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HinaUchi is a furry artist who is a lesbian and dates girls online. She has over 4000 watchers on dA, and more than 10,000 subscribers on youtube.. She has fantastic anatomy skills, and draws nudes.


HinaUchi has a creative fursona named Rena. She is a sparkledog, who can apparently defy physics, and grow taller when standing up, and shorter when being a normal animal. Has a fucking mohawk, a blue cunt, different colored eyes, a speckled blue nose, blue and grey paws, a blue tongue, and blue and gray nipples. Oh and she can change her fur color on willpower. Overall, Rena is very creative, and has many fans.


Oh and did I mention Rena's blood was blue?


HinaUchi has a fuckload of fantards. And most of them are pretty damn funny.

Im really trying not to cry in real life.. i really missed you Hina.. *Rubbed her eyes with her paws* ..Im just so glad I found you again.


— PsychedelicAnimagus

Doesn't she inspire every one to draw :)


— MishkaMish


UM, UM do u want to be my furry girlfriend? i mean :3333



— Kapias

Your art is so cute it makes me want to eat it ;u; omnomnomnom...


— MutatedSoup

You see, this is why you stay as far from furfags as possible.


So, back in November or October or some shit, HinaUchi fell in love with another girl named Patience. And it was over the internet. They didn't start dating until the 1st of December though, god knows why.

Before you guys ask, yes, we are BOTH girls, and NO we are NOT dating.

If you have a problem with us both being BISEXUAL girls, and being in love, then don't comment, and go to another fucking picture.


— HinaUchi

Despite her saying she's bisexual, she apparently decided to convert to just pussy instead of pussy and dicks

The great thing about being in a relationship isn't being in a relationship. It's telling everyone online that I did.
Art of your fursonas is so meaningful!

HinaUchi made slideshows of their fursonas together to celebrate their "Monthly Anniversaries."

But then Patience began cheating on HinaUchi with someone IRL


And HinaUchi began acting sad- Even before Patience told her. Guess she knew Patience was gonna come to her senses SOMEDAY.

But a few days before their 1 month Anniversary, Patience dumped her and HinaUchi got sad. Then fuckloads of fantards of HinaUchi began attacking Patience

why would you lie to hinauchi? why would you shatter her heart? My guess: your gonna have 50 flames by monday...


— kittylove35

Hinauchi was too good for you anyway. good riddance to you


— AcidicRainbow100

Maybe this time Rena will find someone who WON'T take scissors to her heart and cut it to infinity pieces.


— xSuta

Can't believe you would do this to her :/ after all she's done for you, everything she bought for you, even tried to save up money to visit you, but you just go and shatter her heart


— HeartsTehFurry

But then, HinaUchi had to go and tell people to leave Patience alone.

Guys, leave her alone please, she's already in a depressing wreck, she doesn't need anymore pain.


— HinaUchi

Which caused everyone to say the same.

Stop spamming her. Good fucking lord. This is between Samm and Patience. So let it STAY between Samm and Patience.


— ShurShure

guys shut the fuck up, all this is between those two its absoloutly none of your business

im sure shes already an emotional wreck right now, please just let her be for a few days while she gathers herself back up again


— Beanie29

And so on and so on and so on. This continued for hundreds of pages of comments, basically no hate, just "LEAVE PATIENCE ALONE SHE DID NOTHING WRONG BAAWWWWW TT_____TT" and again; No hate was going on anymore. People just wanted to earn the respect of their beloved HinaUchi. But meanwhile on HinaUchi's page, fuckloads of flamewars were going on. Trolls took the bait and Whiteknights defended HinaUchi. This went on for days, and Troll Accounts were made. Such as http://the-golden-gryffon.deviantart.com/ http://heenaoochi.deviantart.com/ and http://hinauchifantard.deviantart.com/

This caused mass hurting of the butts for HinaUchi's whiteknights, and they began to attack. Then, Patience FINALLY tried resolving it and told everything.

At first I didn't think I should tell you all this, but fuck it, I am. First of all, because Samm and Kitmit won't shut up about it, I'm just going to copypaste the response I've been giving everyone that notes me. I cheated on Samm. That's the short story. A boy charmed me, made me feel loved, and I went with it, and, instead of telling Samm, I took measures to hide it from her. She started finding out little things, and I kept coming up with excuses, until Kitmit knocked some sense into me. She knew what was going on- she could see it. I told Samm, and left her, for Ryan. Because I fell in love with him, and I won't stay with Samm when I love someone else.

