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Laska is a 23 year old Australian basement dweller and is most known for her creation of the site Leopets. She is an egomaniac who often brags about her coding and supposed "hacking" skills. Her favorite pastimes include being a "1337 hacker", playing Neopets, and playing God to socially retarded tweens and pre-teens. According to her, she is a University Student/Firefighter/Middle-School Teacher/Intelligent person, her views and opinions are completely accurate and better then anyone elses' (no matter how prejudiced or wrong they may be), and if anyone questions this, she interprets it as an attempt to bring her and her brilliance down.


Leopets is a site coded and run by Laska and her Vate. At first glace it appears to be merely a small, shitty ripoff Neopets site where Neopets users who were butthurt by commercial Neopets upgrade can have the experience of having their old beloved shithouse site back. But in reality it is a dictator driven furry hub where Laska can boost her ego and satisfy her powerhungry tyrant urges.

Members are only permitted to be part of the site if they act exactly as the admins want them to, which means they are to support, worship and kiss the asses of the admins for every little thing that they do. The asskissing standards are so high that you need to fill out a questionnaire application and meet the qualifications set by Laska herself in order to be able to join the site.

Basically my side of the story IS the whole story.



Guidelines a Leopian must follow:

  • Leopians must be kiss-asses
  • Leopians must worship Laska
  • Leopians must never question Laska
  • In the event that a fellow Leopian or an outsider insults or questions Laska Leopians must swarm and flame this member till they backdown/leave the site/are banned
  • Leopians must be of the invertebrate variety
  • Leopians must be far more awesome than you and not get butthurt when they break the rules and get banned
I'm catholic, but when it comes to leopets I'm tolerant of others, like Wiccans and stuff..



Laska's policy on members is quite obvious. Worship Laska, you're her BFF, question Laska, you are scum and should shut the fuck up because Laska is always right and you are always wrong; no matter how offensive and insulting her views are to your beliefs/race/sexuality. So either take her shit or get the fuck out/

There is a category of Leopian that is of the vertebrae variety, though these members are quite rare and usually have a very short life span as as soon as they show any signs of "rebellion", (meaning, disagreeing or voicing a conflicting opinion with that of Laska) these members are targeted, flamed by other leopians for 'insulting' their god, and eventually removed from the site after Laska thinks up a justified reason to ban them.

This is because Laska is such a power hungry bitch that she takes anything that someone who disagrees with her says as a threat to her power and leadership and accuses them of saying that they can run her site better then she can, whether it has any relevance to the issue at hand or not.

Evidence of this is the issue where a user had created a pet called "Penis" which was immediately deleted, whilst a different user created a pet called "Fag" which remained on the site. When A user questioned Laska about this she immediately took it as a threat and irrelevantly asked the user "do you think you could do a better job?". Though this might of been dismissed because Laska is a fucking homophobe and does not care if such words offend homosexuals, even though she claims to have homosexual friends. But we all know that's a lie, because basement dwellers don't have any friends.

Laska Hates Everyone

It is known to many that Laska is biased prick against members of her own site that do not agree with her (in other words, do not worship and fuck the ground she walks upon) she also is a homophobe, a racist and prejudice against other religions. Thus making it safe to believe that she hates everyone unless they are Vate/suckle her vagina/are pandas.

I'd be horrified if my kid turned out to be gay.



membership application questions for her site leopets. all questions really basically say by applying for membership for this site you give up all rights of free speech and opinion.

On a "Leoboard" made by a user who was discussing how her father said that he would kick her out if she was gay which led to the discussion of gay marriage and why it is illegal, she made the statement that she'd be horrified if her kid turned out to be gay and went on to compare homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality, and that if they were to make gay marriage legal then they might as well go as far as making those legal as well. This offended many "leopians" to the point where the less vertebrately-challenged ones expressed their offense to such comments. They were dismissed because, to Laska and her gang of pussymunchers, she is god and anyone who disagrees with her is shit on the bottom of her shoe.

and no its not racist
its an opinion and there is a difference.




