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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
This article is about a person who is under 18 years old.
You can help by knocking down their self esteem, telling them to stay in school and to get off of the Internets until then.
Kenny The Drama Whore
Born August 29th, 2005 (16)
Nationality American  🇺🇲
Residence USA
Ethnicity White devil
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual (but is dating a girl)
Aliases Kenny UTTP THDTC TSPL, Simba, RealAndersonsYesFakeAndersonsNo,
Occupation Causing people pain, pushing people into self-hating thoughts, being a pussy

Kenny Animate (Powerword: Kenneth Johnson) is a braindead 16-year-old Bisexual GoFag who has an unhealthy hatred of some character named Lily. He also coined the "Criminal" term. He wants everyone to do his bidding, or else he'll sic his gang of brainless whores on you, so be warned! He claims to "help" mentally disturbed people, but when they aren't all nicey-nice and sensitive, helpless vegetables, and are actually suicidal/aggressive, he labels them as criminals and will add them to a confrontation DM and worsen their condition. His claim to being the kindest Vyonder is falsified, and he flips his shit at the drop of a hat. He'll rant about you on his community tab, and try to turn others against you. Sadly, many people have fallen victim to his cruel behavior, and their stories have been swept under the rug and they have been pushed back into the shadows by shame and fear of speaking out against him. This ends TODAY.

Exhibit A

One time, a lad named YnossZaperator gave him some harsh, yet truthful criticism. If Kenny had used his brain (something he never does and never will do), he would've simply taken the criticism to heart, or at the very least, ignore it. But, did he do any of the first two? Nope! Instead, like the big boy he is, he screenshots the comment with his Android phone, posts it to his community tab, and proceeds to wail about how mean Ynoss is, how Kenny did nothing wrong, etc etc. What follows is, Kenny's hoard of zombie slaves proceed to attack Ynoss, since Kenny's a perfect saint who has done no wrong whatsoever, his videos are perfect, he rightfully "calls out" people, etc etc. Ynoss proceeds to go emo and is rightfully pissed off at Kenny for fucking him over. Shockingly, people are also pissed at Kenny. He then makes a follow-up post, which when you first read it, it actually looks legitimate, but when you scroll down, you'll see it's chock full of BS. Read the post here:

I'm going to give a public update about YnossZaperator.

I really don't want him to commit suicide, and by all means, he doesn't deserve to die. What I do want him to stop doing is talking shit about me behind my back and jumping to conclusions about me. That's all. When I made that post about him, maybe it went a bit far, and I admit it. But to be completely honest, none of this would have happened if Ynoss would have talked things out with me on Discord. Instead, all he did was ignore me. I am being honest. YnossZaperator didn't even bother to answer my DMs and just ignored/ghosted me when I tried to talk things out with him so I can end the stupid war between us, but he obviously refused for some reason because I have been trying for weeks and weeks and had no luck. Believe me, I am no bad person. I helped someone out on Discord who had mental health problems and who was suffering paranoia and I got another person out of suicide before. And plus, when I confront people on Discord who have done bad things, I am always civil at first. I just give up when the people I confront refuse to listen to criticism I give and then I usually leave it up to others to do what they have to do. So do I think Ynoss is a bad person? No, I don't. All I want him to stop doing is thinking he knows everything and stop acting like a person who judges a book by its cover. I just want peace with the guy.
And @YnossZaperator, if you're reading/seeing this, I would really gladly appreciate if you'd give me your Discord tag so we can sort out everything there. I don't want you to commit suicide or die man. I just want to be friends again like we once were. I am not pulling any victim cards, but we need to have peace. Besides, if we keep up this war, it'll only add a tiny fraction of toxicity back to the community, and I am trying to improve it up to be healthy again like it once was. Right now, it isn't toxic of course. I would say it's a decent community that actually has exaggerated hate, and I've only witnessed the hate of the community making it bad because the good side of it never gets paid attention to.

Edit: Spread these hashtags, because I think Ynoss still deserves them, despite the bad shit he said about me:

I suck at apolgoizing and I'm raping this community like so many have done before

Notice the "Believe me, I am no bad person." If you're an avid GoAnimator, you'll know that plenty of GoAnimate users have never said sorry. Kenny is no exception.

Exhibit B

Back in June 2021, he attempted to give a local nobody Raycynical a hatebase over an NSFW picture he regretted making when he was 13 at the time (now 16) and Kenny manipulated everyone to believe that he's a criminal and a pedophile over it when he's not.

Back throughout July-August 2021, he doxxed and privacy invaded a dudebro named RainBoy107 and forced him to say that he's a pedophile when he's not and Kenny made a stupid excuse saying that it was supposed to be a meme. He and his gang also takes genuine mistakes way too the extreme 24/7 and will milk said mistakes until his hands get blisters. He also sicced his whorebase on some unfathomably based Arabic 7-11 employee formally known as Waleed Tariq in August 2021 because of his past mistakes and because of a video he regretted making of a troublemaker putting a female user in her bikini and gets grounded for it. He also forces other people to like things they clearly dislike, and tells them they're "cwiminal suppowtews bawwwww" if they don't do his bidding. An example is he forced random people to like grounded videos out of real life people and tells them that it's not cyberbullying when it is. In short, Kenny will hold people for their past mistakes, even when they apologize and pay the price for them. He condemns them to repeat them, and pushes them to the equivelant of dirt.

How To Troll Kenny

  • Tell him you think Lily Anderson is a nice character.
  • Tell him his videos suck.
  • Call him racist.
  • Tell him he's not bisexual.
  • Tell him GoAnimate City sucks.
  • Tell him Luke is a washed up internet celeb who molests his brother. (he blindly worships Luke)
  • Tell him MsFizzy is a retarded edgelord tranny who should be arrested.

See Also