Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 (Alt: Call of Duty: Windows Doorframe) is the 9797th entry into the bloated corpse of a generic FPS franchise. The game is highly innovative for creating shit that breaks the game with great quantities of bugs and lag to offer for anyone who’s stupid enough to still be playing a COD title. All for sacrificing your entire data space and possibly burning your shitty PC and console device you are using for a lackluster game. Wow! This is also the last mainline slop they would ever care about before Warzone came to rape the franchise’s core fanbase into the ground for Jew money.

This shit is broken yo!

Just like every other COD made at least 3 years ago, Activision decide to neglect them cause they were not paying the bills. As such, numerous hackers flooded the official servers in those games. These hackers even were able to access the users of games and steal valuable data from them. It became such a problem but no one in the company gives a shit about it. Too busy suing modders to care. So if you were to somehow travel back in time, then you get to witness mediocrity at its peak without getting anally raped by hackers and what not.


Main story focuses on a fictional country known as Kurdistan. Americunts were tasked to absolute nuke the living shit out of a chemical factory in some shitty Caucasus country and steal the toxins for themselves. They were then pwned back by Americunt backed resistance force mistaking them as Russkies. Not Captain Price was tasked by strong independent waman to retrieve the chemicals for Jewish interests. Fast forward to London, DEI hire and his team were pwned by a couple of sand niggers raving havoc on the Whities for giving them a somewhat better life. Gaz met with Not Captain Price as Gaz almost got shanked by a Jihadist. They met with the bomber who claims to be a victim. Unfortunately, the counter-terrorist team forgot that they were supposed to bring their bomb refusal kit. So Price, in homage to the cancelled R6: Patriots game, throws him off the balcony to die and everyone lived happily evar after! Back in Kurdistan, CIA SWM Alex came back from teh first anal raping to meet with American puppets who almost tried to kill them Israli-style. Alex, hamstringed along with a woman who would’ve been dead right now by Sandmen (if biology hadn’t done so), bombs all the Russians for teh lulz and for enslaving the poor Arabs as an example of White privilege. Back in London, Gaz, Price, and the meatbags raided the shit out some terrorists living in London thanks to current immigration policy. They learned where man these sand niggers respond to “Wolf” is at. Alex was notified and successfully captured the furry after bombing a local hospital. They captured and held him in their embassy for epic tourturing while his right hand man launched an attack on the embassy the very same day. After almost getting raped by the Arabs, the team decide to throw him in a big vault with no guards to check for any intruders. Predictably, the furry got away and thus the mission must continue. Girl power then convinced themselves that they should attack the furry’s men on a highway bombed by -A-m-e-r-I-c-a-n-s- Russians. It turns out that the woman’s cucked brother stole the chemicals from us in the first mission and betrays us by forcing every gamer to play as a woman with plot armor, Auschwitz style. It’s revealed that the Russians decided to invade the Kurds after enough trolling from them, sparking the biggest lulz ever. After another anal butt rape, CIA woman located the betrayer and tasked the team (again) to find him. They were finally able to kill the furry but the others got to get away. After the whole shebang, the US government finally declared the freedom fighters as terrorists when they were useless to Israel. Alex gets pissed and switched teams. The team tracked the furry’s right hand man to Mother Russia with CIA asset Not Nikolai from the (4th) first game. After capturing RHM, they used the most reliable CIA tactic of kidnapping and extortion. However, we don’t get to kill the little gremlin since moral fags would pwn the player for having fun. Gang shootouts commenced and we traveled to the next location to find the woman’s brother. Barkov’s family were captured by the ULF by guilt of association and Price and the team has to moral fag Hadir in order to find the location for epic pwning. The team attacks the gas factory against the entire military and win. Unfortunately the detonator decide to kill itself from the cringe and Alex has to be a martyr for his new Reddit cause. For some reason, Farrah somehow was on board with Barkov and decide to say a cringe worthy line before stabbing him. The chemical factory that contains chemicals fortunately doesn’t decide to contaminate the area after an explosion like all other American operations and the team lived happily ever after (IDK guys, maybe it’s scientific). Price decide to leak the next Modern Warfare 2 game to nostalgia bait the gamers into another game. There’s a whole Spec Ops game nobody cares about and neither should you.


The game was bitched about by hardcore gamers for being too realistic after they realized they can’t blitzkreig mindlessly to gain a few kills and has to sit in the corner to do so. It was also the second game to implement a battle pass akin to their first failed battle royal from BO4. Killstreaks were back and so are all of the 8 year olds. The game also implemented a matchmaking system that punishes you for being too good at the game. Thanks to the trailer, the game was the first of its series to have a gunsmith system that everyone loves.

100 Ways to Kill



Machine Guns







Operator Skills



After a few months, Activision created another trend chasing battle royals mode called Warzone, leaving the main game and all other games afterwards to be forced at whim to cater to Fortnite fans.