In the past it has also became apparent that Laska is also racist. Which is no surprise seeing as she hates anyone who does not praise and hail all the shit that she does, meaning that it is safe to assume she hates every race on the planet. In one conversation she voiced her opinion on Germans, giving proof that she is a racist bitch:

[04:22PM] (BulletGutz) sorry ive just been doing german e.e
[04:22PM] (Reike) deutches wasser
[04:22PM] (Laska) ack i hate germans
[04:22PM] (BulletGutz) w/e
[04:22PM] (Erebus) Fik disch. biggrin.gif
[04:22PM] (Erebus) xD
[04:22PM] (Erebus) The only German I know. Lol
[04:22PM] (BulletGutz) ...
[04:22PM] (Reike) feck dich
[04:22PM] (Reike) tongue.gif
[04:23PM] (Erebus) Racist.... :/
[04:23PM] (BulletGutz) thats not very nice laska
[04:23PM] (BulletGutz) why do you hate germans may i ask
[04:23PM] (Laska) well ive met enough in life to voice that opinion
[04:23PM] (Laska) and no its not racist
[04:23PM] (DarkCloudz) prolly the smell;)
[04:23PM] (Laska) its an opinion and there is a difference
[04:23PM] (DarkCloudz) jk
[04:23PM] (Erebus) It seems racist, Laska...
[04:23PM] (Erebus) :/
[04:23PM] (Erebus) "I hate Germans"
[04:23PM] (Erebus) :/
[04:23PM] (Laska) I have no tiem for them because they are extremely rude obnoxious people
[04:24PM] (BulletGutz) that is pretty racist and uncalled for
[04:24PM] (Erebus) Just rephrase it.
[04:24PM] (Erebus) x.x
[04:24PM] (Laska) no its not racist
[04:24PM] (BulletGutz) not all of them are
[04:24PM] (BulletGutz) im roaming before i get banned/kicked
[04:24PM] --- BulletGutz left Midnight Meadow.
[04:24PM] (Laska) you cant be banned for voicing an opinion
[04:24PM] (Reike) germans are greedy people, i've seen it myself XD
[04:24PM] * Laska rolls her eyes
[04:24PM] (Laska) yep they are and they think they know it all
[04:24PM] (Lunacy) yes you can
[04:25PM] (Reike) i was telling this guy to go on the highway and he kept saying "you have to pay", wouldn't even listen to me that he doesn't
[04:25PM] (Laska) when i lived in Groningen we were close to the german border and they always came down on weekends to shop
[04:25PM] (Laska) i hated having to encounter them
[04:25PM] (Lunacy) <<
[04:25PM] (DarkCloudz) they are almost as bad as them northern irish =
[04:25PM] (DarkCloudz) =P
[04:25PM] (Lunacy) I'm back btw
[04:25PM] (Laska) lol yeah yeah
[04:25PM] (Akhkharu) wb luna
[04:25PM] (Lunacy) ty
[04:26PM] +++ Shiek05 entered Midnight Meadow.
[04:26PM] (Reike) hello
[04:26PM] (Erebus) Howdy Shiek
[04:26PM] (Shiek05) HIIIIIIII smile.gif
[04:26PM] (Reike) 'm going to austria next week and hope to meet some cool ppl
[04:26PM] (DarkCloudz) heya
[04:26PM] (Laska) hi Shiek
[04:26PM] (Laska) that will be fun Reike
[04:26PM] (Erebus) Awesome.
[04:26PM] (Erebus) Have fun, Reike.
[04:26PM] (Reike) yup
[04:26PM] --- Erebus left Midnight Meadow.
[04:27PM] (Lunacy) could I get banned for saying I hate americans.... cuz thats just my opinion
[04:27PM] (DarkCloudz) my best friend is quite a bit austrian
[04:27PM] (Reike) i already told my friend if we have any drunk freshmen in the room i will personally beat them and throw them out
[04:27PM] (DarkCloudz) hes a bastard wink.gif lol
[04:27PM] (Reike) austrian/german/slovenian
[04:27PM] * Lunacy semi drawing!!???
[04:28PM] +++ Efina entered Midnight Meadow.
[04:28PM] (DarkCloudz) irish/english/german/unknown
[04:28PM] (Laska) nobody can be banned for having an opinion
[04:28PM] * Shiek05 wants a shonen juuuummmmmmppppp
[04:28PM] (Efina) fight the system n.n
[04:28PM] (Laska) its different if it it is directed at a person in general
[04:28PM] (Laska) thats what bullet failed to see

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