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Hey! This article isn't lulz just yet, but its coverage can spark a lollercoaster.
You can help by reverting people who delete shit, and vandalizing their user pages.
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If you have been offended by "NeverEnoughLulz/Knockout",
please click here and slowly scroll down to the bottom of the page.

You see? Anyone who goes against the hivemind IS A NAZI!
You see? Anyone who goes against the hivemind IS A NAZI!

Inacio being unironically based.
Inacio being unironically based.

sorry i was just shitposting mb


—Inacio, who shitposted so hard that he backtracked and deleted his account.

Type Community
Founded February 2019
Location Jewnited States of Americunts (where else?)
Key people Inacio
Nobody who you'd care about
Industry Tranny heaven where the hivemind screeches and you get banned
Products Rule 34 and furry pr0n
Website You asked for this

Shitpunch Knockout is an open-source, undead, bloated, tranny-infested corpse and clone of Facepunch trying to pass itself off as Facepunch's successor in the same way as an illegitimate child would. Being absolutely infested with trannies, incels, socially dead faggots, retards, and SJWs, it manages to combine the worst elements of Facepunch and ResetEra into one in a way that a lot of people asked for. A literal case of same shit, different site.

Just like Facepunch, approximately 99.9% of the forums features off-topic bullshit that nobody gives a fuck about. 41% 33% of the userbase are trannies, so if you're a member of Knockout unironically, you know what to do. It is also one of the easiest forums to troll because the members, instead of doing the right thing and not giving a fuck, will hilariously sperg out until they are also banned for derailing the thread. Did you really expect anything else from seething nostalgiatards butthurt over losing their favorite hugbox?

Some argue that Knockout has in fact banned at least half of its userbase. The remaining half have either deleted their accounts or are too busy jacking each other off to notice that their site is dying.

PROTIP: In May 2021, the admins, who were butthurt over Kiwi Farms, banned archiving of the super sekrit Meta forum so take screenshots instead of wasting your time using



What you'll usually notice on Facepunch Knockout


The forums of Knockout


How to troll Knockout


Features of Knockout


Lulzy Knockout drama


Gallery of Lulz


See also


External links