Why did I cheat? I have no excuses for my actions. I could say hormones, or I was young and naive, or I was afraid of commitment. I could have been any of those, and you all would just back off. The real reason? Because I fell in love. Because he was a complete stranger, my best friend's guy, and he came up and put his arm around me, and was a shoulder for me to cry on when things were bad. He texted me all night, and talked to me all the next day, and helped me, and then left his girlfriend for me. We broke up. We had a thing, but we were not officially dating. He took my best friend back, and I was fine with it because he was happy. I left him alone. They broke up again, and he came back after me. We again had a thing, but weren't dating. I was certain we would date again, but he found his latest girlfriend, and boy, was she a story to tell. All of this went on when I was dating Samm, behind her back. I'm not proud of it, but I can't change it.

She was psychopathic. She was paranoid. She would make him tell her his Facebook password, and then delete or block people that he used to date, or that he was friends with that were girls. Including me. She would take his phone and delete numbers from it, and has sent nasty messages to me, pretending to be him. (I knew it wasn't him, because he types like I do, in complete sentences, with punctuation, etc, and the nasty texts were sent all.. text-talky.) They were together about three weeks, and he left her. She kept sending him lovey-dovey posts on his wall on Facebook, and left her Relationship status as in a relationship with him, even though his wasn't. She posted a picture last Wednesday of them kissing, from almost two weeks ago, with "I look to the heavens, the sky and the rest, I looked inside myself, I felt my heart in my chest." Written under it, with a heart around them. After they were broken up, even though he no longer speaks to her.

So yes, I cheated. I had a complete dramatic relationship going on for three months now, behind Samm's back. I still told her I loved her- I did still love her, then... But not like I did. Like I told Voodoo Mama, In February or March, I would never have thought of doing anything to hurt her, never gone out with anyone else, I would have proudly said I was with Samantha Dunlop, who lives all the way in Nevada. I loved her, with all of my heart. But it started to fade, I know it did, because, when Ryan showed up, I said, "Yes" When he asked me to be his. As if there were no one else. Something I never even dreamed I could do to her. So I hid it, because I loved him, and I thought I loved her, and I didn't want to hurt her. I cared about her- still do. I never wanted to see any harm come to her, especially at my hand.

Now I am not dating Ryan. You're all probably going to freak out at this- but it's the truth. I'm not with him, in fact, I'm helping him to get with the girl he loves, because it will make him happy. I'd rather him be friends with me and be with the one that makes him happy, than be with me, and be happy with someone else behind my back, y'know? He deserves happiness. He's had more shit in his life than anyone of fifteen should have to go through. He's told only three people his past, me being one of them. He told me, because he knew I cared, probably more than anyone else out there. He told his best friend in the world, because he could trust him completely not to tell anyone. He told his psycho ex, while they were dating, because she guilted him into it. I know more about him than most other people outside of his family, and I know he deserves happiness.

Now I'm not keeping any secrets from anyone. I'm tired of my life being a lie. It's exhausting, and I'm sick of it. I used to always tell people, "I am a lot of things, but not a liar." And it was true. No longer can I say that, without it, in itself, being a lie.

I'm sorry to all of you who I lied to, when I said Samm and I would be together forever. We are fourteen and sixteen years old. We have yet to even meet. We should have known at the beginning it wouldn't last forever. I, honestly, do not WANT to meet the person I'm going to marry yet. I want to be able to have relationships, to make mistakes, to learn things. Honestly, had none of this ever happened, I might have married Samm. If I married Samm, I would have grown restless. I would have been with her most of my life, save the thirteen before we dated. I would have cheated on her. I know that now, because, I don't love Samm like I thought I did. Samm is not my soulmate, and I'm sorry we ever fooled ourselves to think we were soulmates.

Now you know the whole story, the complete story.


— Patie9


Then finally after 100 years, people started settling down.


Some horny bastard went to a porn site and typed in 'HinaUchi' and found porn images she has drawn. Which caused fans to go into a riot shouting 'EWWW SHE DRAWS PORN I DONT LIKE HUR ANYMOARRR' or 'OH MY GOD WHO THE HELL CARES' and everyone was just rioting again.

