
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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This is the profile picture of AlpaniaBall in JewTube and other multiple webshits. This is made by Channelcaststation for Satsuki's song "Mesmerizer". Look how ugly these lesbian yellow skinned japs Gaytsune Miku and Gaysane Teto are.

AlpaniaBall is a crap skinned homophobiccoconut nigger fanboy minor who has an unhealthy addiction to Mesmerizer and is a phone screen addicted basement-dweller who always use his mom's phone.

Mogus has gyatt

He is in multiple Gaydoms and he is also a registered Encyclopedia dramatica member. His hobbies are Surfing the niggerweb (he does not fucking care whether isn't nsfw.), Coding shit with HTML and other related porngramming language shits, Stretching his asshole, Saying nigga/nigger, Watching Mesmerizer, and Masterbating. ☪︎

Gaydoms and CumMunities

AUTTP (Anti-UTTP/Anti-UTube Troll Police) - A group for counter-attacking UTTP (UTube Troll Police), a group of childlish fatherless mid bozos losers 3 year olds who attacks on any user, gaydom, cummunity, youtubers, and online groups. The UTTP could also attack Encyclopedia Dramatica and its members anytime. The AUTTP can also be childlish sometimes but it's more okay than the Fatherless group.

BFDI (Battle for Dick Island) - A worthless copycat of TDI (Totalitarian Dickhead Island) about some fucking objects fighting over a "little piece of shit" island. It's fanbase are composed of little babies and niggers.

Countryballs - A gaydom fucking around some countries or political shitniggers personified as balls with white simple eyes. How the fuck people even like this piece of sick fuck??

Countryhumans - Countryballs but personified as humans instead of balls. This gaydom is infested with ships, porn and rule34.

Encyclopedia dramatica - A cummunity full of niggers, neo-nazis, klan members, osama fans, 13 year olds, and rasict people. They always say nigga, nigger, faggot, shit, retard, and fuck. The perfect place to be fucking rasict and mock the every shit and fuck of everything. Don't worry cuz their offical mascot is fucking hot. Hot as fuck.

FPE (Fundamental Paper Education) - A web shitries which is a nigger replica of Baldi's Gaysex about a school of paper niggas. All FPE fans are simps of Miss Circle because of her big sqiushy breasts.