User talk:Kick Shitter

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Mark, Mark, Mark. You just don't ever learn, do you? We can do a page about you too and trust me, with all your fucks ups over the last few years, it'll make your nephew look like a saint. Do you really want to go there? I saved your wiki page from the previous I'd be happy to republish it, with images. Think the badly produced Eight o'clock theater people would like to see your handiwork, plus the information about your raping one of your students? I think they might.

By the way

Remember when I told you I was going to get the transcripts of your pathetic day in court? The one where you laughingly tried to sue him for domestic violence (which little Julie Brown did to you when you showed up at her front door dressed as Santa Claus and scared the shit out of her? Yeah, SCHS class of 89 moved on without you and think you're a creepy old fucker). Recall how the judge all but laughed you out the courtroom? How your lawyer looked like a complete and utter fool? How you got owned that day and had to pay all those court costs out of your welfare check? I've got those transcripts. I'm going to post them somewhere else in case you suck enough sysop dick to get them pulled. But they will be posted to show the lulz world what a loser you are. And I think your nephew at this point would enjoy helping me. Just FYI!


The "deny, deny, deny" approach isn't going to work this time Mark. You tried that with the last few sock puppet accounts and it didn't work then. It's your M.O. to leave clues that it's you. Besides, it seems your only purpose here, as it's the only purpose you ever have here is to obsess over your nephew, which makes you what the majority of those you've tormented have always known, you're a sick sociopath fuck. What's the matter? Life not working out for you down in Clearwater, Florida the way you want? Welfare checks not supporting your eating habits? Not to mention that of your fat slob of a wife Stacey Boyer Riley. Tell me, does Florida dole out food stamps based on weight? Between you and the tank, that has to be what? Six or seven hundred pounds? You should be clearing you some impressive tax payer money. And those links from your old page are more than accurate. But if you want to be a stickler about it, I'll change the Venetian Blind references, you old account to reflect your new one. I've got some edits I want to do. Maybe throw your rape victims' name and photo up there as well? Tammy Rosko was it? You should know. You did try to kill youself over that, or so I was told.  :-)


Lol yes, as said before: little man, big cold lonely world. 00:30, 29 December 2011 (CET)

We know it's you Mark. Denying it makes you look like an idiot. No wonder you fit in so well.

To Mr. R:

Kick Shitter 00:55, 29 December 2011 (CET)