Shannon has a long history with NAMBLA members and NAMBLA-like groups

File:Paul Shannon03.png

File:Paul Shannon06.jpg
Paul Shannon, on the right, with registered sex offender Kelly Piercy

Paul Shannon is one of the leaders and founders of the Reform Sex Offender Laws organization AKA The New NAMBLA. He is a long time friend of Tom Reeves, AKA "Alex Marbury," and helped Reeves hide his identity for several years so that the stigma of NAMBLA did not prevent Paul's organization from gathering its masses of child molesters, rapists, and their allies.

Paul Shannon is also a hardcore defender and 30-year friend of pedophile priest Paul Shanley, who is also one of the founders of NAMBLA, and defends him to this day.

In 2008, he joined Tom Madison and NAMBLA member Joe Power in a "protest" at Coalinga State Hospital by phone. There are videos of this "protest" across the internet.

His most recent efforts have been to prevent Occupy Boston from identifying and preventing Tier 3 sex offenders from being able to participate in the protest there, a protest which includes many children.

In an interview with Dan Tsang, he says that the plight of sex offenders parallels that of lesbian and gay people, and women in the past. He believes that pedophilia is a sexual orientation that hasn't been accepted by society, much the same way that homosexuality wasn't decades ago.

Was Paul Shannon a member of the original NAMBLA? That is unknown, but the fact that he knows and has lied for and covered up for one of the founders of NAMBLA, protests with other NAMBLA members, is a good friend and defender of a child rapist, another founder of NAMBLA, and surrounds himself with child molesters and rapists makes one wonder what his stakes are in this battle. He skirted that question in his interview with Dan Tsang.


From his interview with Dan Tsang:

"...and you have people who, once in their entire career, engaged in an inappropriate activity, not SEX, but inappropriate touching or something like that, one time, thrown together with people who were engaged in inappropriate activity constantly "

His defense of pedophile priest, Paul Shanley:

Paul Shannon, one of Shanley's supporters in court today, said he didn't believe the once-popular priest got a fair trial.

The dynamic going on here is the same dynamic that went on in the Salem witch trials, Shannon said.

Our Investigation

Our investigation of this individual is on-going.

Online Accounts

Known Screen Names

  • Paul Shannon

Known E-mail Addresses

Known Websites


Pedophile Websites

  • RSOL
  • American Friends' Service Committee


Last Known Address

30 Hancock St. Somerville MA 02144

Last Known Phone Number

  • Home: 617-623-5288
  • Work: 617-497-5273

Additional Quotes

Additional Information


Contact Us

If you have any information regarding this individual's current whereabouts, contact us at [email protected].