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TWITsci (pronounced twit-skee), also known as RootArt, Rootsci or 140art is a new form of ASCII Art that has emerged through twatter. It is basically a slight variation, which is goes for the "less-is-more" approach by using specific keys and alt codes in order to make the ASCII as detailed as possible, due to the fact Twatter's shitty character-limit only allow for 140 characters-per-post. This hasn't stopped basement dwellers, who have managed to make highly elaborate art, having a rich-yet-limited number of keys to choose from.

TWITsci is not necessarily related to ASCII, as non-American standard characters may be used. TWITsci is pretty much a free-for-all, as it has no true rules to its creation other than that it has to be under 140 characters. TWITsci is idiotic when used on a micro-blogging site, and is therefore not recommended. A collection of TWITsci can be found over here.


The term "TWITsci" was first coined around January 2010; with the earliest known usage of the term coming from #TWITTERART. Other names have been debated, with some criticising the name "TWITsci" as technically not making much sense. Why is the prefix always in all caps? When un-abbreviated— Twitter Standard for Information Interchange— why does it sound so fucking stupid? Who knows, who cares. What its official name is, is up for debate, but no functioning human being would, or at least should, give a shit.

See Also


An example of TWITsci; note the minimalistic approach.