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This user page is perfect. Don't fuck with it!
I'll be taking my annual disappearance. Be back whenever fuckboys.

A note to any visitors

Remember my brothers and sister, none of your E-heroes are anything, but regular people. Do not deify them, but remember thy aren't demons either. This site categorizes saints and sinners alike, equally. There was a time in the past where we showered glowing praise on Thunderf00t and Girlvinyl dismissing grievous errors in their character as it didn't fit a common narrative. Only in hindsight can we see and truly understand the fuckery of the past. Let no one: nigger, wop, trans, dyke, otherkin, autist, or what ever other term think they should escape. All who see fame should be ready for infamy. Those who can't handle the hate will disappear and be forgotten in this age of ever present media for consumption. Also I suck massive dicks. Like you wouldn't believe how amazing my blowjobs are.

In defense of the Negro

For the sake of debate, this piece will be written as though niggers are people, if this is logically untenable for you please see Offended for accurate and proper redress

Too often I see online, an ever present feature of negro hatred. For one so inundated and addicted to the web to can create a myriad of problems none more problematic than apathy. Apathy, not regression is the foe of all change. When the populous is dull and ignorant to the problems facing them and unmotivated to fix them it creates suffering the likes of has only been seen in the fall of empires. It is for this reason I bring up the nigger, for in their eternal suffering American ideals can be encapsulated.

  • Common Negro - to be written
  • The Smart Negro - Some may laugh this one off as a contradiction, but to disbelief in the intelligence of the negro is to ignore nature. Nothing in this world survives without purpose. Nature is a cruel mistress and she takes no pity in the weak, the foolhardy, or the stupid. With respect to the natural order then, it only makes sense that smart Negroes exist. Men such as Thomas Sowell, Ben Carson, and even Black Jesus have shown that even without handouts the negro can achieve just as much as any of the racial counterparts which brings up the question of why more of them don't? Tying this to IQ scores would again be useless, as you don't measure a fish's intellect by having it climb trees, or a dog's intellect on how well it recites the Canterbury Tales. No, the intellect of the negro is something to be measured in the survival, which any and all objective observers could and should come to respect. In urban areas, where jobs are scarce, many people have fostered fears of the negro, and most importantly your own kind seek to brutalize and murder you on a daily basis everyday of continued survival is a testament to your skill. This is not some paltry accomplishment either, as urban environments are some of the deadliest in America, to discredit the survival capabilities of the Negro in an attempt to ignore their intellect is pointless, and intellectually dishonest to one's self.
  • The Dumb Negro - To some this may read as an exercise in redundancy, but this would be an inaccurate conclusion. Negroes aren't inherently dumb as I've mentioned before, but even if one were to ascribe to such a notion, the Dumb Negro stands far and away as an edifice to ignorance. To elucidate, the Dumb Negro isn't necessary a violent negro, in some ways, the dumb negro is a boon to his environment, as he provides easy sophomoric humor, genuine friendship, and whole hearted commitment without the thought of subterfuge or betrayal. However, at their worst, Dumb Negroes set back race relations with constant loud displays of coonery scaring decent folk from establishments, anti social behaviors that damage their own communities, and severe lack of forethought which usual leads to the death or deaths of tens of people.
  • The Perfect Negro - Still researching

Things to do

  • Natesvlog\NateFlicks Article
  • Nicki Minaj Satire?
  • Clear out the oversize articles Completed.
  • Mark up Old articles | Process.
  • Beat Colleen to Welcoming new users | I'll get you bitch! Done.
  • A Humble Proposition | Updated Modern Proposal

50 times i've beaten Colleen to new users welcome. I wrote The Boondocks article and the Mediatakeout article. R.I.P the OG ODB, we out chyeah I'm Stlson.

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