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Adelaide - 40+ but no more than perhaps fifty. People sporadically came and went.

Brisbane - 70+, as well as an ongoing effort by

Melbourne - x

Perth - 70

Sydney - 150

New Zealand

Auckland - 46 at peak, but around 30 for most of raid

Wellington - 3

Christchurch - 9


Tokyo - 3


Tel Aviv - x

Sydney, Australia

Here is a photo Zhent took at the end of the raid on May 10 in Sydney.

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Video of Ex Scientologist David Graham

For those who don't know David Graham was in the Church for over 15 years. He shared his experiences and it took alot of courage for him to go public and speak out. We all appreciate it, and thank you for your time! You may remember him from the SMH article from April 13 David Graham: Why I Fled Scientology



Wanktology's Videos

New_Dave (Xenukillspuppies)'s Videos

Btw the Quality isnt that good, getting new camera soon.

Anonprophetorgs Videos

Brisbane, Australia

Our numbers were up from the last raid, with around 80 at its peak. The atmosphere was great- an abundance of creative signs, singing, rickrolling and our own Anonetics table.We marched to and from the rally area, chanting as we passed the Free Stree Test table.

There was also media interest- a Channel 9 reporter and a documentary crew filmed the event as it unfolded. Also the raid was featured in the Brisbane blog found here accompanied by one epic video of the day.

Mention must go to the Scilon troll dressed in Black who tried to bait us into 'De-Masking', then suffered from confusion and anger at the same time when a large proportion did.. Extra points for the Spontaneous Rickroll at the scitroll as he stormed away.

In true Bris-Anon fashion there was Major Fail. We had Boom-Boxes, but we forgot the CD's

...This raid was a huge success!

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PFD Videos

Adelaide, Australia

March was a success. Despite the numbers, a very active 'core' group of local anonymous led a very succesful march through the city and an aweslime protest outside the COS. Led by a "Tax The Cult" banner and two representatives from Parkour SA catching the attention of passersbys as we headed down King William St. and up North Terrace. Much flyering was done in Rundle Mall and an entertaining time was had outside the church, with succesful speeches made by Cecil and Togusa.

Much music and dancing was done.

Hugraiding was kept to a minimum.

overall a triumph*.

    • note - Great success.

    Promo for the event:

    Anon asks for battletoads from the Co$

    Canberra, Australia

    Melbourne, Australia

    Perth, Australia

    Auckland, New Zealand

    46 People turned up at peak; between 30 and 35 were there the whole time. Not counting our new Scifag "friends".

    Tokyo, Japan

    Despite the rain we did manage to get people out. 3 dedicated anons showed up and we commenced passing out flyers in Japanese and in English. We lasted about an hour before the cops showed up and informed us that it was not legal for us to be passing out flyers. They didn't take everyone's info, just mine which I only gave with the assurance that nobody would be able to access my information from outside.

    We left some flyers in Harajuku and I strategically placed some around Otsuka FTW.

    I have not pictures but if the other two feel like posting them or posting videos please link them here. I doubt anyone will see them otherwise.