You're fapping to this aren't you? Sick fuck.

The whiteknights and the trolls were once again back. But then it just died eventually. Haha retards.


Some trololol apparently "hacked into her DeviantArt account" and deactivated it, causing mass butthurt while in reality it was just her whoring for attention. BUTNAO SHE HAS NEW ACCOUNT LOLOLOL http://ButterFluff.deviantart.com Once Rena got her account back, she completely ignored every comment asking about it and only replied to hate mail with things she thought were witty at the time.

Best. Journal. Ever.

After Rena spewed so much hatred across her page but also sickened the minds of so many young fans, one user named * LightlyLexi finally took a stand and wrote a pretty badass journal that even Rena couldn't flame over properly. You can see this gold right here: http://lightlylexi.deviantart.com/journal/42117386/

Many, many fans of * HinaUchi, better referred to as either Rena or Samm, have been wondering what the fuck has been going on recently with this kid. I have had quite a few Skype conversations with Rena explaining everything going on. This includes some information she didn't want me to tell anyone else, but after I gave her a good accusation she couldn't come up with an answer for, she blocked me on Skype, thus filing in her own needs over the truth. It's only fair to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, you know? Here we go.

Well first of all, Rena hasn't been to the hospital, nor the doctor for that matter, to get a proper diagnosis or anything just yet. She came up with the whole "50-50 chance of cancer or internal bleeding!" based on what she looked up online, scaring herself and her fans into thinking those were the only two possibilities. In truth, there are tons of things that her symptoms [which were bleeding, abdominal pain, and fatigue] could be coming from. It could be cancer. It could be internal bleeding. But it could also be a colossal bunch of other things. It could be extremely minimal, but of course Rena opted to not tell everyone this little factor. Instead she said it had to be cancer or internal bleeding. Based off of what she thought. Based off of what she found online. She talked to no doctor in person. She told all her fans that she'd need to pay for "when she came home from the hospital".

She hasn't been to the hospital..! She said she might need surgery. Of course, every single person in the world "might" need surgery. I might need surgery, you might need surgery, my goldfish might need surgery one day. But Rena decided to say it so she could get more pity from more confused fans under the assumption that Rena is truthful.

Rena's girlfriend's dog. I feel bad for the dog. The dog deserves to get the tumor from its eye removed, obviously. But Danielle, the name of Rena's girlfriend, who I have only met once on this very journal down in the comments, wants to get whatever is in the dog's eye removed without having to risk the dog losing its eye. I can understand this! I wouldn't want my dog or myself to lose an eye. But the fact is Danielle is able to afford to get the eye removed all together or just the tumor removed. From the first time I talked to Danielle ever, here is a snippet of what she said: "...I don't know why she brought my dog into this, we do not need the money, I never said that I needed money, my grandmother has enough to get the surgery, we just have to talk about if we want his eye removed or just the tumor..."

Adding to the truth, recently spotted by Wuzzykinz was a conversation between Danielle, Rena's girlfriend, and Iceshadow13. Iceshadow13 asked "Why don't you try taking money-commishes? Put the money towards helping your dog." Danielle's reply was "Because he doesn't I don't need the money, we have enough for both surgeries, it just depends on what my family wants to do. I already told Samm that. :/"

Rena said Danielle needed the money on her YouTube and on her deviantArt journal. Being said, the dog is in safe hands with Danielle and her grandmother, being that his eye will either be removed or just the tumor will be removed, and the dog will be alright. The question is then, why did Rena bring her girlfriend's dog into it? More votes, I bet!

Rena lies. It's what she does. Says TheSyd-Ster, "Rena is nothing but a pathological liar. She has lied about so much and everything. I personally don't know if she's ever telling the truth or not. Her lies are probably more an average factor of life, like changing her clothes every day." Rena's lies aren't full-out lies, they're the type of lie that would rather avoid the truth than say a blatant lie out loud. This comes right out of her own mouth on YouTube. "I'll need some of it to pay for my hospital bill once I come home from tests and possibly surgery on whatever they're gonna do or whatever they find, I don't know yet but I have to go to a specialist to get checked out because I have a 50-50 percent chance of having either cancer or some kind of internal bleeding, and I gotta go into that..." Rena said ONCE she was to come home from tests and possible surgery. Rena doesn't know what's wrong with her. Rena hasn't gone to a doctor. Before she deleted me as a contact on Skype, I suggested she go to the Emergency Room instead of set up an appointment. When Rena saw this journal, she chose not to read it, instead, posted on her own journal where I shared the link, "I'm not going to read your pussy baww story, because nothing in it is true." This makes me wonder, how does she know nothing in it is true if she hasn't read it? Again with Rena listening to no one.

