Fat People Hate

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Fat People Hate is a subreddit that, while thinking that the The Internet is serious business, rightfully point out that Fat people and Fat Acceptance Movement idiots are disgusting as they are ignorant. They "fight" against the Fat Activists who continually perpetuate the idea that being fat is healthy, despite medical research showing that it breaks your dick, makes you piss rocks, gives you ass cancer and makes your liver look worse than that of a 60 year old alcoholic, by posting photos of their disgusting asses and calling them all sorts of silly names.

However, despite being a bastion of logic within Reddit's hivemind of Pseudo-intellectual, jargon spewing, SJW perverts, it still manages to fuck up a simple concept by having the mods and the 'verified users' act like a generic Internet Tough Guy. Its users are barely able to scrape together more than reformulated re-posts, screenshots of them 'totally owning' fatties, screenshots of youtube videos, and totally real stories about their journeys through waves of fatties at the gym, their places of work, and produce sections.

It still ends up being better than 90% of the rest of Reddit, with automatic banning of anyone with a BMI higher than 25, warnings for "fat sympathy" (such as stating that someone would look better if they lost weight), and allowing the open discussion of the basic idea that being fat is a consiquence of poor lifestyle, and not your genetics or the fact you probably suffered abuse as a child.

Becoming a 'Verified User'

If you want to become Super Cool and have 'flair' added to your user name on the subreddit, you must

  • Message a picture of your body and a time stamp to the admins, no [Myspace] angles
  • Be an active member of their 'community'
  • Not be fat

Once your application has been received, the mods will exercise their vigerous judgement, will either call you out for being the fat fuck you actually are and Banhammer you, or bestow upon you the most glorious of gifts a mod can give; a feeling of superiority over the other lusers.

If you're not comfortable with sending a picture of your body to complete strangers on the internet, you can instead be an unflaired user and receive ridcule from other users for actually valuing your privacy.

However, if you really want to go full Retard, you could stick a sharpie goddamn highlighter up your pooper like this faggot, who tried desperately to win the attention of the mods to become one himself, no doubtetly to try and shut down the sub or roll it into the Fempire

Formation of /r/FatPeopleHate

After much frustration with the subbreddit Fat People Stories, a spiritual successor of the 4chan stories, due to most people being sick of the 100% true stories about earthquake causing fatties and people circlejerking to the 5lb of water weight they lost over the past month, various off shoot subreddits were born, such as /r/Fatlogic, /r/HamplanetHatred and eventually, good ol' FatPeopleHate.

For those who really want to bother reading the tragic tale of how the mods fought tooth and nail to gain access to a subreddit dedicating to stroking their own egos and not really doing anything to combat the real threat of the Fat Acceptance Movement, here is their version of events straight from their Wiki.

Once upon a time there was a user named GummyQueenSarah (GQS). GQS created a place to house posts that didn't belong in /r/fatpeoplestories and named it /r/fatpeoplehate. Everything was good. People were drawn to the uninhibited hate that was allowed and the community grew in number.

One day GQS decided to start removing posts that hated excessively or attacked specific people. It was suggested that the subreddit was created as a joke at first and what it had become disgusted the GummyQueen. Roughly around this same point two things happened. First, the tyrannical GQS set the subreddit to "Private" and second, /r/hamplanethatred was created by /u/PsychoticMouse because FPH had lost much of its allure (see also: cojones).

Luckily for the thousands of victims the First Post Blackout created, /u/The_Penis_Wizard still had moderator status and was able to use those permissions to reopen the doors. Many people didn't even notice the blackout had happened as it only lasted a day or two.

For awhile GQS tolerated the hate, but not for long. On the first weekend of December 2013 /u/The_Penis_Wizard's mod status was revoked and posting was once again restricted to approved users, of which there were none. More notably the sidebar was changed, now promoting "love and acceptance for all" along with the acknowledgement that GQS had no idea how to manage a subreddit.

It seemed hopeless. Once again, /u/The_Penis_Wizard had a plan. Following the First Post Blackout a request was sent to the Reddit Admins to grant top-level moderator permissions to /u/The_Penis_Wizard. While there wasn't enough of a case against GQS at the time (subreddit owners are generally allowed to run the sub as they see fit as long as they maintain a certain level of activity themselves) it did create a record and bring the behavior to the admins' attention. During the Second Post Blackout a thread was started in /r/redditrequest once again. This time there was a better case - GQS's account was inactive aside from the changes made to /r/fatpeoplehate.

At first /u/The_Penis_Wizard was fighting alone. A few days into the blackout /u/MCprofK wanted to submit a post to FPH but found out he couldn't. He then realized the magnitude of what had happened and immediately contacted /u/The_Penis_Wizard to try to get to the bottom of it all. He was informed of GQS's actions and, not being one to lay down to a tyrant, joined forces with /u/The_Penis_Wizard. He made a few posts in the /r/redditrequest thread (despite two of them being eaten by the spam filter) and gave moral support to the former mod. He also messaged many of the sub's recent top posters and commenters to have them vouch for their displaced leader.

At first it seemed as though their words fell on deaf ears. Some users joined /r/hamplanethatred to get their fat-shaming fix. /u/MCprofK continued to make submissions to FPH by messaging them to GQS, but none of them ever got posted.

Miraculously, a few days after Christmas in fact, the admins answered our calls. It appears as though GQS's account was deleted so maybe that's the only reason we got our sub back. I prefer not to question why or how but to just enjoy our triumphant return and the fact we're still growing in number.

They all hated happily ever after.

The End.

Brigading controversy and spam reporting

Most butthurt fatties (89% of Reddit users) see /r/FatPeopleHate and use it as a reason to cry out greasy tears of sadness instead of simply exercising and eating slightly less, so this leads to many lulz regarding reporting various posts to the subreddit's own admins (apparently the fat has aidled their brain so much that they can't process how forums work) for fat hate, and reporting the entire subreddit to the Reddit Admin's.

Proof the Reddit Admins are fat

Recent modmail leaks have ousted the Reddit Admin's as being frustrated that they have no reason to bring the Banhammer down on the subreddit, despite repeated attempts by fatties to accuse the users of "Brigading" other subreddits, because their precious Karma is the only thing they have left in this life to treasure.

Also in preperation for the Admin's eventually shutting their subreddit down, the mods created a back up on the reddit clone Voat, in order to make sure they are able to continually stroke their egos under the guise of the promotion of public health.

The Reddit Community Reaction

After gaining much popularity among Pro-Ana Autists for displaying the amazing quality of having a half decent moderation team, the general Reddit community essentially shit itself in denouncing the place, causing useless drama that in the end, no one really cared about. While occasionally you will see an outraged fatty on the newer threads, trying to voice their opinion that somehow their disease fupas help them live longer and give them better sex lives, they are almost immediately deleted, leaving no room for dissent or drama within the subreddit itself.

User infighting

One of the particularly lulzy part of the subreddit is watching the circlejerking and infighting between users, which end up boiling down to

Oh nose, Tumblr discovers the internet is not a safe place!