Every time I would ask a question Rena didn't want to answer, she would come up with something funny, something stupid, or would simply say nothing back. For example, I asked her how many pets she had. Her response? "Too many." I asked her to just do a tally of how many cats, how many dogs, how many horses, how many fish. "Too many!" I asked her if she had any two dogs of the same breed but opposite sex. She told me she had two Pomeranians, and I suggested breeding them and selling the puppies. It's a nice way to earn money if you can't get a job, like Rena has stated she cannot. Rena replied that they don't purposely breed, then zoomed off the topic and would not answer another question about it. Thanks to RockinRabbits, I have learned that Pomeranians are very expensive and require a special diet as well for the small digestive systems. Most people can't even afford one and Rena has two. Rena also has horses. xxKili has pointed out that it costs $1,300 to care for one Pomeranian a year. Being that Rena has two, that's $2,600 a year. Then add the horses. It is about $1,800 to maintain care of one horse. Hm.

This brings us to thinking of all of Rena's pets. She apparently has "too many", but how many IS too many? If Rena is poor like she says she is on multiple occasions, why does her family own so many pets? Yes, getting rid of a beloved pet is tragic, but if you honestly have too many pets to count, that's too much food you're buying to count. And that's spending a heck of a lot of money. It's better for both pet and owner to send a few off to new homes, that way the owner can get some lost funds back and the pet won't have to live in poverty... Of course when brought up with Rena, she responded that it'd be hard on her mom because their pets are their family. She can't count the number of pets she says she has. They're *all* family?

KingOfTheWeb is the contest Rena is trying to win. I don't care if she wins or not. I just hope that Danielle's dog gets its proper care. If Rena won and the money saved the dog's eye that would be incredible. But Rena's motives for winning are quite shady. On July 4th, Rena asked users to vote for her via a journal. Her motives for winning was so she could make refunds, help her family pay the bills, "maybe see Danielle", give whatever was left over to a friend in need, and then, possibly a fursuit raffle! Everything changed three days later, as a new journal came. Rena said in her journal the EXACT text: "I'll need some of it to pay my hospital bill once I come home from tests and possibly surgery on what ever their going to do I don't know yet, what ever they find I don't know yet, but aisde(aside) from that." If you read that, what would you think? She told everyone she'd need money to pay for her hospital bill once she was to come home from tests and possible surgery. The honest truth is Rena hasn't even been to the doctors once. In my opinion, Rena must have realized that she wasn't going to win based on her popularity alone. She had to add in the pity-voters. She never deliberately said that she was at the hospital, no, but she made everyone assume so. The "tests" Rena has been talking about? Blood tests. To find out what's the matter. To find out if she does indeed have cancer or internal bleeding, or if she has something so much smaller you could take a pill and feel all better. Rena may not need to pay a visit to the hospital whatsoever, and thus if that happens, her exaggeration will explode into a full-out lie, but if this does happen, my assumption is Rena will tell fans that she's been to the hospital anyway.

"...and I don't know how much my hospital bill will be..." A direct quote from Rena's journal. Of course Rena doesn't know how much her hospital bill will be! Rena hasn't been to the hospital yet!

That's all for now. Any questions I can answer I will answer. Hope things become clearer.

Oh, and Rena told me who she says hacked her. It was this gal: Girleroyblue105



This changed the minds of more than thought fantards of Rena, but some still remained true whiteknights to their master.

but its her money if she wants to cast it on fire and dance naked around it so be it. what ever she does with it wont effect u in any way



I'm not even gonna try and convince anyone that Rena isn't a bad person or anything, cause they're no point. You don't win with people like this. But, I will say one thing. I still love Samm. This doesn't change how I feel about her at all. To me, she's a great person and always will be.



Now when did she fake suicide? SEE now you making shit up.



External Links

HinaUchi is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

HinaUchi is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

HinaUchi is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.